2024 Presidential Election | ELECTION DAY 2024

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So did Hitler until the very end. Then he turned on the German people and blamed them for everything. They "betrayed" him. Trump will come to the same conclusion...
I remember reading that in the last days of Nazi Germany, as the Russians poured in from the East and the British and Americans from the West, that Hitler ranted that the German people had let him down and didn't deserve to survive - maybe they weren't a "master race" after all - and so he pretty much wanted all of Germany leveled to the ground and destroyed. And he pretty much got his way. Tens of millions of Germans fanatically supported him and then died by the millions for him in the war, but in the end Hitler held them all in contempt because they had "failed" him.
I remember reading that in the last days of Nazi Germany, as the Russians poured in from the East and the British and Americans from the West, that Hitler ranted that the German people had let him down and didn't deserve to survive - maybe they weren't a "master race" after all - and so he pretty much wanted all of Germany leveled to the ground and destroyed. And he pretty much got his way. Tens of millions of Germans fanatically supported him and then died by the millions for him in the war, but in the end Hitler held them all in contempt because they had "failed" him.
Exactly. And this is what Trump will do. Perhaps the rest of it will play out in similar fashion, but that's probably too much to hope for...
In the current version of the GOP...is there a large number of WSJ subscribers?
Haley is no doubt hoping that her bending the knee and remaining loyal to Trump will somehow pay off with his base if he loses this year, and that it will put her in good stead for 2028. What she consistently seems clueless about is that by running against Trump in the primaries this year and making all those criticisms of him she's already alienated both his base and Dear Leader himself, and he has no use for her now, and never will. She'll never get his endorsement and his base is never going to nominate a woman with immigrant Sikh parents whose birth name was Nimarata Randhawa. She's young enough that she'll keep angling for the GOP nomination, but she'll never get it, imo.
In the current version of the GOP...is there a large number of WSJ subscribers?

Haley is no doubt hoping that her bending the knee and remaining loyal to Trump will somehow pay off with his base if he loses this year, and that it will put her in good stead for 2028. What she consistently seems clueless about is that by running against Trump in the primaries this year and making all those criticisms of him she's already alienated both his base and Dear Leader himself, and he has no use for her now, and never will. She'll never get his endorsement and his base is never going to nominate a woman with immigrant Sikh parents whose birth name was Nimarata Randhawa. She's young enough that she'll keep angling for the GOP nomination, but she'll never get it, imo.
It’s not only a matter of her winning the GOP nomination in the future. There’s a world where she wins the 2028 nomination and then needs to motivate Trump’s base to turn out to vote for her against Kamala.

Haley has played it right.
It’s not only a matter of her winning the GOP nomination in the future. There’s a world where she wins the 2028 nomination and then needs to motivate Trump’s base to turn out to vote for her against Kamala.

Haley has played it right.
You keep saying this, but the world you're talking about is in an alternate universe. She's never going to win the GOP nomination, no matter how much her fans keep wishing it to be so.
Haley is no doubt hoping that her bending the knee and remaining loyal to Trump will somehow pay off with his base if he loses this year, and that it will put her in good stead for 2028. What she consistently seems clueless about is that by running against Trump in the primaries this year and making all those criticisms of him she's already alienated both his base and Dear Leader himself, and he has no use for her now, and never will. She'll never get his endorsement and his base is never going to nominate a woman with immigrant Sikh parents whose birth name was Nimarata Randhawa. She's young enough that she'll keep angling for the GOP nomination, but she'll never get it, imo.
Yep. It will be hard for a woman to get the nomination in the Grand Bro Party.
It’s not only a matter of her winning the GOP nomination in the future. There’s a world where she wins the 2028 nomination and then needs to motivate Trump’s base to turn out to vote for her against Kamala.

Haley has played it right.
I can't help but laugh at the idea that Trump’s base will ever support anyone but Trump. Are you really that blind to the cultish nature of his core followers?
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I’m home tonight to stay for a bit, after being on the road for thirteen months and traveling through 32 states. I am beyond tired but profoundly grateful for the chance to meet so many wonderful people and for the welcome you have given me to your towns and your homes.

I know people are on edge, and there is maybe one last thing I can offer before this election. Every place I stopped, worried people asked me how I have maintained a sense of hope through the past fraught years. The answer—inevitably for me, I suppose—is in our history.

If you had been alive in 1853, you would have thought the elite enslavers had become America’s rulers. They were only a small minority of the U.S. population, but by controlling the Democratic Party, they had managed to take control of the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court. They used that power to stop the northerners who wanted the government to clear the rivers and harbors of snags, for example, or to fund public colleges for ordinary people, from getting any such legislation through Congress. But at least they could not use the government to spread their system of human enslavement across the country, because the much larger population in the North held control of the House of Representatives.
Then in 1854, with the help of Democratic president Franklin Pierce, elite enslavers pushed the Kansas-Nebraska Act through the House. That law overturned the Missouri Compromise that had kept Black enslavement out of the American West since 1820. Because the Constitution guarantees the protection of property—and enslaved Americans were considered property—the expansion of slavery into those territories would mean the new states there would become slave states. Their representatives would work together with those of the southern slave states to outvote the northern free labor advocates in Congress. Together, they would make enslavement national.

America would become a slaveholding nation.

Enslavers were quite clear that this was their goal.

South Carolina senator James Henry Hammond explicitly rejected “as ridiculously absurd, that much lauded but nowhere accredited dogma of Mr. Jefferson, that ‘all men are born equal.’” He explained to his Senate colleagues that the world was made up of two classes of people. The “Mudsills” were dull drudges whose work produced the food and products that made society function. On them rested the superior class of people, who took the capital the mudsills produced and used it to move the economy, and even civilization itself, forward. The world could not survive without the inferior mudsills, but the superior class had the right—and even the duty—to rule over them.

But that’s not how it played out.
As soon as it became clear that Congress would pass the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Representative Israel Washburn of Maine called a meeting of thirty congressmen in Washington, D.C., to figure out how they could fight back against the Slave Power that had commandeered the government to spread the South’s system of human enslavement. The men met in the rooms of Representative Edward Dickinson of Massachusetts—whose talented daughter Emily was already writing poems—and while they came to the meeting from all different political parties, often bitterly divided over specific policies, they left with one sole purpose: to stop the overthrow of American democracy.

The men scattered back to their homes across the North for the summer, sharing their conviction that a new party must rise to stand against the Slave Power. They found “anti-Nebraska” sentiment sweeping their towns; a young lawyer from Illinois later recalled how ordinary people came together: “[W]e rose each fighting, grasping whatever he could first reach—a scythe—a pitchfork—a chopping axe, or a butcher’s cleaver.” In the next set of midterm elections, those calling themselves “anti-Nebraska” candidates swept into both national and state office across the North, and by 1856, opponents of the Slave Power had become a new political party: the Republicans.

But the game wasn’t over. In 1857, the Supreme Court tried to take away Republicans’ power to stop the spread of slavery to the West by declaring in the infamous Dred Scottdecision that Congress had no power to legislate in the territories. This made the Missouri Compromise that had kept enslavement out of the land above Missouri unconstitutional. The next day, Republican editor of the New York Tribune Horace Greeley wrote that the decision was “entitled to just so much moral weight as would be the judgment of a majority of those congregated in any Washington bar-room.”