Best Movies Filmed in NC

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Is it true that the Cathy family (Chick-Fil-A) made some substantial contributions to GOP politicians to get them to kill the state subsidies film makers were getting in order to redirect filming to the Georgia studio they were building? That and the GOP politicians did not like the union wages film workers were getting.

In re: "Three In the Attic" My older brother was at UNC at the time of the filming and supposedly Larry Miller when on a date with Yvette Mimieux. Anyone know if this is true?
I think it went down sort of how you described... but I'm not at all sure if the Cathy Family's doings were 100% behind it all, but could have been at least 50%. Here is how NC (and Wilmington specifically) lost the designation of "Hollywood of the East".

"In January 2015, the Republican majority of the General Assembly replaced the tax credit program with the North Carolina Film and Entertainment Grant, which provides fewer financial incentives to production companies.
The change to the grant program resulted in a reduction in productions in North Carolina, said Johnny Griffin, the director of the Wilmington Regional Film Commission.
“Productions look for incentives,” Griffin said. “It’s one of the first things they look for, and you’re either in consideration or not in consideration based on the amount of money they get.”
The grant program carries additional restrictions on the use of grant funds, like a minimum spending qualification — $1 million per episode average for TV series and $5 million for feature-length films — and includes a per-project cap of $9 million for TV series per season and $5 million for feature-length films.
Production companies have moved to states like Georgia, where the incentive programs are more generous and favorable."

It was in 2005 that NC - as a State - started to give incentives for filming in the State.

However, it all started in 1983 - 1984 when Dino De Laurentiis built the first movie studio in Wilmington. Films like "Firestarter" and others are now part of the history.

It all came to a crashing halt with the GOP and the Republican knotheads. It's ironic, because the Cons/pubs are the party which want to give tax breaks and whatnot to entice "industry" to the State. All other industries besides Hollywood, because, you know... George Clooney.
Bits of both Last of and Hunger were indeed filmed in NC. Those mentions are not disingenuous.
Mrs. Fourheels and I "discovered" glamping on the edge of DuPont Forest a few years ago. There are hiking trails to the waterfalls used in both movies although we haven't ever done the long hike (7ish miles round trip) to Bridal Veil Falls. It's only about 20 minutes to both Hendersonville and Brevard too. Lots of great restaurants and stuff to do in the area.
. . .. It's ironic, because the Cons/pubs are the party which want to give tax breaks and whatnot to entice "industry" to the State. All other industries besides Hollywood, because, you know . . ..
1. Thank you for the details, which are entirely consistent with my refreshed recollection.
2. One small, not correction, but personal beef -- I would replace "George Clooney" with "NC electricians, carpenters, key grips, etc., getting union wages and benefits." If a carpenter spends a couple of months a year working on a movie set getting union wages and benefits and the rest of the year getting minimum wage and no benefits via under the table cash payments, it tends to put "radical thoughts" into otherwise docile workers' heads.
I had no idea Dirty Dancing was filmed in NC. I always just assumed it was filmed on location in the Catskills.

I tell ya, if Dirty Dancing comes on, you've got me hooked. Start swinging and swaying. Lol.

Jennifer Gray an 80s legend. She could dance in underwear with Patrick. Thwart a mis-behaved school principal. Then go shoot some Russians. What a gal!

Sidenote: do ya'll realize Hamilton County, NY, is lowest population density east of Mississippi? I don't believe that's the Catskills. But it's basically like West Texas population density. You wouldn't think that about a county in New York state. I think perhaps the next lowest east of the Mississippi may be our own Tyrrell County, NC.
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I had no idea Dirty Dancing was filmed in NC. I always just assumed it was filmed on location in the Catskills.

I tell ya, if Dirty Dancing comes on, you've got me hooked. Start swinging and swaying. Lol.

Jennifer Gray an 80s legend. She could dance in underwear with Patrick. Thwart a mis-behaved school principal. Then go shoot some Russians. What a gal!

