What can the right really throw at Harris?

It’s more case by case to me. I’m willing to allow that in the right circumstances.
So you consent, to use your term "murder", a baby under certain circumstances?

'Selective murder' might be more appropriate if I was to keep the language consistent with your prior remarks. I was under the impression, based on your prior statements, that all murder was unacceptable.

It seems you've shifted this position since yesterday.
Why would I lie on an anonymous internet message board to a total stranger about being from eastern North Carolina? I'm from Fairmont, NC- where the majority of my family still resides- which is in arguably the poorest, most rural, most economically destitute county in North Carolina. I then lived in Pitt County for four years after college. So, yeah, I'm a pretty darn "born and bred" eastern North Carolinian.

Regarding your comment about immigration, you're essentially saying exactly what I said, which is that most Americans (myself included) favor ultra-strong border security while also favoring a more efficient and more humane system of legal immigration. The problem is, the current MAGA-fied Republican Party has become so hostile to immigration of any kind that the entire floor of the RNC last week was filled with "MASS DEPORTATION NOW!" signs. Notwithstanding the logistical implausibility of mass-deporting ~10-20 million people, do you understand what kind of economic collapse such policy would cause? You know all of those hog farms and tobacco farms in eastern NC? What would happen to them? What would happen to our meat-packing, agricultural, construction, hospitality, food service, and factory/manufacturing industries? You think inflation and prices were bad in the aftermath of the pandemic? Wait til the entire economic backbone of the United States collapses because hard-core right-wingers think that anyone with brown skin who comes to the United States wanting to make a better life for themselves is "an illegal" who "should be deported."
I had no clue where Fairmont is…..had to Google it……and, I have a passable knowledge of Robeson County and Scotland County geography…….Fairmont is the middle of effing nowhere.

Your wife must have gone to ECU Medical School for you to have lived in Pitt County for 4 years.
So you consent, to use your term "murder", a baby under certain circumstances?

'Selective murder' might be more appropriate if I was to keep the language consistent with your prior remarks. I was under the impression, based on your prior statements, that all murder was unacceptable.

It seems you've shifted this position since yesterday.
Still murder. But I can understand it more if the woman is at a high risk of death. I would most likely want my wife to remain around in this instance is my reason.
Sure they don’t lol. I’m sure they don’t support DC and Puerto Rico being states either
Those two issues have nothing to do with each other and your attempt to conflate them further proves you don’t know how to argue, don’t understand the issues and won’t earn respect on this board. Good luck.
Those two issues have nothing to do with each other and your attempt to conflate them further proves you don’t know how to argue, don’t understand the issues and won’t earn respect on this board. Good luck.
Im sure they don’t support giving the right to vote to millions of presumed blue voters. They would never!
I had no clue where Fairmont is…..had to Google it……and, I have a passable knowledge of Robeson County and Scotland County geography…….Fairmont is the middle of effing nowhere.

Your wife must have gone to ECU Medical School for you to have lived in Pitt County for 4 years.
Oh yeah, it’s “way out in the boonies” as we like to say. The house I was born in actually straddles the NC/SC state line, so even it is actually about 15–20 minutes out further in the middle of nowhere than is Fairmont proper.

I got a huge kick out of this just a few minutes ago. I knew there was a cemetery belonging to my family down there but I had absolutely no idea that it actually shows up on Google maps. The oldest grave marker that is legible in that cemetery is from 1799 so I know that previous generations of my family have been there for at least that long. William Tecumseh Sherman’s march actually entered NC through my family’s property at the time.


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I was silenced for my beliefs
You were given silent lunch like a middle schooler because of your trollish and totally inappropriate comments. Those comments were reported to the mods (by multiple people of which I was one, so you’re welcome) and the mod(s) put you in the corner with a dunce cap on for a couple of days.

So far, so good on your rehabilitation… But your positions are flawed and you’ve been found wanting. 1) Late term abortions for medical reasons need to remain legal. Period. 2) Border security and a reasonable pathway to legal immigration was on the table with a bi-partisan bill that was cleared for take off, but trump and his sycophants nixed it. South of the border immigrants help keep things running in this country. Period. 3) if you don’t like anything about LGBTQ+ then Simply ignore it. Change the channel. Don’t drink Bud Light. Fly your American flag upside down for the month of June. Whatever floats your boat. But black people are free and no longer slaves. Women have the right to vote and control over their own reproductive health. And LGBTQ+ have the right to come out of the closet if they so choose. As much as your ilk would like to put all of those things back in the bottle, it just ain’t gonna happen. Sorry, not sorry.
You were given silent lunch like a middle schooler because of your trollish and totally inappropriate comments. Those comments were reported to the mods (by multiple people of which I was one, so you’re welcome) and the mod(s) put you in the corner with a dunce cap on for a couple of days.

So far, so good on your rehabilitation… But your positions are flawed and you’ve been found wanting. 1) Late term abortions for medical reasons need to remain legal. Period. 2) Border security and a reasonable pathway to legal immigration was on the table with a bi-partisan bill that was cleared for take off, but trump and his sycophants nixed it. South of the border immigrants help keep things running in this country. Period. 3) if you don’t like anything about LGBTQ+ then Simply ignore it. Change the channel. Don’t drink Bud Light. Fly your American flag upside down for the month of June. Whatever floats your boat. But black people are free and no longer slaves. Women have the right to vote and control over their own reproductive health. And LGBTQ+ have the right to come out of the closet if they so choose. As much as your ilk would like to put all of those things back in the bottle, it just ain’t gonna happen. Sorry, not sorry.
Who will defend the bodies of children in the womb? Do they have no rights? When do those rights start if they do?
You and lawtig seem to be advocating for that.
Your arguments are like a greased watermelon. That’s why people on multiple boards treat you like a troll. You’re not being silenced for your beliefs. You’re being critiqued because you can’t support your positions with logic or facts, and when you’re called out on it, you just shift to the next unsupported position.

I’ve done enough polluting this great board responding to you so you won’t be hearing from me again. I hope you’ll take the hint, though, and either change your style (if you can) or stop the avalanche of crazy.
Who will defend the bodies of children in the womb? Do they have no rights? When do those rights start if they do?
Look, I get it. I usually pull for the underdog too. A defenseless, innocent, living creature (any creature BTW, human, animal, etc) will always tug at my heart. I’ll always take up for the skinny, helpless kid getting bullied on the playground. And I understand you believe all unborn humans need to be defended. We get that. However, as has been explained already in this thread, nobody is advocating for abortions willy nilly. But late term pregnancy which puts the mother’s life at risk - or if the fetus is in an completely untenable position and a healthy birth or healthy life is impossible, totally, completely impossible, then all medical options should remain in the table for the mother and her doctors. No medical option should be taken away by some bureaucrat in Washington DC. In those circumstances. Also, a woman or girl raped and impregnated should have a legal way to an abortion immediately. Long before the zygote develops any further. Those examples of reproductive health need to remain legal, as it was for 50 friggin years. Period.
And so I was correct, Donald and team have decided to use as a the main cudgel: She’s black.... "Or is she?"

Of all the things mentioned on this thread - which we guessed might be used to throw at Harris - it turns out it’s the most obvious.

Trump is a racist. Period.
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