What can the right really throw at Harris?

Thank god! or should I say Thank the blue painted guy from the opening ceremony!
I sometimes forget that people are naive and gullible enough to believe anything the left says, get complacent in my support of traditional American values, and then I found this board. Unbelievable that people can support the things the left supports. Remarkable, truly.
I sometimes forget that people are naive and gullible enough to believe anything the left says, get complacent in my support of traditional American values, and then I found this board. Unbelievable that people can support the things the left supports. Remarkable, truly.
I sometimes forget that people are naive and gullible enough to believe anything the left says, get complacent in my support of traditional American values, and then I found this board. Unbelievable that people can support the things the left supports. Remarkable, truly.
Do tell, what does “the left” support? NATO? IVF? Social Security? Infrastructure investment? Sane immigration policy? Do be specific.
"traditional American values"

Good thing every American is different and has differing American values.
Do tell, what does “the left” support? NATO? IVF? Social Security? Infrastructure investment? Sane immigration policy? Do be specific.
This is someone who claimed to have “found this board”, as though they were an earnest seeker of dialogue. This is just another of the run-of-the-mill callayeahs who couldn’t shake their need for attention.

You can take the callayeah out of IC-zzlp, but you can’t take the IC-zzlp out of the callayeah.
Also known as civil rights, women's rights, and human rights.
Those are the buzzwords. I don’t want to live in a society where men can be women and flaunt it on tv and in front of kids, where pre birth children are killed, and where we have mass immigration of undocumented individuals. Maybe you do.
Transgenderism, late term abortion, mass immigration, etc etc.

Most on the left do not support either mass immigrantion nor late-term abortion. That is a lie that you are fed by your media, which has an interest in getting you riled up and angry. I'm sure some on the left support those things, but me and a lot of people like me are committed liberals who support neither.

As for transgenderism...something around 2% are born with genes that mix up sex and gender in one way or another, collectively referred to as intersex conditions: "Intersex is a general term for people who are born with or develop sex characteristics that don't fit the medical definitions of male or female. These differences can include genitalia, hormones, chromosomes, or internal anatomy." Yes, we on the left support giving these people medical support, and in affirming their value and worth as human beings. Do you oppose them, and if so, do you think that their biological condition is their fault or the fault of society?
Rights are buzzwords? I have the NRA on the line. They’d like to have a word with you.
No one has a right to flaunt their transgenderism to kids. No one has a right to late term abortion. No one has a right to come in this country freely and whenever they want without following the process. Yes, those buzzwords are used to further those purposes. I’m sorry you misunderstood my point. You seem smarter than Tyler, so don’t take his path.
Most on the left do not support either mass immigrantion nor late-term abortion. That is a lie that you are fed by your media, which has an interest in getting you riled up and angry. I'm sure some on the left support those things, but me and a lot of people like me are committed liberals who support neither.

As for transgenderism...something around 2% are born with genes that mix up sex and gender in one way or another, collectively referred to as intersex conditions: "Intersex is a general term for people who are born with or develop sex characteristics that don't fit the medical definitions of male or female. These differences can include genitalia, hormones, chromosomes, or internal anatomy." Yes, we on the left support giving these people medical support, and in affirming their value and worth as human beings. Do you oppose them, and if so, do you think that their biological condition is their fault or the fault of society?
Certainly many people on the left support late term abortion. And Harris is potentially one of them.
As for transgenderism, I’m referring to a man born a man deciding he wants to be a woman and vice versa. That’s just an absurdity that should not be encouraged. Even less encouraged when it comes to kids “deciding” they are the wrong gender.
As far the minuscule number of people you mentioned, they can be helped if they need it. However, the left uses those misfortunate individuals to further transgenderism as a whole.
Those are the buzzwords. I don’t want to live in a society where men can be women and flaunt it on tv and in front of kids, where pre birth children are killed, and where we have mass immigration of undocumented individuals. Maybe you do.
How many transgendered people do you know personally?
As far the minuscule number of people you mentioned, they can be helped if they need it.

So you support helping transgendered people?

Cool, good to know.

As for late term abortion, again, I think you're being fed a pack of lies. Almost everyone I know realizes that an 8 month old baby in utero is fully conscious, has a fully engaged spinal chord, brain, and central nervous system, can see and hear, and is fully alert to the world around it. Nobody that I know of supports abortion that late in a pregnancy, unless the mother's life were at risk and/or there was something seriously wrong with the fetus. Maybe some lefties on here will come on and disagree, but I'd wager that's pretty common amongst us liberals...most of us would I think object strenuously to late term abortions.

