What can the right really throw at Harris?

Not qualified myself. But i would certainly hope her campaign team is asking this very question: “So what can we expect trumps team to throw at us, what are we looking at here folks”?

That’s all I’m doing - trouble shooting and trying to stay ahead of the game. When I play chess, I’m looking at least one or two moves ahead. How about you? Or do you even play chess?
What you’re doing is brushing aside potential hurdles as if they don’t matter. They don’t matter to you; so, they’re easily dismissed by you. They matter to suburban “moderates” and “Independents” in swing states; Harris part of the Biden Administration - its warts are her warts. Her statements from 2018 or 2016 or 2019 or whenever matter.

I don’t look 1-2 moves ahead when playing chess. I look 3-4.
What you’re doing is brushing aside potential hurdles as if they don’t matter. They don’t matter to you; so, they’re easily dismissed by you. They matter to suburban “moderates” and “Independents” in swing states; Harris part of the Biden Administration - its warts are her warts. Her statements from 2018 or 2016 or 2019 or whenever matter.

I don’t look 1-2 moves ahead when playing chess. I look 3-4.
Remind me not to play you in a game of chess.
That said, yeah it’s easy for me to brush aside those particular hurdles. I’m looking for more substantive hurdles. Some October surprises which can be seen now, 3 or 4 moves ahead as you say.

I’m asking about other crap beside the usual race/misogyny/border/inflation stuff which any novice player can see. Where is that unnoticed bishop hiding behind all those pawns with a clear shot at my queen. Or is there one?
Defund police - we know that meant cut down on all their military grade toys, not cut police manpower or cut their wages.

Disband ICE - THIS is what she actually said, and it was back in 2018 “I think there’s no question that we’ve got to critically re-examine ICE and its role and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing,” she told MSNBC. “And we need to probably think about starting from scratch.”

Sorry, I don’t see a problem with her take on ICE as it stood back then.

Voting felons - well trump and his minions would certainly like that now wouldn’t they? But seriously, Harris didn’t definitively say whether she supports felons being able to vote from prison, but she feels “there has to be serious consequence for the most extreme types of crimes.” And “I’m going think about it and I’m going to talk to experts and I’m going to make a decision and I will let you know,” she said “It’s a complex issue” But she also leaned in on “I’m a prosecutor after all”. And finally, she didn’t go all full on Bernie who said at that time ALL FELONS SHOULD BE ABLE TO VOTE even from prison. Harris didn’t say that. Bernie did.

Free healthcare - This is what she actually said: “I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education or public health, period.”
Personally, I’m ok with that.

Giggle fits - I think she has an infectious smile. And don’t forget plastic straws!

“Sleeping her way…” “Casting couch” like an actress auditioning for a role in the upcoming film? Hahaha. Nope. Not buying it.

Border Czar - like any good doctor she went down to Guatemala and so on looking for root causes. “Going to the border” would be like a doctor looking into your mouth and saying “yep, I see some inflammation there” without swabbing and getting a culture or ordering the blood work to actually see what maybe the real issue.

Centerpiece, I appreciate your thoughtful response and we can certainly discuss each point. But I responded to the actual question. Everything I listed, the Trumpers CAN and will (already are) throwing at her.

We know there's a large percentage that already has their mind made up for either side. Everything I listed CAN legitimately be thrown at her, that's politics.

The question becomes how will she respond and how will responses go over with swing voters.

If no debates, there won't be responses (maybe in interviews), just mud slinging from both sides.
Centerpiece, I appreciate your thoughtful response and we can certainly discuss each point. But I responded to the actual question. Everything I listed, the Trumpers CAN and will (already are) throwing at her.

We know there's a large percentage that already has their mind made up for either side. Everything I listed CAN legitimately be thrown at her, that's politics.

The question becomes how will she respond and how will responses go over with swing voters.

If no debates, there won't be responses (maybe in interviews), just mud slinging from both sides.
I know. We are of a mind. I guess I’m just Re energized now and trying to trouble shoot. Haha! I’m ready to take on all comers! Even Zoo! Although he’d whoop my arse in a game of chess!
Why should Harris have to answer for criticizing ICE, when Trump doesn’t have to answer for criticizing the DOJ, FBI, CIA and the rest of government agencies. Trump wants to burn it all down and nobody cares, but Kamala wants police departments to demilitarize and talks about reorganizing ICE and people lose their shit.

