What can the right really throw at Harris?

I’m from deep blue ENC. Anyway, I don’t think any abortion should be allowed (aside from considering the 3 exceptions). So the weeks really don’t matter to me.
Right, I understand that you don't think that any abortion should be allowed under any elective circumstance. What I'm telling you is that *that* view is not shared by a massively overwhelming majority of Americans on both sides of the ideological spectrum, and in fact is one of the primary reasons that the far-right Republican Party has been since 2022, and will continue to, get its rear end handed it to it at the ballot box all over the country. Kansas is one of the deepest red states in the entire country, and Kansans voted for the right to choose by something like ~70%.
I’m from deep blue ENC. Anyway, I don’t think any abortion should be allowed (aside from considering the 3 exceptions). So the weeks really don’t matter to me.

Right, I understand that you don't think that any abortion should be allowed under any elective circumstance. What I'm telling you is that *that* view is not shared by a massively overwhelming majority of Americans on both sides of the ideological spectrum.
That’s fine. Do you mind reading my edit on immigration. Interested in your response.
That’s fine. Do you mind reading my edit on immigration. Interested in your response.
Why would I lie on an anonymous internet message board to a total stranger about being from eastern North Carolina? I'm from Fairmont, NC- where the majority of my family still resides- which is in arguably the poorest, most rural, most economically destitute county in North Carolina. I then lived in Pitt County for four years after college. So, yeah, I'm a pretty darn "born and bred" eastern North Carolinian.

Regarding your comment about immigration, you're essentially saying exactly what I said, which is that most Americans (myself included) favor ultra-strong border security while also favoring a more efficient and more humane system of legal immigration. The problem is, the current MAGA-fied Republican Party has become so hostile to immigration of any kind that the entire floor of the RNC last week was filled with "MASS DEPORTATION NOW!" signs. Notwithstanding the logistical implausibility of mass-deporting ~10-20 million people, do you understand what kind of economic collapse such policy would cause? You know all of those hog farms and tobacco farms in eastern NC? What would happen to them? What would happen to our meat-packing, agricultural, construction, hospitality, food service, and factory/manufacturing industries? You think inflation and prices were bad in the aftermath of the pandemic? Wait til the entire economic backbone of the United States collapses because hard-core right-wingers think that anyone with brown skin who comes to the United States wanting to make a better life for themselves is "an illegal" who "should be deported."
Why would I lie on an anonymous internet message board to a total stranger about being from eastern North Carolina? I'm from Fairmont, NC- where the majority of my family still resides- which is in arguably the poorest, most rural, most economically destitute county in North Carolina. I then lived in Pitt County for four years after college. So, yeah, I'm a pretty darn "born and bred" eastern North Carolinian.

Regarding your comment about immigration, you're essentially saying exactly what I said, which is that most Americans (myself included) favor ultra-strong border security while also favoring a more efficient and more humane system of legal immigration. The problem is, the current MAGA-fied Republican Party has become so hostile to immigration of any kind that the entire floor of the RNC last week was filled with "MASS DEPORTATION NOW!" signs. Notwithstanding the logistical implausibility of mass-deporting ~10-20 million people, do you understand what kind of economic collapse such policy would cause? You know all of those hog farms and tobacco farms in eastern NC? What would happen to them? What would happen to our meat-packing, agricultural, construction, hospitality, food service, and factory/manufacturing industries? You think inflation and prices were bad in the aftermath of the pandemic? Wait til the entire economic backbone of the United States collapses because hard-core right-wingers think that anyone with brown skin who comes to the United States wanting to make a better life for themselves is "an illegal" who "should be deported."
I think you and I agree on immigration more than you think. I’ve never advocated for mass deportations because, as you point out, my dearly beloved home region would become even more economically destitute than it already is. The problem, though, is many millions have entered illegally and something has to be done about that. The left would like to grant them amnesty (and maybe allow them to vote). I wouldn’t support that.
No one has a right to flaunt their transgenderism to kids. No one has a right to late term abortion. No one has a right to come in this country freely and whenever they want without following the process. Yes, those buzzwords are used to further those purposes. I’m sorry you misunderstood my point. You seem smarter than Tyler, so don’t take his path.
Flaunt their transgenderism? What does that mean? You mean trans people don’t have the right (a legal concept, by the way) to act in public consistently with the gender with which they identify? Do you have the right to act in public consistently with your gender? If you do, why don’t trans people? Are you saying you have a right they do not?

This is the hole you dig for yourself when you start referring to rights as buzzwords.
Flaunt their transgenderism? What does that mean? You mean trans people don’t have the right (a legal concept, by the way) to act in public consistently with the gender with which they identify? Do you have the right to act in public consistently with your gender? If you do, why don’t trans people? Are you saying you have a right they do not?

This is the hole you dig for yourself when you start referring to rights as buzzwords.
Sure man, let’s just let all the transgender people do whatever they want. That worked out well for bud light lol
Sure man, let’s just let all the transgender people do whatever they want. That worked out well for bud light lol
If Republicans really would just let trans people do what they want, the world would be a much better place. I can’t for the life of me understand why the “party of individual rights” thinks it makes any sense to take those rights away from certain subgroups.

