I’d say that I still very much care in the sense that I care about our country and our role in the greater global community, but I would say that I don’t care in the sense that I am not letting the outcome of political election negatively impact the general joy, optimism, hope, and intrinsic belief that most people are good that I work to carry around in life. Obviously the election outcome was not my preferred result, but I have not spent a moment since the outcome was apparent feeling down or sad or afraid or anything like that. I generally believe in the strength of America the American people, and I believe that politics are cyclical and also in the mantra of “this too shall pass.” Not trying to sound all sanguine or enlightened or anything like that- just sharing my general philosophy. If I’m annoyed about anything, it’s simply that we’ve got to spend the next four years hearing Trumpian stupidity, and watching otherwise intelligent people get on their knees to reflexively and unconditionally lick the boots of someone so unfathomably stupid. I had hoped we were past that, but clearly we aren’t.