Abortion Argument Within (f/k/a Biden to propose SCOTUS reform)

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God only shows mercy to those who believe in him and trust in his grace. Children are most likely in heaven due to their incapability of understanding that concept fully. I really shouldn’t be given what’s happening in this world today, but to see hatred and disrespect for God so blatant in this manner is shocking. Really scary stuff.
"Children are most likely in heaven due to their incapability of understanding that concept fully."

Quote me a single verse that supports this.
Here we go - I’m stupid because I believe in creationism and the rights of unborn children. Let me ask you this, what will that fetus become if it isn’t murdered by the woman who is supposed to be protecting it? By the way, the photo you provided is a fetus that most likely has a heart beat. I have a 1 year old child and we heard his heartbeat at 8 weeks. Only a sick and twisted individual would hear that and say “ya know what? I don’t want or need that in my life right now”. So, I’ll gladly be stupid in your eyes.
Just to be clear, you advocate for ending the life of a fetus for convenience of the mother and couch that as “human rights”?
Creationism is religion. Freedom of religion. Also that early beat isn't actually a heartbeat.
Well this is a political board isn’t it? Anyway, the fetus or whatever name you choose, in the vast majority of cases will be a child if it isn’t terminated. Think of it that way if you need to.
What if the embryo doesn't develop and will harm the mother?
God only shows mercy to those who believe in him and trust in his grace. Children are most likely in heaven due to their incapability of understanding that concept fully. I really shouldn’t be given what’s happening in this world today, but to see hatred and disrespect for God so blatant in this manner is shocking. Really scary stuff.
Of course, the Bible teaches and predicts all of this - right will become wrong, etc etc. Clear we are living in the end times, and you folks have helped me trust in God even more given that you are basically living proof of his predictions.
Ugh. That is one nasty, heretical version of Christianity you believe in. I hope you realize your error at some point and don’t live your whole life unnecessarily consumed by such fear and judgmentalism.
God only shows mercy to those who believe in him and trust in his grace. Children are most likely in heaven due to their incapability of understanding that concept fully. I really shouldn’t be given what’s happening in this world today, but to see hatred and disrespect for God so blatant in this manner is shocking. Really scary stuff.

"Children are most likely in heaven due to their incapability of understanding that concept fully."

Quote me a single verse that supports this.
Why do you keep asking for direct quotes? Have you ever heard of the concept of implication and inferring? Do you understand you can take the whole and make certain inferences about what they might mean? No, God didn’t say “children are most likely going to heaven because of their incapability of understanding the concept.” However, when you read the Bible, understand its teachings, and what it takes to be saved, it stands to reason that certain people are not capable of understanding the concept. Of course, there are debates over this which is why I said “most likely” and didn’t state it matter if factly. I believe that God would not condemn innocent children whose cognitive abilities don’t allow them to understand the concept of sin and grace. Others don’t. Not every thing is so black and white as you seem to want it to be.
Ugh. That is one nasty, heretical version of Christianity you believe in. I hope you realize your error at some point and don’t live your whole life unnecessarily consumed by such fear and judgmentalism.
What are you talking about? These people are advocating for the death of unborn, unprotected children. Other things going on in society also confirm what the Bible predicted “wrong will be right.” If you cannot see that you are blind
Are you saying Christianity isn’t about grace? That’s literally the entire point.
What if the embryo doesn't develop and will harm the mother?
Different discussion that can be debated. Different people believe differently. At that point, there is a discussion to be had certainly. I believe, having a wife a child and another on the way, that if my wife was at risk of dying, I would want my wife around. She believes the opposite. That’s different to me than a “convenience abortion”
Why do you keep asking for direct quotes? Have you ever heard of the concept of implication and inferring? Do you understand you can take the whole and make certain inferences about what they might mean? No, God didn’t say “children are most likely going to heaven because of their incapability of understanding the concept.” However, when you read the Bible, understand its teachings, and what it takes to be saved, it stands to reason that certain people are not capable of understanding the concept. Of course, there are debates over this which is why I said “most likely” and didn’t state it matter if factly. I believe that God would not condemn innocent children whose cognitive abilities don’t allow them to understand the concept of sin and grace. Others don’t. Not every thing is so black and white as you seem to want it to be.
Because people like you love to quote scripture to condemn when appropriate, then "infer" answers to uncomfortable questions, depending on what argument you're making. You "infer" that children are saved even though nothing in the bible grants you that position.

If that were true, then abortion is the greatest mercy one can give because you've absolved that child, as you'd call it, from a life of sin.

But we both know you don't believe that. You're a charlatan.
Please explain what it is and why doctors are lying
God only shows mercy to those who believe in him and trust in his grace. Children are most likely in heaven due to their incapability of understanding that concept fully. I really shouldn’t be given what’s happening in this world today, but to see hatred and disrespect for God so blatant in this manner is shocking. Really scary stuff.
Of course, the Bible teaches and predicts all of this - right will become wrong, etc etc. Clear we are living in the end times, and you folks have helped me trust in God even more given that you are basically living proof of his predictions.
Look. You believe what you believe. But there are other viewpoints and religion. Are you saying there is only your view of religion? What if someone believes in a religion that allows abortion? Why is your view more important than the next person?
Because people like you love to quote scripture to condemn when appropriate, then "infer" answers to uncomfortable questions, depending on what argument you're making. You "infer" that children are saved even though nothing in the bible grants you that position.