Sidenote: do ya'll realize Hamilton County, NY, is lowest population density east of Mississippi? I don't believe that's the Catskills. But it's basically like West Texas population density. You wouldn't think that about a county in New York state. I think perhaps the next lowest east of the Mississippi may be our own Tyrrell County, NC.

Oh, the nose thing? Lol. I've found her attractive regardless. But I will stake my claim with the pre-nose job Jennifer. Girl next door type. Beautiful!

A bit before my time. I was 90s childhood but watched a lot of 80s movies growing up. I equate her with Natasha Lyonne, from American Pie and Slums of Beverly Hills. Nothing particularly outstanding but just good looking. And approachable.
I had no idea Dirty Dancing was filmed in NC. I always just assumed it was filmed on location in the Catskills.

I tell ya, if Dirty Dancing comes on, you've got me hooked. Start swinging and swaying. Lol.

Jennifer Gray an 80s legend. She could dance in underwear with Patrick. Thwart a mis-behaved school principal. Then go shoot some Russians. What a gal!

Sidenote: do ya'll realize Hamilton County, NY, is lowest population density east of Mississippi? I don't believe that's the Catskills. But it's basically like West Texas population density. You wouldn't think that about a county in New York state. I think perhaps the next lowest east of the Mississippi may be our own Tyrrell County, NC.
We have a family cottage in the NY Finger Lakes. I’ve been all around upstate NY. I’m not surprised at all. Much of upstate NY has extremely low population density. Many very secluded and extremely sparsely populated areas.
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We have a family cottage in the NY Finger Lakes. I’ve been all around upstate NY. I’m not surprised at all. Much of upstate NY has extremely low population density. Many very secluded and extremely sparsely populated areas.
I understand. But it just kind of blows your mind, doesn't it? We always tend to think of New York (even the state) as so populated. But it's really not.
I had no idea Dirty Dancing was filmed in NC. I always just assumed it was filmed on location in the Catskills.

I tell ya, if Dirty Dancing comes on, you've got me hooked. Start swinging and swaying. Lol.

Jennifer Gray an 80s legend. She could dance in underwear with Patrick. Thwart a mis-behaved school principal. Then go shoot some Russians. What a gal!

Sidenote: do ya'll realize Hamilton County, NY, is lowest population density east of Mississippi? I don't believe that's the Catskills. But it's basically like West Texas population density. You wouldn't think that about a county in New York state. I think perhaps the next lowest east of the Mississippi may be our own Tyrrell County, NC.
Lake Lure inn, Lake Lure, NC
Mrs. Fourheels and I "discovered" glamping on the edge of DuPont Forest a few years ago. There are hiking trails to the waterfalls used in both movies although we haven't ever done the long hike (7ish miles round trip) to Bridal Veil Falls. It's only about 20 minutes to both Hendersonville and Brevard too. Lots of great restaurants and stuff to do in the area.
I hope you did not swim in the Big Lake DuPont has it filled with nasty stuff
I had no idea Dirty Dancing was filmed in NC. I always just assumed it was filmed on location in the Catskills.

I tell ya, if Dirty Dancing comes on, you've got me hooked. Start swinging and swaying. Lol.

Jennifer Gray an 80s legend. She could dance in underwear with Patrick. Thwart a mis-behaved school principal. Then go shoot some Russians. What a gal!

Sidenote: do ya'll realize Hamilton County, NY, is lowest population density east of Mississippi? I don't believe that's the Catskills. But it's basically like West Texas population density. You wouldn't think that about a county in New York state. I think perhaps the next lowest east of the Mississippi may be our own Tyrrell County, NC.
Hamilton County is one of only two counties that are wholly inside the Adirondack State Park (Essex is the other one).

It’s a mountainous, forested area with a lot of lakes and boggy areas - making road-building, farming, settlement, etc. difficult as hell. And, cold as hell in the winter.

I’ve spent a lot of time in Upstate New York. I remember the first time I drove through the Southern Tier and upto the Adirondacks. It was night. Almost no lights and fewer towns.

Rural New York is rural as hell.