Make it make sense.
Why should Harris have to answer for criticizing ICE, when Trump doesn’t have to answer for criticizing the DOJ, FBI, CIA and the rest of government agencies. Trump wants to burn it all down and nobody cares, but Kamala wants police departments to demilitarize and talks about reorganizing ICE and people lose their shit.

Make it make sense.
BO-siding only goes one way I guess
Why should Harris have to answer for criticizing ICE, when Trump doesn’t have to answer for criticizing the DOJ, FBI, CIA and the rest of government agencies. Trump wants to burn it all down and nobody cares, but Kamala wants police departments to demilitarize and talks about reorganizing ICE and people lose their shit.

Make it make sense.
He absolutely should have to answer for all of that. The only problem on the Trump side is, there are probably 1,000 things he should have to answer for, regardless what corrupt SCOTUS says.

Is that bosiding. holding both sides to same standards? I always get confused whether bosiding applies or not.
So what does Kamala say on Inflation I am not real good at this -Somebody fix what I say below

The only good thing about inflation is that it is shrinking our deficit-everything else about it is scary-and for Middle class folks and especially low income folks it really hurts

We inherited an economic disaster from the previous admin ( a couple of stats not 15) Of course COVID had a lot to do with that-and the previous admin giving up on COVID , Remember “It will go a by Easter” -all that Chlorox nonsense- made it much worse than it should have be TRUMP quite on us all

So like the previous administration we had various stimulus programs Saved a ton of small businesses Gave a life line to millions of Unemployed folks

So under our COVID measure and stimulus things woke up -and started to roar (stock market was at X when we got here , now is at Y)

A sudden large surge in demand-well that means higher prices. But it was worse-lots of supply chains had collapsed-lots of shuffling in the labor supply because of Covid and how Trump handled it This just made supply worse-and with demand high-more inflation and more inflation

And for certain at this point a lot of corporations just got greedy Price of cars spiraled-cause they could-price of cereal went up X %-just because they could-just Corporate greed ( a quote on Corporate profits lately)

It is a lot better than it was-we are still working on it

Proposals for the future

Can we stop with Corporate greed?

Can we acknowledge that a minimum wage of X was just too low-Labor is adjusting what rates we need-some things will cost a bit more than they did-but those workers will have more to spend

Infrastructure Act , CHIPs act will create a lot of good paying jobs Wages will rise-more spending power

Back to the Child Care tax credit and Child care subsidies -so moms or single dads can go back to work to give working class families a chance to earn a little money

What does Trump propose? More tax cuts for large Corporations (remember his last tax cuts ballooned the deficit)

Project 20205 proposes eliminating overtime pay-Hey that is a big Deal
blah etc
Hard to take this at face value with comments like this:

"Harris believes illegal aliens should get work authorization and free healthcare. She favors unproven, irreversible medical experiments on gay, autistic, and trans children. She favors, and the Biden administration has enforced, systemic government discrimination against men, whites, Jews and Asians to compensate for past discrimination against African-Americans and women."
“Quasi” legitimacy was stated in the intro.
Why should Harris have to answer for criticizing ICE, when Trump doesn’t have to answer for criticizing the DOJ, FBI, CIA and the rest of government agencies. Trump wants to burn it all down and nobody cares, but Kamala wants police departments to demilitarize and talks about reorganizing ICE and people lose their shit.

Make it make sense.
She’s (1) female; (2) Liberal; (3) POC - Indian, Black, Jamaican, Irish; (4) from CALIFORNIA; (5) from San Francisco; (6) she said something about defunding the police and/or tearing down ICE and rebuilding it from the ground up.

Trump is a MACHO white manly man who took a bullet for America, MAGA American. He’s law-and-order! Remember, he still favors executing the Central Park Five rapists and thugs……Liberals still support those thugs running free.

Trump will keep us safe; Kamala will let murderers and rapists run free.

Everything she agreed to in the pretty far left 2019 Democratic primary debates.
But was it JD Vance cat lady level. Truthfully "far left" were moderate before the Supreme Court and Trump moved the window so far right?
“Defund the police” was stupid.

Far, far, far LEFT and dumber than a brick.
Really Zoo?
I took my dad to the Governor's Club about 10 years after it was built. He was impressed by it because he's was good friend of Truby Proctor. When we left he said "Son do you think these rich folks will get so tired of spending their money on security that they'll start spending it on education again?"
Demilitarizing the police is not defunding them.
Really Zoo?
I took my dad to the Governor's Club about 10 years after it was built. He was impressed by it because he's was good friend of Truby Proctor. When we left he said "Son do you think these rich folks will get so tired of spending their money on security that they'll start spending it on education again?"
Demilitarizing the police is not defunding them.
I didn’t say demilitarizing the police or redirecting dollars to new forms of “policing” is stupid.