And I could not care less what happens to Bud Light. If something causes the people I see at Trump rallies to drink less beer, that seems like an obvious net positive to me.
I think you and I agree on immigration more than you think. I’ve never advocated for mass deportations because, as you point out, my dearly beloved home region would become even more economically destitute than it already is. The problem, though, is many millions have entered illegally and something has to be done about that. The left would like to grant them amnesty (and maybe allow them to vote). I wouldn’t support that.
very few people left of center support granting the right to vote to noncitizens of any kind. Repeating the opposite over and over doesn’t make it true no matter how many times you hear it on Fox or Newsmax.
very few people left of center support granting the right to vote to noncitizens of any kind. Repeating the opposite over and over doesn’t make it true no matter how many times you hear it on Fox or Newsmax.
I agree but the very few people who do support it are in positions of power. That’s the point. Normal every day Americans like you and me agree on 90% of things. The problem is, those with power or running for power disagree on fundamental issues hence the division.
If Republicans really would just let trans people do what they want, the world would be a much better place. I can’t for the life of me understand why the “party of individual rights” thinks it makes any sense to take those rights away from certain subgroups.

And I could not care less what happens to Bud Light. If something causes the people I see at Trump rallies to drink less beer, that seems like an obvious net positive to me.
Why do we need a pride month? Why do we need a transgender day? If those didn’t exist and they just went about their lives and left us alone, no one would care. The problem is it’s shoved down everyone’s throats on a daily basis. Corporate America has adopted it in the name of wokeness and PC, etc. That’s the problem to me. If you want your dick to hang down through a skirt and say you’re a woman, go ahead just don’t walk down the street and tell me you’re a woman. And for goodness sakes don’t try and influence children.
Why do we need a pride month? Why do we need a transgender day? If those didn’t exist and they just went about their lives and left us alone, no one would care. The problem is it’s shoved down everyone’s throats on a daily basis. Corporate America has adopted it in the name of wokeness and PC, etc. That’s the problem to me. If you want your dick to hang down through a skirt and say you’re a woman, go ahead just don’t walk down the street and tell me you’re a woman. And for goodness sakes don’t try and influence children.
Because we celebrate diversity and want to make sure people in marginalized communities feel seen and their voices heard. It's celebrating our differences and giving people an opportunity to cross bridges they might otherwise be unawares.

You keep insinuating that it's being forced. It feels forced because you don't want these people to be normalized and the idea that we have open acceptance offends you.

That's a 'you' problem.
Because we celebrate diversity and want to make sure people in marginalized communities feel seen and their voices heard. It's celebrating our differences and giving people an opportunity to cross bridges they might otherwise be unawares.

You keep insinuating that it's being forced. It feels forced because you don't want these people to be normalized and the idea that we have open acceptance offends you.

That's a 'you' problem.
They shouldn’t be normalized. Now imagine we had a straight white Christian southern male month.
Why do we need a pride month? Why do we need a transgender day? If those didn’t exist and they just went about their lives and left us alone, no one would care. The problem is it’s shoved down everyone’s throats on a daily basis. Corporate America has adopted it in the name of wokeness and PC, etc. That’s the problem to me. If you want your dick to hang down through a skirt and say you’re a woman, go ahead just don’t walk down the street and tell me you’re a woman. And for goodness sakes don’t try and influence children.
God, when did the party I used to support get so soft? If you don’t like Pride Month, don’t celebrate it. If you don’t like Bud Light acknowledging the existence of trans people, don’t buy it. I don’t see Muslim Americans whining about Christmas and Easter displays. I don’t see Americans in right to work states refusing to take Labor Day off. If I see a store with a MAGA flag out front, I don’t patronize it. I don’t try to get it shut down.

Rights that only apply to certain groups are not rights. They’re preferences. Honoring the rights of trans people does absolutely nothing to impair your rights. It just prevents the government from giving people like you and me a preference. Be a man and recognize you’re not the only one who has a right to define your identity.
They shouldn’t be normalized. Now imagine we had a straight white Christian southern male month.
Are white, Christian males a marginalized group?

In America:
  • Whites 75%
  • Christian 68%
Yea, those pesky statistics don't seem to support your position.

Do you feel like a month is needed to help white, Christian males feel supported in America?
God, when did the party I used to support get so soft? If you don’t like Pride Month, don’t celebrate it. If you don’t like Bud Light acknowledging the existence of trans people, don’t buy it. I don’t see Muslim Americans whining about Christmas and Easter displays. I don’t see Americans in right to work states refusing to take Labor Day off. If I see a store with a MAGA flag out front, I don’t patronize it. I don’t try to get it shut down.

Rights that only apply to certain groups are not rights. They’re preferences. Honoring the rights of trans people does absolutely nothing to impair your rights. It just prevents the government from giving people like you and me a preference. Be a man and recognize you’re not the only one who has a right to define your identity.
Be a man and accept that men can be women and women can be men! Wow, how far “be a man” has fallen. Used to mean stand up for what you believe in. Now it means bend over and take it whether you like it or not. Sad.
Are white, Christian males a marginalized group?

In America:
  • Whites 75%
  • Christian 68%
Yea, those pesky statistics don't seem to support your position.

Do you feel like a month is needed to help white, Christian males feel supported in America?
They’re the most hated group in America today.
Be a man and accept that men can be women and women can be men! Wow, how far “be a man” has fallen. Used to mean stand up for what you believe in. Now it means bend over and take it whether you like it or not. Sad.
No, to people like you, it meant punching down. That’s a bully, not a man.
No, to people like you, it meant punching down. That’s a bully, not a man.
In WW2 being a man was defending what they believed in. Now it means taking it and accepting it and being belittled for not agreeing with it.
Those are the buzzwords. I don’t want to live in a society where men can be women and flaunt it on tv and in front of kids, where pre birth children are killed, and where we have mass immigration of undocumented individuals. Maybe you do.
You bitch about "buzzwords" and then throw out "pre-birth children." :ROFLMAO:

Make it stop. You're killing me, Jerry!