2024 Presidential Election | ELECTION DAY 2024

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Looking like 217-215 repub to dem in the House til late Spring when Waltz, Stefanik and Gaetz seats go thru special elections. Tight!. Mike Johnson better hope everyone in the house on the red side stays health and keeps their attendance high.
Oh shoot, MTG uncovered the Dems' master plan... steal a couple US House seats while the Pubs retake the White House and Senate. Some real 4D underwater chess there.
From the Wall Street journals What's News podcast.

As far as reasons to vote for Trump is concerned, this is a new one.

Liz Essley Whyte: Yeah, that's right. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. kind of coined a new slogan for what his movement represents and it's Make America Healthy Again. And then when I was reporting this, there are a lot of people with similar stories of how they got to supporting Make America Healthy Again. One of them that I think typified the people I talked to was Ashley Taylor. She as a teenager had some really bad back problems and the interventions that doctors recommended actually ended up making her worse. She had a surgery that she was just reeling in pain from and she finally just decided to get away from their recommendations, and turn to acupuncture, and kind of positive thinking and yoga, and that helped turn her pain around. So then during the pandemic, she was again drawn to information from non-traditional sources and she listened to Kennedy, and she read part of his book. And by the time this campaign was in full swing, she was listening to a lot of his messages on food and drugs, and how those things had been co-opted by Big Pharma. And she really agreed with them and she ended up deciding to cast her vote for Trump, because of that in part.

Luke Vargas: And Liz, whether it's people like Ashley or more broadly the two cohorts I was describing earlier, there is something unique here politically, right? It's not just Democrats or Republicans we're talking about, I noticed neither of those words actually came up in the article that you wrote. This is a group of people that straddles traditional political boundaries.

Liz Essley Whyte: Yeah, that's right. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. kind of coined a new slogan for what his movement represents and it's Make America Healthy Again. And then when I was reporting this, there are a lot of people with similar stories of how they got to supporting Make America Healthy Again. One of them that I think typified the people I talked to was Ashley Taylor. She as a teenager had some really bad back problems and the interventions that doctors recommended actually ended up making her worse. She had a surgery that she was just reeling in pain from and she finally just decided to get away from their recommendations, and turn to acupuncture, and kind of positive thinking and yoga, and that helped turn her pain around. So then during the pandemic, she was again drawn to information from non-traditional sources and she listened to Kennedy, and she read part of his book. And by the time this campaign was in full swing, she was listening to a lot of his messages on food and drugs, and how those things had been co-opted by Big Pharma. And she really agreed with them and she ended up deciding to cast her vote for Trump, because of that in part.

Grift and greed...in the Republican Party?!?

I am so shocked I will need to take the rest of the day to recover.

Trump features Jill Biden in new ad for fragrance: 'Enemies can't resist'

President-elect Donald Trump has released a new fragrance line for men and women to commemorate his historic election victory, and he found an unwitting model to help sell it.

An online ad for the fragrance features a viral photo of Trump and Jill Biden, with the first lady seemingly smiling at him at the reopening ceremony of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on Saturday.

"Here are my new Trump Perfumes & Colognes! I call them Fight, Fight, Fight, because they represent us WINNING," Trump wrote in a post on his social media platform, Truth Social.

"A fragrance your enemies can't resist," reads the tagline.

On November 5 we will find out just how strong we are. We will each choose on which side of the historical ledger to record our names. On the one hand, we can stand with those throughout our history who maintained that some people were better than others and had the right to rule; on the other, we can list our names on the side of those from our past who defended democracy and, by doing so, guarantee that American democracy reaches into the future.

I have had hope in these dark days because I look around at the extraordinary movement that has built in this country over the past several years, and it looks to me like the revolution of the 1850s that gave America a new birth of freedom.

As always, the outcome is in our hands.

“Fellow-citizens,” Lincoln reminded his colleagues, “we cannot escape history. We…will be remembered in spite of ourselves.”

~ Dr. Heather Cox Richardson
I was listening to a political podcast where Heather Cox Richardson was being interviewed about the 2024 election. Fairly early on, the host may reference to her being on the left. This was her response, which I thought was interesting:

“Well, first of all, let’s go back to the idea that you and I are on the left. I won’t speak for you, but I am not on the left and I am not on the right. I am a liberal and a liberal means that I want to use the government in such a way that it regulates business, protect basic, social safety, promotes infrastructure and protect civil rights.

Those things are not on the left or on the right. If you are literally on the left or on the right, you are interested in tearing down that liberal government because, on the right, you believe that democracy is an illusion, that in fact, some people are better than others and have the right to rule over the masses.

If you are on the left, you want to tear down that liberal system because you believe that it is so corrupted by racism and sexism it has always been poisoned, and it can never be used to balance a society.

So I, and I think a lot of people who vote Republican are not on the left or the right. We are liberals. We are centrists. We believe in protecting American democracy…..”
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I was listening to a political podcast where Heather Cox Richardson was being interviewed about the 2024 election. Fairly early on, the host may reference to her being on the left. This was her response, which I thought was interesting:

“Well, first of all, let’s go back to the idea that you and I are on the left. I won’t speak for you, but I am not on the left and I am not on the right. I am in that I want to use in such a way that it regulates business, protect basic, social safety, promotes infrastructure and protect civil rights.

Those things are not on the left or on the right. If you are literally on the left or on the right, you are interested in tearing down that liberal government because, on the right, you believe that democracy is an illusion, that in fact, some people are better than others and have the right to rule over the masses.

If you are on the left, you want to tear down that liberal system because you believe that it is so corrupted by racism and sexism it has always been poisoned, and it can never be used to balance a society.

So I, and I think a lot of people who vote Republican are not on the left or the right. We are liberals. We are centrists. We believe in protecting American democracy…..”
Do you have a link? I would like to listen.
Publicly maybe...

Why are you following an account of a guy who made a "documentary" about Fauci and the World Death Organization?

No wonder you are so misinformed about everything. You are mainlining right-wing propaganda. "Independent" voter my ass.