What can the right really throw at Harris?

I have thought in the past she seemed a tentative speaker as VP, but it seems to me that she speaks with a lot more confidence since Joe passed the torch. Maybe just speaking for herself is key — she frankly hasn’t been a great political surrogate for Joe, so I’ve been surprised/impressed by her emergence this first week.

I think the immigration issue is clearly toughest for her, and TBD how she formulates her economic message.
That’s a fair point about her being able to speak for herself and the idea that might free her up to be more at ease, more comfortable. I would just say that the she seems to lack the iability to connect with people; only my opinion. I think the 2019 debate was a clear example. I’ve found that is a very hard skill to acquire; if it isn’t innate, it’s hard to pick up. But we all grow and change through time, right? Regardless, it will be interesting to see how she moves forward.

WOW! Looks like J. D. Vance is utterly and completely amoral, but somehow still know which side his bread is buttered on. Perfect running mate for St. Donald of Mar-a-Lago. All he needs now is to make a compromising video for Vladmir Putin and he will have completed the Trump Transition.
I spent a day at a relative's house and due to weather was subjected to several hours of Fox. Based on that, I think you can expect the following as early salvos:

1) Her "Equity vs Equality" comments. They can be interpreted as making the standard equal results instead of equal opportunity by defining equal opportunity as whatever it takes to get equal results.

2) Her sound bites about defunding the police with new approaches that involve less cops on the street.

3) She's from California,, duh.. adding Newsom to the ticket will amplify this.

4) Her being described as "The most Liberal Senator" during her time in the Senate. Arguments that she's a Socialist in sheep's clothing also abound.

5) Being the face of the Biden's administration's border policy, which only late in their term tried to take action on a porous border.

6) Being the first Democratic candidate weeded out in the runup to the 2020 Presidential campaign.

7) Blowing off Bibi's address to hang with sorority girls.

Don't shoot the messenger.
That’s a fair point about her being able to speak for herself and the idea that might free her up to be more at ease, more comfortable. I would just say that the she seems to lack the iability to connect with people; only my opinion. I think the 2019 debate was a clear example. I’ve found that is a very hard skill to acquire; if it isn’t innate, it’s hard to pick up. But we all grow and change through time, right? Regardless, it will be interesting to see how she moves forward.
Still waiting on you to respond to a relatively benign question.

Try and be an honest interlocutor if you want to discuss in good faith.
As someone who would never consider voting for Harris, I’ll throw out my perspective on her and her candidacy at this moment.

If, and before, anyone reads further, know that this isn’t meant to get anyone worked up or change anyone else’s opinion (not that I could). I’m not going to argue that any of it is “true” or “right”. Only as objective of an evaluation of her and her path towards winning the Presidency as I can possibly have through my individual political lens. So, anyway, I expect some shit but I hope no one expects me to die on this thread hill defending any of it.

On the major issues:

•Her stance on abortion is a clear strength and she will, and should, lean into it. Trump should 1) try to avoid the issue as much as possible, and 2)limit his responses on the issue with one-sentence answers that include “states’ rights” and “the people should decide”. He doesn’t have the oratory skills or nuance to be effective here.

• 2A stuff? I think this was already “baked into the cake” for the most part. Similar to the abortion issue, I guess. I don’t see her moving the needle on this one.

• Economy? Perception is reality and I don’t think that’s necessarily a good thing for the current administration and for her candidacy. Fair or not, it seems (again, to me) there’s a general discontent with the economy. I don’t think she’ll be able, or really even try, to separate herself from Biden on this though.

• Immigration issues? Big-time weakness, big-time. She needs to separate from Biden on this one and swing to the right to win over any voters on this issue. Doing that would mean some of her voting bloc would splinter off though. It’s just a complete loser for her.

Trans issues, the felonies, Jan 6th, “rapist” and all that is automatically in the playbook, I assume. Again, I think a lot of this stuff is already “baked in the cake” and I have a hard time believing anyone’s votes will actually be changed. It’s just about the turnout.

