Civil War

That won't happen either. Election workers and officials, whether MAGA or not, take their jobs seriously and they always have. Just as Superior Court judges never crumple up verdict sheets they disagree with, local election officials do not and will not torpedo voting results that are not to their liking. Whichever MAGA BOE guy runs elections in Ashe County is not going to de-certify their county's 72% vote for Trump in service of a MAGA infiltration conspiracy to jam up election results. It has never happened. There's no reason for it to start happening in 2024. Let's not be Rudys. If Trump wins, he wins, but let's not be like him. Our elections are not rigged or stollen.
So all the crazies running for election board positions around the country and just super interested in civics?
The Republicans have essentially packed the SCOTUS Mitch denial to let Obama nominate 1 ,and them the Heritage Foundations nominees
McConnell’s move to deny Garland was undoubtedly the most disgusting, most partisan, and most cynical political move that I’ve seen during my lifetime. Your point about Heritage Foundation nominees is nonsense though, at least as it relates to process. I’m not one that you’ll have to convince when the time comes though.
So all the crazies running for election board positions around the country and just super interested in civics?
I'm unaware of crazies running for election board positions around the country. I'm unaware that election board person is even an elected position, at least in NC. I've known a lot of election workers of all political stripes. They're the same kind of people who go to the library book sale.
Was there rioting when Trump won in 2016? Has there been any large-scale talk of violence from the left if Trump wins a legit election?
No. But the level of hate now against trump is much different than in 2016. And, yes, he deserves it. He is contemptible. I don't think there will be a civil war and I think the violence will be minimal. But I think there is potential from both sides.
No. But the level of hate now against trump is much different than in 2016. And, yes, he deserves it. He is contemptible. I don't think there will be a civil war and I think the violence will be minimal. But I think there is potential from both sides.
I find that lefties are far more likely to talk about leaving the country if Trump wins than they are about rioting.

I’ve seen zero evidence of threats of violence or rioting from the left if Trump wins. I’ve seen tons of talk from righties about riots and violence if Trump loses.
Civil War, I dont think so. There's no regional divide anymore. It's urban vs rural. I would like to see the country split up as much as anyone, but the only way to split it is little blue islands, because it is simply not regional.

Isolated violence, yes. The larger the win the less their case and anger will be
Assuming he loses the election (a big assumption), I agree with you. I don't think there will be anything as vast or large-scale or as destructive as the Civil War. However, I do think there could very easily be isolated cases of violence or protests or some such across the country as his followers realize that Dear Leader won't ever be returning to the White House. The original Civil War was able to happen because the country was split into two clear geographic sections - a slaveholding South and a non-slavery, rapidly industrializing and urbanizing North. In modern America as you said the split isn't so much between regions anymore, it's between the urban and rural areas in nearly every state. How you could fight a war or successfully divide the country along such lines is nearly impossible, imo.
No. But the level of hate now against trump is much different than in 2016. And, yes, he deserves it. He is contemptible. I don't think there will be a civil war and I think the violence will be minimal. But I think there is potential from both sides.
If Trump wins I don't think there will be rioting or violence, although the disgust and fear (both justified) will certainly be vocal. Now if Trump and his cronies try to implement and carry out their Project 2025 proposals or pass a national abortion ban or stuff like that? Then yeah, there certainly might be mass protests across the country that end in violence one way or another. I think it's fairly clear that no matter whether Trump wins or not a great deal of what is contained in Project 2025 is anathema to a large majority of the country, especially younger people.
I find that lefties are far more likely to talk about leaving the country if Trump wins than they are about rioting.

I’ve seen zero evidence of threats of violence or rioting from the left if Trump wins. I’ve seen tons of talk from righties about riots and violence if Trump loses.
I see things somewhat different. There was a strong vibe on zzlp of violence if trump was found guilty during recent trial, which he was, but no violence. I think if trump loses there will be a tremendous backlash against him because he will have given us a female POC as president who magas see as a socialist etc and he will no longer be a useful idiot but just an idiot. And he will be vilified because this election will have been a gimme except he cannot control his mouth.
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Civil War, I dont think so. There's no regional divide anymore. It's urban vs rural.

