A confessional thread

@Rock Thanks for unbanning Sandi. Sadly, bans are sometimes necessary, but timeouts are sometimes helpful.

Sandi adds a different perspective to a conversation that I sometimes enjoy, sometimes dislike, and sometimes ignore, but I do value his input. Many conversations can be left/right, or up/down, and Sandi chimes in with "grape" or "onomatopoeia". I don't take Sandi literally or seriously, but I'm glad he's here.

Thanks, @Rock. Welcome back, @Sandinista. Interesting thread, @superrific.
All that “burden” and having been basically useless in the sack at the same time? Sounds tough. Not sure why you’d think any of the dummies would be jealous of that.
Useless is relative. Your persona on this board is of a selfish person who is almost certainly a selfish (i.e. bad) lover. The worst liberal in the sack is better than the best MAGA.
Useless is relative. Your persona on this board is of a selfish person who is almost certainly a selfish (i.e. bad) lover. The worst liberal in the sack is better than the best MAGA.
Is this an attempt at an insult or is this actually more of your fiction-writing practice? It’s hard to tell these days with you, supe. If you’re still writing the next great American novel though, I have a big ask. Could you please, please, please poast some of the dialogue between your characters? Of course, anything in the old romance department would be of the most interest to me, if you know what I’m sayin’. My God, I bet that stuff would be sooooooo steamy. You dawg;) TIA.
Long time grudges are useless, especially against useless selfish ex wives. So it makes no sense to me to hold long term grudges against anonymous board posters. I assume the one posted above is a joke, it has to be. BLAH BLAH BLAH

Holy Lord. Long term grudges are the best and this one is real. Say your goodbyes to farce. But honestly, as horrible as he is, you are likely worse. Is this whole thread about self-aggrandizing pathetic fiction?

Oh, and farce isn’t anonymous to me. I’ve been tracking his movements for decades.
I can delete if you like. Or you can as mod, no biggie. Just trying to get it back on topic. Nobody else is brave enough to participate, and maybe just a bad idea to start this thread