My stepson's Canadian girlfriend (they've only known each other through the internet) tried to come down from Saskatchewan to where he lives in California. She flew into Vancouver, and before she could catch her connecting flight, she got interviewed by Immigration & Customs. She had a valid passport and ID, but they asked her for tax documents and work history, and about 10 other things, and drilled down on how she was going to support herself here, and ended up denying her entry.
She ended up stranded in Vancouver, hungry, and with no place to stay. We were able to get her a pizza and an uber to a hotel (though we had lots of problems with trying to use American credit cards), and now they're just going to drive to North Dakota to pick her up.
I've never heard of this level of bureaucracy coming/going from Canada to US. Is this the new normal...did Trump sign some kind of executive order about this?
And going forward, would a Nexus card solve it?