The idea of “defund the police” is STUPID beyond belief. Shouting it is even more stupid.

Chanting “defund the police” or saying it in public is a public relations LOSER. It ranks up there with burning the American flag (and, I firmly support the right to burn the American flag and to yell or scream, “Defund the police,” as loudly as possible). Please recognize that doing either is usually a losing PR move.

Creating teams of police and social workers/psychologists/psychiatrists to respond to domestic violence situations or situations with mentally ill people or autistic people or deaf people is needed.

LEO’s are either not trained or insufficiently trained to handle situations with many people who aren’t “normal.” They deal with such situations in a police-trained fashion - which is too often, “OBEY ME OR ELSE!”

But, chanting short phrases such as “Defund the police” or “Demilitarize the police” is the losing way to change policing in the USA.

Most Americans don’t think that Law Enforcement is militarized. Most Americans think that Law Enforcement is a needed and helpful service.

We need to EXPLAIN how and why policing needs changing in America. That’s a complicated and difficult task.

Chanting, “Defund the police” accomplishes nothing.

That’s great that you know/knew one of the developers of the Governor’s Club. I know several Chapel Hill/Orange County developers, too.
I didn’t say demilitarizing the police or redirecting dollars to new forms of “policing” is stupid.

The idea of “defund the police” is STUPID beyond belief. Shouting it is even more stupid.

Chanting “defund the police” or saying it in public is a public relations LOSER. It ranks up there with burning the American flag (and, I firmly support the right to burn the American flag and to yell or scream, “Defund the police,” as loudly as possible). Please recognize that doing either is usually a losing PR move.

Creating teams of police and social workers/psychologists/psychiatrists to respond to domestic violence situations or situations with mentally ill people or autistic people or deaf people is needed.

LEO’s are either not trained or insufficiently trained to handle situations with many people who aren’t “normal.” They deal with such situations in a police-trained fashion - which is too often, “OBEY ME OR ELSE!”

But, chanting short phrases such as “Defund the police” or “Demilitarize the police” is the losing way to change policing in the USA.

Most Americans don’t think that Law Enforcement is militarized. Most Americans think that Law Enforcement is a needed and helpful service.

We need to EXPLAIN how and why policing needs changing in America. That’s a complicated and difficult task.

Chanting, “Defund the police” accomplishes nothing.

That’s great that you know/knew one of the developers of the Governor’s Club. I know several Chapel Hill/Orange County developers, too.
Yet you keep shouting it when I don't think between the Gaza stuff and frat boy's "protecting the flag" I've heard "defund the police" since 2020?
You're just running with old tired bullshit.
But you be you Zoo.
Yet you keep shouting it when I don't think between the Gaza stuff and frat boy's "protecting the flag" I've heard "defund the police" since 2020?
You're just running with old tired bullshit.
But you be you Zoo.
You haven’t paid much attention to the Right’s criticisms of Kamala Harris.

Get ready. You’re about to hear them ad nauseum. I hope she and her campaign team are ready to respond well. Responding well often means redirecting the topic.
You haven’t paid much attention to the Right’s criticisms of Kamala Harris.

Get ready. You’re about to hear them ad nauseum. I hope she and her campaign team are ready to respond well. Responding well often means redirecting the topic.
As a 66 y/o WASP I have to admit that I'm a little bit concerned. That said seeing my adult children and folks that were dejected now ebulliently talking about politics I'm not buying what you are selling.
I will always respect your opinion and we know only time will tell.
As a 66 y/o WASP I have to admit that I'm a little bit concerned. That said seeing my adult children and folks that were dejected now ebulliently talking about politics I'm not buying what you are selling.
I will always respect your opinion and we know only time will tell.
I’m 4-5 years younger than you are.

I’m happy Biden stepped aside; Kamala has a good shot. She also has some baggage in terms of statements she has to overcome - and, she’ll get no help from the “mainstream media” or the Trumplican media (Trump’s lies matter none to either) and center-left-to-left media will do what it has done for decades - SAVAGE the Democrat if she isn’t sufficiently Left.