If that were true, then abortion is the greatest mercy one can give because you've absolved that child, as you'd call it, from a life of sin.

But we both know you don't believe that. You're a charlatan.
Abortion is murder and murder is directly prohibited by God, no need to infer that one.
It’s perfectly reasonable to make an inference regarding children. It is logical, when you sit down and consider what salvation is, to think that children are incapable of understanding it fully. Maybe God does hold them accountable, but I don’t believe that. I’ve told you what I believe, not what is 100% fact. I make an inference from the Bible to reach that belief. I assume you don’t believe in God nor the Bible, so it is pointless to continue a discussion of what may be inferred from it with you.
I will read that article this evening. However, there are several that say the heartbeat can begin as early as week 6. It is possible there is a disagreement there. I would find it hard to believe many doctors would lie about a heartbeat.
Abortion is murder and murder is directly prohibited by God, no need to infer that one.
It’s perfectly reasonable to make an inference regarding children. It is logical, when you sit down and consider what salvation is, to think that children are incapable of understanding it fully. Maybe God does hold them accountable, but I don’t believe that. I’ve told you what I believe, not what is 100% fact. I make an inference from the Bible to reach that belief. I assume you don’t believe in God nor the Bible, so it is pointless to continue a discussion of what may be inferred from it with you.
But if he doesn't believe in God or the Bible, why does he have to follow your rules?
Look. You believe what you believe. But there are other viewpoints and religion. Are you saying there is only your view of religion? What if someone believes in a religion that allows abortion? Why is your view more important than the next person?
I have considered this often. How could it be that so many religions are dead set they are right? Some have to be wrong, what if I’m wrong, etc. However, when I study the Bible and compare it to other religions and their documents, the Bible makes the most sense to me. Many, I’m sure, will attack me and call me stupid, etc. but creation makes sense. I find it exceedingly difficult to believe the intricacies of our world and our bodies could just happen into existence without a creator. So, because of that I believe in God. Of course, many religions believe in God, so I consider those and so on and so forth. For me, I arrived at God and the Bible. Not everyone will get to that point. Are they wrong? I believe yes. Are they free to believe that, yes. Am I free to disagree? Yes.
As far as abortion, that goes beyond religion. In the same way we are given unalienable rights as human beings, I believe those rights - life, liberty, etc. - should extend to babies in the womb. Some may say that takes away some liberty of a mother, and maybe it does, but I disagree with that. The only possible instance I would consider an abortion is if the mother was going to die. Rape, etc. I’m up in the air but can see arguments to both.
But as far as liberty goes, everyone gives up some liberty in furtherance of safeguarding the life and liberty of others. For an extreme example, you give up your liberty to drink 15 blueberry ipas and drive home because others have the inalienable right to life as a human being. The mother gives up some liberty (honestly not even sure what they have to give up) in furtherance of the life of her child.
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But if he doesn't believe in God or the Bible, why does he have to follow your rules?
I follow that rule because I believe it also a sin against God. Everyone should be disgusted by abortion because it is an affront to our inalienable rights as human beings. He disagrees that a fetus is a human, and you may too, so you can skirt around the inalienable rights situation and advocate for getting rid of kids for the mothers convenience.
Abortion is murder and murder is directly prohibited by God, no need to infer that one.
It’s perfectly reasonable to make an inference regarding children. It is logical, when you sit down and consider what salvation is, to think that children are incapable of understanding it fully. Maybe God does hold them accountable, but I don’t believe that. I’ve told you what I believe, not what is 100% fact. I make an inference from the Bible to reach that belief. I assume you don’t believe in God nor the Bible, so it is pointless to continue a discussion of what may be inferred from it with you.
God murdered plenty of innocents. Do you call that murder or use a different term to soften the act? The flood wiped the world; how many children do you suppose were swept away?

The first born in Egypt were deleted by God overnight. Didn't matter what age - first born dead.

If that's not murder, describe the act in another way. Or better yet, infer it from the good book.

You keep inferring things your religion doesn't support. It doesn't support an argument against abortion, it doesn't support salvation for children who haven't been saved, it doesn't support any of these claims you're making.
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I follow that rule because I believe it also a sin against God. Everyone should be disgusted by abortion because it is an affront to our inalienable rights as human beings. He disagrees that a fetus is a human, and you may too, so you can skirt around the inalienable rights situation and advocate for getting rid of kids for the mothers convenience.
There's nothing convenient about asking a woman raped against her will to carry to term. If a 12 year old child gets raped by her stepfather, by the grace of your god, you'd have that young child carry that with her.

You have no morality, you just pretend to because you believe a book absolves you of responsibility. "Well, I don't know god's plan, but I'm sure the 12 year old will learn something from this". That's not morality, in any sense of the word.

Thankfully, and I do mean this, the population of non-believers continues to grow so we can eventually unburden ourselves of such nonsense and make decisions based on sound logic, reason and science.
I find it funny that this thread turned into an abortion topic. Democrats pretending thats the reason for SCOTUS reform is hilarious as much as it is disingenuous. The court was always meant to be set for life so it wouldn’t be political and Judges wouldn’t be forced or pressured into decisions one way or another. But Democrats fill the need to control or influence everything so here we are.