In that vein, she seems to have given an obvious boost to the party and re-energized some folks to get out to vote. Personally, I don’t think it’ll be enough in the end but I get that some do.

Trying to take her (and my) politics out of the equation and just evaluating her personality, aura, whatever you want to call it, I find her kinda dislikable. To me, she radiates a phony and untrustworthy vibe. She doesn’t seem to be a naturally pleasant person. While I have no doubt that she’s intelligent (low IQ jabs play to some of the conservative base), the issue is that she appears less intelligent during a lot of the conversations I’ve seen her have. It’s like I can see her brain working while she’s trying to come up with an answer or response and not in a thoughtful way. More rehearsed, more political. She appears awkward and I don’t think the camera does her any favors, despite being an attractive person. I didn’t vote for him but Obama had style, cool, charm, and was “presidential” in every public way. She doesn’t yet have any of that. And before “what about Trump?”. I get it, I’m not real high in him either; it’s a binary system, folks. I’d like to add that this “barren womb” and “childless mother” attack against her are disgusting and reprehensible; I hope they don’t continue.

Last thought, I’m of the opinion she’ll lose the support of some of the party’s traditional black and Hispanic voter base, especially with men. Just a vibe; could be very wrong. I’ll really be curious to see the voting differences and breakdown between genders after this election.

Thanks to Rock for creating the space to express this opinion.
Your opinion noted. And gives your answers to thread question. An appropriate response even if I don’t agree with your take on a lot of this, especially the last bit about losing some support but who knows? You could prove to be correct in the end.
So I guess some inspired Dem backing investigative journalist should start digging up stories about white men that were released by local judges in Red states and then killed their wife
I spent a day at a relative's house and due to weather was subjected to several hours of Fox. Based on that, I think you can expect the following as early salvos:

1) Her "Equity vs Equality" comments. They can be interpreted as making the standard equal results instead of equal opportunity by defining equal opportunity as whatever it takes to get equal results.

2) Her sound bites about defunding the police with new approaches that involve less cops on the street.

3) She's from California,, duh.. adding Newsom to the ticket will amplify this.

4) Her being described as "The most Liberal Senator" during her time in the Senate. Arguments that she's a Socialist in sheep's clothing also abound.

5) Being the face of the Biden's administration's border policy, which only late in their term tried to take action on a porous border.

6) Being the first Democratic candidate weeded out in the runup to the 2020 Presidential campaign.

7) Blowing off Bibi's address to hang with sorority girls.

Don't shoot the messenger.
Thanks for response. I can’t hang with watching any Fox channel, so this answers the question and gives insight on what I wouldn’t have noticed given the fact I don’t and won’t watch Fox.

The Harris Campaign now has all they need to know about what her adversaries are using against her. Should she fire back in defense on all of this? Or read the room and defend only parts? Or ignore all of this and simply stay on the offensive, battering Trump. Lest we forget, she can play the whataboutism tact on things like “defund the police” with “Trump wants to defund the FBI”. Also Re: Border/immigration she can fire back with the fact Trump himself Killed the bi-partisan bill passed in the Senate and she can also point to the Biden/Harris executive action recently which is curtailing border action by 55% already.

Knowing what is up the sleeve of your opponent so you can counter attack and defend competently is where it’s at.
I spent a day at a relative's house and due to weather was subjected to several hours of Fox. Based on that, I think you can expect the following as early salvos:

1) Her "Equity vs Equality" comments. They can be interpreted as making the standard equal results instead of equal opportunity by defining equal opportunity as whatever it takes to get equal results.

2) Her sound bites about defunding the police with new approaches that involve less cops on the street.

3) She's from California,, duh.. adding Newsom to the ticket will amplify this.

4) Her being described as "The most Liberal Senator" during her time in the Senate. Arguments that she's a Socialist in sheep's clothing also abound.

5) Being the face of the Biden's administration's border policy, which only late in their term tried to take action on a porous border.

6) Being the first Democratic candidate weeded out in the runup to the 2020 Presidential campaign.

