Civil War

Because of the violence related to the murder if George Floyd.

Why does the OP float idea of a civil war? What seems more plausible, a civil war or pockets of violence by people angry if trump were elected?

So yeah. You’re trolling.

I find that lefties are far more likely to talk about leaving the country if Trump wins than they are about rioting.

I’ve seen zero evidence of threats of violence or rioting from the left if Trump wins. I’ve seen tons of talk from righties about riots and violence if Trump loses.
In re lefties leaving the country: I agree. Lefties actually have marketable skills that are in demand in other countries. Righties leaving the US would be competing against Eastern Europe/India/Philippine labor. I just don't see the typical MAGA working harder than some non-US blue collar worker earning 3 or 4 times as much as he made back in his home country.
“Which, as I'm sure you remember, was greatly exaggerated (to the point of being at times simply fabricated) by right wing media.”

This. I was in Fayetteville the day before the memorial service for George Floyd at a church on US-401 between Raeford and Fayetteville. Many locals had created quite the narrative of bus loads of rioters coming in to cause trouble, and they had their guns ready. Never heard a word from the alarmists when only a memorial service happened.
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r/conservative has essentially gone from a victory lap a month ago to focusing almost entirely on articles about voting security (poll watching, purging voting rolls etc). The GOP machine is definitely amping up it's base to believe the election was stolen vs. they lost legitimately. Will it be enough to push them into acts of war? It will be for some.
I think OP is trolling . Guess eye of the beholder deal. No one believes there will be a civil war but this is serious post?
There has been legit talk of civil war on righty social media.

Trump has been stoking the flames for nearly a decade now.

There is no analog on the left.

You’re trolling.
There has been legit talk of civil war on righty social media.

Trump has been stoking the flames for nearly a decade now.

There is no analog on the left.

You’re trolling.
I don't frequent right social media. I see plenty of hate on Facebook. I would put the odds of a civil war at about zero. Even trump people I know are getting fatigue. If trump wins I would put odds of some rioting higher than zero. Thankfully trump cannot win unless he goes dark until nov. 5 which he is incapable of doing.
I'm unaware of crazies running for election board positions around the country. I'm unaware that election board person is even an elected position, at least in NC. I've known a lot of election workers of all political stripes. They're the same kind of people who go to the library book sale.
How many of those election workers have quit? MAGA has pushed to get partisans in and did a good job running off a lot of long term election workers with their harassment campaigns.
Civil War, I dont think so. There's no regional divide anymore. It's urban vs rural. I would like to see the country split up as much as anyone, but the only way to split it is little blue islands, because it is simply not regional.

Isolated violence, yes. The larger the win the less their case and anger will be
Not all civil wars look like the American Civil War where there are clearly defined geographic boundaries at the outset. Often it is rural/urban or ideological divides.
I think OP is trolling . Guess eye of the beholder deal. No one believes there will be a civil war but this is serious post?
Just look at how MAGA supporters respond to questions about what happens if Trump loses. Inevitably many of them say there will be a civil war. Whether or not you believe a war is a legitimate concern, it is foolish to dismiss questions about it as trolling considering they talk about it so often.
I don't frequent right social media. I see plenty of hate on Facebook. I would put the odds of a civil war at about zero. Even trump people I know are getting fatigue. If trump wins I would put odds of some rioting higher than zero. Thankfully trump cannot win unless he goes dark until nov. 5 which he is incapable of doing.

Just look at how MAGA supporters respond to questions about what happens if Trump loses. Inevitably many of them say there will be a civil war. Whether or not you believe a war is a legitimate concern, it is foolish to dismiss questions about it as trolling considering they talk about it so often.
Do you think there is a possibility of riots if trump wins?
I don't frequent right social media. I see plenty of hate on Facebook. I would put the odds of a civil war at about zero. Even trump people I know are getting fatigue. If trump wins I would put odds of some rioting higher than zero. Thankfully trump cannot win unless he goes dark until nov. 5 which he is incapable of doing.
It’s not just right wing social media, or social media in general.

When a GOP official says it might take a civil war to set the country right if Trump loses, it’s a big deal.

Keep trolling.
It’s not just right wing social media, or social media in general.

When a GOP official says it might take a civil war to set the country right if Trump loses, it’s a big deal.

Keep trolling.
I gave my opinion. There will not be a civil war. When trump loses he will be persona non grata. He will have no usefulness left. If he wins, and I don't think he can, I worry about violence. To be clear if he loses I am sure there be isolated violence as well. This is exactly why there is zero chance that this board will end up differently than zzlp.
I gave my opinion. There will not be a civil war. When trump loses he will be persona non grata. He will have no usefulness left. If he wins, and I don't think he can, I worry about violence. To be clear if he loses I am sure there be isolated violence as well. This is exactly why there is zero chance that this board will end up differently than zzlp.
You gave your opinion only after diverting the convo to troll about lefty violence and George Floyd.

If you post troll-like BS similar to what you did at times on the zzlp, you’ll get called out for it in the same manner.

Do better.
Do you think there is a possibility of riots if trump wins?
Only if it seems apparent Trump wins as a result of election malfeasance (wholesale rejection of ballots in states dominated by MAGA, voter intimidation by "poll observers," refusal of local or state officials to certify election where Trump loses, etc.)

I firmly believe there is going to be a shit ton of Election Day and post-election shenanigans by Trumpers.
You gave your opinion only after diverting the convo to troll about lefty violence and George Floyd.

If you post troll-like BS similar to what you did at times on the zzlp, you’ll get called out for it in the same manner.

Do better.
Ok. So on a thread about the possibility of post election violence suggesting it might come from anyone other than magas is out of bounds? Yea, this forum is trending as I thought . You do better.