What can the right really throw at Harris?

You bitch about "buzzwords" and then throw out "pre-birth children." :ROFLMAO:

Make it stop. You're killing me, Jerry!
What are they? They’re children that haven’t been born yet. Babies in the womb. You have to use fetus to dehumanize it to make yourself feel better.
In WW2 being a man was defending what they believed in. Now it means taking it and accepting it and being belittled for not agreeing with it.
Interesting analogy. WWII soldiers fought to protect our freedom and restore it to countries that had been taken over by authoritarian regimes. Today’s GOP wants to install an authoritarian regime in order to remove rights and freedoms from groups they don’t like.
Interesting analogy. WWII soldiers fought to protect our freedom and restore it to countries that had been taken over by authoritarian regimes. Today’s GOP wants to install an authoritarian regime in order to remove rights and freedoms from groups they don’t like.
I’m sure those WW2 contemplated men being women and harming innocence kids in the womb. I’m sure that’s what they were defending yes definitely.
I agree but the very few people who do support it are in positions of power. That’s the point. Normal every day Americans like you and me agree on 90% of things. The problem is, those with power or running for power disagree on fundamental issues hence the division.
Name the people in positions of power who support this.
I’m sure those WW2 contemplated men being women and harming innocence kids in the womb. I’m sure that’s what they were defending yes definitely.
I have a feeling you have no clue about the prevalence of abortion and transgenderism in the countries our soldiers were fighting to liberate from people who shared your core political beliefs.

Look, you can spin this however you want, but if you support Trump, you are not on the side of freedom. You’re not on the side of protecting rights. You may be fine with that, but don’t try to convince us your support for authoritarianism is some virtuous defense of those who already have disproportionate power in this country.
I have a feeling you have no clue about the prevalence of abortion and transgenderism in the countries our soldiers were fighting to liberate from people who shared your core political beliefs.

Look, you can spin this however you want, but if you support Trump, you are not on the side of freedom. You’re not on the side of protecting rights. You may be fine with that, but don’t try to convince us your support for authoritarianism is some virtuous defense of those who already have disproportionate power in this country.
Some rights have to be curtailed in the name of having a functioning and moral society. I guess you advocate for the right to do whatever you want whenever you want. That seems to be your point.
The right to disagree with people who are wrong.
You're doing that right now, aren't you? You get on this board and speak your mind freely.

Case in point: Donald Trump says exactly what he wants every single day.

Has he been locked up? Were his rights to speak and say what he wants stripped away? Last I checked he was the GOP nominee for POTUS.

So yea, I'm not really seeing the persecution.
Some rights have to be curtailed in the name of having a functioning and moral society. I guess you advocate for the right to do whatever you want whenever you want. That seems to be your point.
uhhh yeah?

dude, you are free to do whatever you want, no one is making you celebrate pride month lmao. Just don't celebrate it, no one cares if you don't.

Trust me, trans folks don't give one shit about you, or your gender.
No one has a right to flaunt their transgenderism to kids. No one has a right to late term abortion. No one has a right to come in this country freely and whenever they want without following the process. Yes, those buzzwords are used to further those purposes. I’m sorry you misunderstood my point. You seem smarter than Tyler, so don’t take his path.
You’re willing to deny a “late-term abortion” to a woman who needs one for medical reasons.

NO ONE is getting a third trimester abortion because she doesn’t want a child.

No MD or midwife is performing a third trimester abortion because the patient doesn’t want a child.

Third trimester abortions happen for medical reasons.
I agree to an extent, but Trump's "executive" cred has been weighed, measured and found wanting to say the least. He ran his private companies into the ground and was also found guilty of some dodgy bits in his position of "executive" as CEO.

And Harris should get some "executive experience" cred for being Attorney General of the largest State, serving on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and also as VP for 4 years. All that should add up to something.

But as you point out, not sure if any of that moves the needle for voters.

By all accounts Trump was a terrible CEO. His skill was in selling (master of selling himself) and dealing, but he has never shown a particular skill in running organizations (again, don't think the average MAGA understands that).

I'm kind of curious to see if the Trump experience will affect any future CEO's of trying the private sector to WH route in the future. Beyond the US, the track record is very mixed at best.
You're doing that right now, aren't you? You get on this board and speak your mind freely.

Case in point: Donald Trump says exactly what he wants every single day.

Has he been locked up? Were his rights to speak and say what he wants stripped away? Last I checked he was the GOP nominee for POTUS.

So yea, I'm not really seeing the persecution.
They try to lock him up and I’ve been banned.
So you support helping transgendered people?

Cool, good to know.

As for late term abortion, again, I think you're being fed a pack of lies. Almost everyone I know realizes that an 8 month old baby in utero is fully conscious, has a fully engaged spinal chord, brain, and central nervous system, can see and hear, and is fully alert to the world around it. Nobody that I know of supports abortion that late in a pregnancy, unless the mother's life were at risk and/or there was something seriously wrong with the fetus. Maybe some lefties on here will come on and disagree, but I'd wager that's pretty common amongst us liberals...most of us would I think object strenuously to late term abortions.

So again, this is nothing more than a lie fed to you by right wing media, which has a vested interest in getting you as angry as possible, facts be damned.
In re: the right’s lie about late term abortions. As someone who struggled with fertility issues, I can tell you (not to sound crass about this topic), there is a definite market out there for healthy babies to be adopted to families who cannot conceive. The idea that any woman would go into the 8th month of pregnancy and willingly choose to abort a child is idiocy of the highest level. They would stand to make quite a bit of money by offering that child up for adoption. To say otherwise is simply disingenuous. And I’ve NEVER understood trumps statements that they are willing to snort the baby even after birth. No, idiot, that would clearly be called murder.
You’re willing to deny a “late-term abortion” to a woman who needs one for medical reasons.

NO ONE is getting a third trimester abortion because she doesn’t want a child.

No MD or midwife is performing a third trimester abortion because the patient doesn’t want a child.

Third trimester abortions happen for medical reasons.
It’s more case by case to me. I’m willing to allow that in the right circumstances.
In re: the right’s lie about late term abortions. As someone who struggled with fertility issues, I can tell you (not to sound crass about this topic), there is a definite market out there for healthy babies to be adopted to families who cannot conceive. The idea that any woman would go into the 8th month of pregnancy and willingly choose to abort a child is idiocy of the highest level. They would stand to make quite a bit of money by offering that child up for adoption. To say otherwise is simply disingenuous. And I’ve NEVER understood trumps statements that they are willing to snort the baby even after birth. No, idiot, that would clearly be called murder.
See Virginia.
Some rights have to be curtailed in the name of having a functioning and moral society. I guess you advocate for the right to do whatever you want whenever you want. That seems to be your point.
This is complete nonsense.