Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

A common sense moderate? That’s Shapiro. Walz is way to the left of moderate.
In a testament to his bipartisan approach in Congress, Walz was ranked the 7th most bipartisan House member during the 114th Congress, according to The Lugar Center and the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy.

school teacher
football coach
command sergeant major .His decorations included the Army Commendation Medal and two Army Achievement Medals.

It's gonna be hard painting him as a radical marxist communist
More people need to read WJB. Seems like most people know him as a failed presidential candidate or for the Scopes trial. The Cross of Gold speech is one of the greatest orations in American history.
The only thing I know about WJB is that HL Mencken wrote a scathing and highly entertaining obituary about him:


Wow. At least you’re not hiding it now.

Btw, how many times have you been to Minnesota in the last five years? I go about 3-4 times per year. I’ve seen no difference whatsoever in the racial and ethnic composition of the state in that time, and I’ve been shocked to learn all over again on each trip that Minneapolis was not, in fact, burned to the ground in 2020. If anything, it’s a nicer downtown now than it was in 2019.
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In a testament to his bipartisan approach in Congress, Walz was ranked the 7th most bipartisan House member during the 114th Congress, according to The Lugar Center and the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy.

school teacher
football coach
command sergeant major .His decorations included the Army Commendation Medal and two Army Achievement Medals.

It's gonna be hard painting him as a radical marxist communist
Going to be waiting awhile for those "way to the left of moderate" policies he alleges.
Wow. At least you’re not hiding it now.

Btw, how many times have you been to Minnesota in the last five years? I go about 3-4 times per year. I’ve seen no difference whatsoever in the racial and ethnic composition of the state in that time, and I’ve been shocked to learn all over again on each trip that Minneapolis was not, in fact, burned to the ground in 2020. Of anything, it’s a nicer downtown now than it was in 2019.
Don't let facts get in the way of a fanciful narrative, lawtig.
Wow. At least you’re not hiding it now.

Btw, how many times have you been to Minnesota in the last five years? I go about 3-4 times per year. I’ve seen no difference whatsoever in the racial and ethnic composition of the state in that time, and I’ve been shocked to learn all over again on each trip that Minneapolis was not, in fact, burned to the ground in 2020. Of anything, it’s a nicer downtown now than it was in 2019.

Bye-bye, Pick. I barely knew ya here. I see your troll game hasn't improved with the new scenery.

Luckily, the Ignore feature on this board is MUCH better than the previous one.

He was spamming Twitter links to the point it set off a spam warning and then I saw nycfan had correctly removed numerous previous comments where he was being nothing but an agitator.

More than happy to have opposing views but not if there is no effort/they are just designed to troll. I would say/do the same thing for any user across the political spectrum.