I’m curious - did you pay much attention to North Carolina and national politics in:
  • 1972 (Vote Jesse, He’s One of Us; against a native North Carolinian; but one with the name of Nick Galifinakis)
  • 1976 - Jesse Helms’s Congressional Club absolutely going after Gerald Ford during the North Carolina Primary and resurrecting Ronald Reagan’s dying political career
  • 1980 - Jesse Helms’s Congressional Club just going after Democratic US Senator Robert Morgan. “Too Liberal for North Carolina.” Bob Morgan was no Liberal. Jesse Helms managed to elect right-wing John East, an ECU Poli Sci professor with no prior successful political experience (ran for and lost a U.S. House race in 1966). After the election, a majority of North Carolinians had no clue that John East was in a wheelchair (polio in the ‘50’s)
  • In 1984, the Helms Campaign tattooed Jim Hunt with the “too Liberal for North Carolina crap;” and Mondale said in his acceptance speech, “I’ll be honest with you. They won’t tell you they’ll raise taxes. I’m telling you we will (the deficit was a big deal to all but Reaganauts and “moderates” and “Independents” - lower taxes were a bigger deal). Mondale lost NC 67-68 to 32-33; Hunt lost to Jesse by 2-3 points
  • 1990 - Gantt vs. Helms - “The Hands” ad…..the white hands ad
  • 2008 and 2012 - nationally. Birtherism.
The GOP and Trumplican Party will come after Kamala HARD and VICIOUSLY. They’ll lie and exaggerate. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, WAPO, NYTimes, etc. will repeat the lies and ask the questions that the Trump Campaign and GOP want them to ask.

The questions will be equivalent to, “Mr. Smith, do you still beat your wife?”

She’s an underdog and she has a HARD row to how.
I’m 4-5 years younger than you are.

I’m happy Biden stepped aside; Kamala has a good shot. She also has some baggage in terms of statements she has to overcome - and, she’ll get no help from the “mainstream media” or the Trumplican media (Trump’s lies matter none to either) and center-left-to-left media will do what it has done for decades - SAVAGE the Democrat if she isn’t sufficiently Left.

I’m curious - did you pay much attention to North Carolina and national politics in:
  • 1972 (Vote Jesse, He’s One of Us; against a native North Carolinian; but one with the name of Nick Galifinakis)
  • 1976 - Jesse Helms’s Congressional Club absolutely going after Gerald Ford during the North Carolina Primary and resurrecting Ronald Reagan’s dying political career
  • 1980 - Jesse Helms’s Congressional Club just going after Democratic US Senator Robert Morgan. “Too Liberal for North Carolina.” Bob Morgan was no Liberal. Jesse Helms managed to elect right-wing John East, an ECU Poli Sci professor with no prior successful political experience (ran for and lost a U.S. House race in 1966). After the election, a majority of North Carolinians had no clue that John East was in a wheelchair (polio in the ‘50’s)
  • In 1984, the Helms Campaign tattooed Jim Hunt with the “too Liberal for North Carolina crap;” and Mondale said in his acceptance speech, “I’ll be honest with you. They won’t tell you they’ll raise taxes. I’m telling you we will (the deficit was a big deal to all but Reaganauts and “moderates” and “Independents” - lower taxes were a bigger deal). Mondale lost NC 67-68 to 32-33; Hunt lost to Jesse by 2-3 points
  • 1990 - Gantt vs. Helms - “The Hands” ad…..the white hands ad
  • 2008 and 2012 - nationally. Birtherism.
The GOP and Trumplican Party will come after Kamala HARD and VICIOUSLY. They’ll lie and exaggerate. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, WAPO, NYTimes, etc. will repeat the lies and ask the questions that the Trump Campaign and GOP want them to ask.

The questions will be equivalent to, “Mr. Smith, do you still beat your wife?”

She’s an underdog and she has a HARD row to how.
It’s hoe. Not how. Nor is it ho. But your point is well made. It will be an uphill battle for the underdog. But after reading some of your posts here, I’m starting to doubt the “3 or 4 moves ahead”. Perhaps not “4” moves?
She’s (1) female; (2) Liberal; (3) POC - Indian, Black, Jamaican, Irish; (4) from CALIFORNIA; (5) from San Francisco; (6) she said something about defunding the police and/or tearing down ICE and rebuilding it from the ground up.

Trump is a MACHO white manly man who took a bullet for America, MAGA American. He’s law-and-order! Remember, he still favors executing the Central Park Five rapists and thugs……Liberals still support those thugs running free.

Trump will keep us safe; Kamala will let murderers and rapists run free.

I still don’t get it Big Dan