7) Blowing off Bibi's address to hang with sorority girls.

Don't shoot the messenger.
weak sauce...

If that's all they got then I ain't worried.
Peggy Noonan in WSJ:

something’s happening.

Ms. Harris has not, in five years on the national stage, shown competence. She is showing it now, and that is big news. Her rollout this week demonstrated talent and hinted she may be a real political athlete.

Her past and famous verbal embarrassments, which shaped her public reputation, almost all took place in interviews and ad libbed arias. They obscured a real proficiency.

She was striking and strong in this week’s speeches in Milwaukee and Houston. She knows how to act a speech. When she is scripted she is good. That isn’t all put-down. She knows what a good speech is. She can judge it, recognize good material. Not all candidates can. Most can’t. It is its own talent.

… Milwaukee especially had power. Its theme: “We’re not going back.” We’re not going back to Jan. 6, 2021, to the old ways, to unfreedom, to racism, sexism, to Trumpian America. We’re going forward into something new and exciting. She was positing that it is bigger than her.

This is what top Trump staffers feared, according to Tim Alberta’s heavily reported work in the Atlantic. They didn’t fear Joe Biden. What they feared was “institutional Democrats,” in the words of Susie Wiles. The Democratic Party is a machine, a vast network of groups and money lines that knows how to get out their base and a would-be base. A deteriorated Joe Biden couldn’t fully capitalize on this. A dispirited party wouldn’t fully produce it.

But a new and revived candidate who woke everybody up? That would be a danger. …”

A final note. Everything is about to get meaner, more vicious and primal.

Biden supporters were deep down unsure, and it made them milder. Ms. Harris’s energy revives the party’s hunger; its angers will be more awake.

Mr. Trump and his forces can’t not be mean, it is their essence when threatened.

For now, to cool things:

Stop showing pictures of Donald Trump with blood running down his face. Stop obsessing on the assassination attempt. It excites the unstable. I can do that too. The sick and the evil don’t need more inspirations.

Stop obsessing publicly over the inadequacy of the Secret Service. (Washington, obsess on it quietly, and fix it.) It tells the sickest among us how easy it is to get around security and get your shot. We have to stop telling them this. …”
Tonight, Trump has jumped from calling Harris the most liberal American in history, to supporter of infant murder, to “not smart” to “evil”


I am not the best person to judge this, but it feels like Trump has got some sort of writer’s block for the upheaval in the race this week.

I am not the best person to judge this, but it feels like Trump has got some sort of writer’s block for the upheaval in the race this week.

Yeah, he's been surprisingly sluggish in his response to Biden's withdrawal and Kamala's entry into the race. Usually he's always on the attack, never playing defense, never apologizing for anything. But when Kamala and the Democrats came out swinging and went on the attack against Vance (all of the sex with sofas jokes among them) Trump has been strangely muted (at least for him), and even more strangely out of the media spotlight. I think his campaign is still trying to process what has happened and trying to find an effective line of attack against Kamala. I also think the Democrats so rapidly lining up behind Kamala, and the Democrats becoming more aggressive, has left them baffled, at least for awhile. I'm sure they'll eventually recover their bearings and find something to hit Kamala with - it's what they do.
Yeah, he's been surprisingly sluggish in his response to Biden's withdrawal and Kamala's entry into the race. Usually he's always on the attack, never playing defense, never apologizing for anything. But when Kamala and the Democrats came out swinging and went on the attack against Vance (all of the sex with sofas jokes among them) Trump has been strangely muted (at least for him), and even more strangely out of the media spotlight. I think his campaign is still trying to process what has happened and trying to find an effective line of attack against Kamala. I also think the Democrats so rapidly lining up behind Kamala, and the Democrats becoming more aggressive, has left them baffled, at least for awhile. I'm sure they'll eventually recover their bearings and find something to hit Kamala with - it's what they do.
I think the Trump campaign thought Biden would stick it out, then when it was clear they wouldn't they said "ok, we'll pounce on them after they finish fighting for the candidate," they weren't expecting the Democrats to not break stride.