So again, this is nothing more than a lie fed to you by right wing media, which has a vested interest in getting you as angry as possible, facts be damned.
Not that facts matter to people like ENCHeel, but nobody on "the left" "supports" "late-term abortions" in the way that people like ENCHeel have been led to believe by their unscrupulous and dishonest information bubbles. The fact is that 99.3% of abortions performed in the United States occur before the 21st week of gestation (link: What the data says about abortion in the U.S.). The less-than-one-percent of abortions that occur after 21 weeks are 100% of the time due to life-threatening emergent situations that directly imperil the life of the mother, and 0% of the time are elective procedures done because the mother "changed her mind." The decision, by both a mother and by physicians, to have a "late-term abortion" is one that is agonizing and done as an absolute last resort.

I'm from a small, rural town in deep red eastern North Carolina, so I know a whole lot of people like our friend ENCHeel here. Those folks- people exactly like ENCHeel- don't understand that the rest of the country just doesn't share their beliefs on things like reproductive choice, immigration, etc. The rest of the country, according to polling which includes conservatives and liberals alike, believes that the government shouldn't have a role in dictating what women can do with their bodies. The rest of the country doesn't believe that immigrants are bad; the rest of the country believes that, while we should have strong border security and an efficient but humane system of immigration processing, that immigrants are an important part of the fabric of what makes America great and what makes our economy second-to-none around the world.
So you support helping transgendered people?

Cool, good to know.

As for late term abortion, again, I think you're being fed a pack of lies. Almost everyone I know realizes that an 8 month old baby in utero is fully conscious, has a fully engaged spinal chord, brain, and central nervous system, can see and hear, and is fully alert to the world around it. Nobody that I know of supports abortion that late in a pregnancy, unless the mother's life were at risk and/or there was something seriously wrong with the fetus. Maybe some lefties on here will come on and disagree, but I'd wager that's pretty common amongst us liberals...most of us would I think object strenuously to late term abortions.

So again, this is nothing more than a lie fed to you by right wing media, which has a vested interest in getting you as angry as possible, facts be damned.
In the very narrow, rare situation you mentioned, I could see supporting it.
That’s fine - I think any abortion is wrong.
“As for transgenderism...something around 2% are born with genes that mix up sex and gender in one way or another, collectively referred to as intersex conditions: "Intersex is a general term for people who are born with or develop sex characteristics that don't fit the medical definitions of male or female. These differences can include genitalia, hormones, chromosomes, or internal anatomy."

Black and white gender norms are easy on the mind. A world of gray and spectrums introduces scary uncertainty.
Not that facts matter to people like ENCHeel, but nobody on "the left" "supports" "late-term abortions" in the way that people like ENCHeel have been led to believe by their unscrupulous and dishonest information bubbles. The fact is that 99.3% of abortions performed in the United States occur before the 21st week of gestation (link: What the data says about abortion in the U.S.). The less-than-one-percent of abortions that occur after 21 weeks are 100% of the time due to life-threatening emergent situations that directly imperil the life of the mother, and 0% of the time are elective procedures done because the mother "changed her mind." The decision, by both a mother and by physicians, to have a "late-term abortion" is one that is agonizing and done as an absolute last resort.

I'm from a small, rural town in deep red eastern North Carolina, so I know a whole lot of people like our friend ENCHeel here. Those folks- people exactly like ENCHeel- don't understand that the rest of the country just doesn't share their beliefs on things like reproductive choice, immigration, etc. The rest of the country, according to polling which includes conservatives and liberals alike, believes that the government shouldn't have a role in dictating what women can do with their bodies. The rest of the country doesn't believe that immigrants are bad; the rest of the country believes that, while we should have strong border security and an efficient but humane system of immigration processing, that immigrants are an important part of the fabric of what makes America great and what makes our economy second-to-none around the world.
I’m from deep blue ENC. Anyway, I don’t think any abortion should be allowed (aside from considering the 3 exceptions). So the weeks really don’t matter to me.
With your comment on immigration, I doubt you’re from ENC. Enc benefits from immigration more than almost any place in the country. Most don’t think immigrants are inherently bad. Most just want a sensible solution to the mass immigration and illegal crossings. Come legally.
That she’s the most radical left candidate in history and is likely a supporter of. a communist state. That’s a good start.
That all you got? Haha. What a maroon. First, no way is Harris the "most radical left candidate in history". She's not even the most "radical left candidate" in the past 8 years in American History. (Bernie sez "hi") Also, there have been plenty more in all of "history" both in the States and abroad. You're painting with much too broad a brush there Sparky. Harris may be left of center, but "most radical left"? Get behind me Satan.

Also, you're lying through that tooth of yours (doubt you have many left) "likely a supporter of..." What the heck does "likely a supporter of" actually mean? That's nothing but a straw man argument. Give us something concrete. And as far as a "communist state" - we all know Russia is the quintessential "communist state" and has been since long before Putin - who BTW was in the KGB during the height of Russian/USSR communism. Harris is certainly NOT a supporter of that guy nor his Russian nation. That would be your ignorant arsehole of a felonious candidate - trump.