Abortion Argument Within (f/k/a Biden to propose SCOTUS reform)

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I find it funny that this thread turned into an abortion topic. Democrats pretending thats the reason for SCOTUS reform is hilarious as much as it is disingenuous. The court was always meant to be set for life so it wouldn’t be political and Judges wouldn’t be forced or pressured into decisions one way or another. But Democrats fill the need to control or influence everything so here we are.
U serious? Ten commandments. School prayer. Book bans. If it's not supposed to be political then why did Mitch steal the nomination from Obama?
I find it funny that this thread turned into an abortion topic. Democrats pretending thats the reason for SCOTUS reform is hilarious as much as it is disingenuous. The court was always meant to be set for life so it wouldn’t be political and Judges wouldn’t be forced or pressured into decisions one way or another. But Democrats fill the need to control or influence everything so here we are.
Only lately has a single radical group -Heritage foundation or whomever they are-been allowed to pack the court with their folks
U serious? Ten commandments. School prayer. Book bans. If it's not supposed to be political then why did Mitch steal the nomination from Obama?
As opposed to what? Promoting lgbtq? CRT? Passing laws so teachers can keep information a parent should know about their child a secret from their parents? (Which they view as keeping the child safe lol) .
I find it funny that this thread turned into an abortion topic. Democrats pretending thats the reason for SCOTUS reform is hilarious as much as it is disingenuous. The court was always meant to be set for life so it wouldn’t be political and Judges wouldn’t be forced or pressured into decisions one way or another. But Democrats fill the need to control or influence everything so here we are.
I'm in support of a woman having full discretion over decisions affecting her body. A conservative court chose to remove those protections.

The only politicking is from the right trying to control a % of the population based on a religious doctrine. It's a direct affront to freedom FROM religion that you are far to happy to trample over.
As opposed to what? Promoting lgbtq? CRT? Passing laws so teachers can keep information a parent should know about their child a secret from their parents? (Which they view as keeping the child safe lol) .
Ask yourself why that child would choose to hide their transition from their parents.
Ask yourself why that child would choose to hide their transition from their parents.
Ask yourself what gives schools the right to hide anything from their parents? The fact that you think anything like that is appropriate says all I need to know about you.
God murdered plenty of innocents. Do you call that murder or use a different term to soften the act? The flood wiped the world; how many children do you suppose were swept away?

The first born in Egypt were deleted by God overnight. Didn't matter what age - first born dead.

If that's not murder, describe the act in another way. Or better yet, infer it from the good book.

You keep inferring things your religion doesn't support. It doesn't support an argument against abortion, it doesn't support salvation for children who haven't been saved, it doesn't support any of these claims you're making.
Punishment. Pretty simple. Again the Bible does condemn abortion as murder. You and I have different fundamental beliefs so there’s no reason the argue
Ask yourself what gives schools the right to hide anything from their parents? The fact that you think anything like that is appropriate says all I need to know about you.
If the child's well being depends on protecting their privacy, do I agree that the state has a responsibility to do so? Yes.

My child wouldn't be afraid of my reaction or feel threatened by their outing. Would yours?
There's nothing convenient about asking a woman raped against her will to carry to term. If a 12 year old child gets raped by her stepfather, by the grace of your god, you'd have that young child carry that with her.

You have no morality, you just pretend to because you believe a book absolves you of responsibility. "Well, I don't know god's plan, but I'm sure the 12 year old will learn something from this". That's not morality, in any sense of the word.

Thankfully, and I do mean this, the population of non-believers continues to grow so we can eventually unburden ourselves of such nonsense and make decisions based on sound logic, reason and science.
You changed the discussion topic imagine that. I hope you find God soon.
Punishment. Pretty simple. Again the Bible does condemn abortion as murder. You and I have different fundamental beliefs so there’s no reason the argue
There is no reason to argue and also no reason to attempt to legislate your beliefs.
Punishment. Pretty simple. Again the Bible does condemn abortion as murder. You and I have different fundamental beliefs so there’s no reason the argue
Except you've yet to quote any scriptures. It's a lazy, ex-post theological exercise that isn't supported by your religion. You just want excuses to cover your opinions - the doctrine isn't your receipt, in fact you have none.
I follow that rule because I believe it also a sin against God. Everyone should be disgusted by abortion because it is an affront to our inalienable rights as human beings. He disagrees that a fetus is a human, and you may too, so you can skirt around the inalienable rights situation and advocate for getting rid of kids for the

As opposed to what? Promoting lgbtq? CRT? Passing laws so teachers can keep information a parent should know about their child a secret from their parents? (Which they view as keeping the child safe lol) .
Really? There would be no "promoting" of lgbtq if there weren't discrimination against lgbtq. CRT? You still hung up on that? Is it wrong to study race? Secret from their parents? What if the parents know and approve? Yeah I see it doesn't matter.....
There is no reason to argue and also no reason to attempt to legislate your beliefs.
Do you believe in inalienable rights for human beings? Do you believe in global warming? Everything is legislating what you believe in.
You changed the discussion topic imagine that. I hope you find God soon.
That's a real-world scenario, fella. It should make you uncomfortable, because it's a terrible tragedy. In your worldview, every child suffering similar circumstances would follow the same fate.

Your morality is paper thin, and you're a pseudo-Christian who doesn't actually read their bible.
Except you've yet to quote any scriptures. It's a lazy, ex-post theological exercise that isn't supported by your religion. You just want excuses to cover your opinions - the doctrine isn't your receipt, in fact you have none.
You refuse to accept inferences based on Gods teaching because you are angry at Christians
That's a real-world scenario, fella. It should make you uncomfortable, because it's a terrible tragedy. In your worldview, every child suffering similar circumstances would follow the same fate.

Your morality is paper thin, and you're a pseudo-Christian who doesn't actually read their bible.
I’ve been discussing convenience abortions. It’s a real world example that is so rare it can be handled case by case. We can’t allow all abortions just because 5 of those occur a year