Civil War

Again, I think you’re significantly downplaying things.

Yes, Trump is a coward. Yes, Trump would avoid direct battle in the field, anything that could potentially cause him bodily injury or cause him to endure physical exertion of any kind.

But he absolutely revels in watching others fight for him. And he has shown a willingness to get others killed (see J6 chants and attempts to kill Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, etc). He has an utter disregard for the lives of others, and couldn’t care less if his perceived enemies are killed.
To be clear I'm not trying to downplay the danger of Trump and his movement. What his supporters and the various people trying to manipulate him will do on his behalf, and what he could be convinced to do by some of those same people, goes well beyond what he himself actually wants. But I think you're just wrong about the extent to which Trump wants bloodshed on his behalf. He doesn't actually want to see Pence, Pelosi, or Schumer, or any of his other political rivals, killed. He just wants them intimidated into not opposing him.
My biggest concern is MAGA "poll watchers" disrupting polling places in Democratic precincts, challenging voter eligibility and bringing the voting process to a crawl (and in some cases the police aiding and abetting their process.)
Absolutely. The tin foil hat MAGA crowd will be out in full force "saving" the country from non-existent voter fraud. They'll be "guarding" drop boxes and there's a 99.9999% they'll have no idea of the legal uses of drop boxes in any given state.
If Trump loses, I don't think there will be a civil war.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see scattered violence by his supporters and potentially some coordinated violent efforts (think J6), but I don't think we'll see a civil war.

The good news, as threadbare as it is, is that I think we're still a few steps short of an actual civil war. I'm not saying we won't eventually get there, but I don't think we're there yet.
In re 2nd Civil War between rural and urban areas: If this occurs and the rural area's trump card is denying food to the urban areas and if the rural areas immediately commence deporting all undocumented persons from the rural areas, then I agree that the rural areas will be cutting off the flow of food to the urban areas. But the reason for the cut off will be because that food will be rotting in the fields because there is no one to pick it. And the rural areas will be just a deficient in food as the urban areas. While the average percentage of body fat may be higher in the rura areas, I don't think that will be the decisive advantage that MAGA's think it will be.
IF we're fortunate enough for Trump to lose, 99% of MAGAs will express their anger in the usual way; by watching more fox news; buying Chinese made t-shirts and other merch which expresses their disdain; and grumbling to their friends at the Rotary Club or in Baptist Sunday school.

But, probably not by launching a coordinated civil war against urban areas in the United States.
IF we're fortunate enough for Trump to lose, 99% of MAGAs will express their anger in the usual way; by watching more fox news; buying Chinese made t-shirts and other merch which expresses their disdain; and grumbling to their friends at the Rotary Club or in Baptist Sunday school.

But, probably not by launching a coordinated civil war against urban areas in the United States.
Yup. It will be like the “civil war” Trump fans instituted after the indictments and convictions.
IF we're fortunate enough for Trump to lose, 99% of MAGAs will express their anger in the usual way; by watching more fox news; buying Chinese made t-shirts and other merch which expresses their disdain; and grumbling to their friends at the Rotary Club or in Baptist Sunday school.

But, probably not by launching a coordinated civil war against urban areas in the United States.
And displaying "Fuck Cum-Allah" flags on their front porch.
Imo, a Trump loss won’t cause a civil war and he won’t call for anything of the kind.

I don’t think organized violence kicks in until the Democrats eventually pack the Supreme Court. Even then, I doubt if it’s anything like a “war” in the traditional sense. I’d wager it will take the form of domestic terrorism and some sort of computer fuckery. I’d also wager that it will not be pleasant for anyone around to experience it.

But I’ve been a little negative today, so…
I think the MAGA infiltration of lower level offices is more of a threat than anything else. I definitely expect a bunch of county and municipal level officials to try and refuse to certify the counts in order to jam up the election results and put everything into the courts.

I don’t doubt some rioting will occur if he loses, but I believe the orchestrated efforts will be around creating uncertainty in election certification rather than violence.
Imo, a Trump loss won’t cause a civil war and he won’t call for anything of the kind.

I don’t think organized violence kicks in until the Democrats eventually pack the Supreme Court. Even then, I doubt if it’s anything like a “war” in the traditional sense. I’d wager it will take the form of domestic terrorism and some sort of computer fuckery. I’d also wager that it will not be pleasant for anyone around to experience it.

But I’ve been a little negative today, so…
The Republicans have essentially packed the SCOTUS Mitch denial to let Obama nominate 1 ,and them the Heritage Foundations nominees
I think the MAGA infiltration of lower level offices is more of a threat than anything else. I definitely expect a bunch of county and municipal level officials to try and refuse to certify the counts in order to jam up the election results and put everything into the courts.

I don’t doubt some rioting will occur if he loses, but I believe the orchestrated efforts will be around creating uncertainty in election certification rather than violence.
That won't happen either. Election workers and officials, whether MAGA or not, take their jobs seriously and they always have. Just as Superior Court judges never crumple up verdict sheets they disagree with, local election officials do not and will not torpedo voting results that are not to their liking. Whichever MAGA BOE guy runs elections in Ashe County is not going to de-certify their county's 72% vote for Trump in service of a MAGA infiltration conspiracy to jam up election results. It has never happened. There's no reason for it to start happening in 2024. Let's not be Rudys. If Trump wins, he wins, but let's not be like him. Our elections are not rigged or stollen.