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My hands have been dirty for 2 decades. I've done thousands of hours of phone banking and canvassing. I've donated money i didn't really have to donate. I've worked to promote candidates that I thought were better for everyone, not just me and sometimes not even necessarily me.To a large part, you have to show a willingness to be a part of the process to benefit from it. I don't think that's best but politicians have always catered to those who support them. Staying home and not participating because no one cares ensures that no one is going to put much effort into reaching out. It's about ROI. They're are going to concentrate on those who will help them get reelected. Maybe not the best for Americans but it 's about the best that we can do. The only way to have a voice and make the sort of changes you want is to get your hands dirty. Calling for a plague on both your hoses gets you doubly ignored.
If it is about ROI for the politicians and about ROI for older voters and about ROI for younger voters, then where is the ROI for those of us who are say 45-60?
For example, by the time I retire, I will have paid into social security for at least 45 years. I've been working since I was 15 and never without a job since then. How much ROI do you think I'll see on that investment? My guess...zero. Those older than me seem content to only protect it for themselves and those younger know it's going away and don't care.
That's just one of many ways those of us sandwiched in the middle are sick to death of hearing about the woes of everyone younger and older. It isnt as if we hit adulthood in some sort of guilded age. We just figured our own shit out. We bought our first houses and watched 30% of their value evaporate overnight because those older and wiser than us ran the mortgage market into the ditch. We figured it out. We were the first generation who largely borrowed money to get through college and we figured that out and figured out how to repay it. We mostly came from screwy family situations and we're known as "latch-key" kids for a reason. We figured it out.
I'm proud as hell of younger people for mostly figuring things out for themselves these days. However, politically, I'm sick to death of the whining from both sides of the age spectrum.
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