Yea, I think this is right.

Maybe local flare ups of people beating up other people they hate on their city facebook feeds, but there's no scenario I can conceive of where there are actually battle fronts. And the police and/or military will eventually quash any flare-ups.
I see things somewhat different. There was a strong vibe on zzlp of violence if trump was found guilty during recent trial, which he was, but no violence. I think if trump loses there will be a tremendous backlash against him because he will have given us a female POC as president who magas see as a socialist etc and he will no longer be a useful idiot but just an idiot. And he will be vilified because this election will have been a gimme except he cannot control his mouth.
I’m a bit confused.

You asked if anyone was scared of rioting if Trump wins.

Nothing that you’ve said here speaks to that. And nothing in any of your posts suggests you’ve seen any indication of potential violence if Trump wins.

Are you doing the bad attempt at trolling that you became somewhat famous for on the old zzlp?
That won't happen either. Election workers and officials, whether MAGA or not, take their jobs seriously and they always have. Just as Superior Court judges never crumple up verdict sheets they disagree with, local election officials do not and will not torpedo voting results that are not to their liking. Whichever MAGA BOE guy runs elections in Ashe County is not going to de-certify their county's 72% vote for Trump in service of a MAGA infiltration conspiracy to jam up election results. It has never happened. There's no reason for it to start happening in 2024. Let's not be Rudys. If Trump wins, he wins, but let's not be like him. Our elections are not rigged or stollen.
No one is talking about local poll workers doin anything. We’re talking about the county and state election boards and other officials. Perhaps you missed the Republican members of county election boards who voted against certification last time? Luckily last time there weren’t enough of them to do anything. But the Trump camp has been working since 2020 to make it easier for county and state officials to stand in the way of certification. Let’s hope their efforts will be unsuccessful.
I’m a bit confused.

You asked if anyone was scared of rioting if Trump wins.

Nothing that you’ve said here speaks to that. And nothing in any of your posts suggests you’ve seen any indication of potential violence if Trump wins.

Are you doing the bad attempt at trolling that you became somewhat famous for on the old zzlp?
I guess anything that doesn't fit narrative is trolling. As I said, violence was predicted if trump was convicted. He was. But no violence. As I said I believe that if trump loses that a great number of his supporters will turn on him. I believe that. They should. He will have blown it. Trump is an awful person and I think should he win, that there could be anger that turns into violence. Hope I am wrong but I think that could happen . Sorry if you think that is a troll post.
I guess anything that doesn't fit narrative is trolling. As I said, violence was predicted if trump was convicted. He was. But no violence. As I said I believe that if trump loses that a great number of his supporters will turn on him. I believe that. They should. He will have blown it. Trump is an awful person and I think should he win, that there could be anger that turns into violence. Hope I am wrong but I think that could happen . Sorry if you think that is a troll post.

Let’s back up a second here.

—You specifically asked if anyone was concerned about rioting if Trump WINS. You said that you were concerned about such a prospect.

—NOTHING you’ve posted since then addresses the question of why you’re concerned about violence if Trump WINS.

—You’ve spent a couple posts repeating how lefties were wrong about violence if Trump was CONVICTED. And you’ve reiterated how you think Trump’s base might turn on him if he LOSES the election.

—None of this addresses the question of why you fear violence if Trump WINS.

—Hence my question regarding the sincerity of your original post.
Let’s back up a second here.

—You specifically asked if anyone was concerned about rioting if Trump WINS. You said that you were concerned about such a prospect.

—NOTHING you’ve posted since then addresses the question of why you’re concerned about violence if Trump WINS.

—You’ve spent a couple posts repeating how lefties were wrong about violence if Trump was CONVICTED. And you’ve reiterated how you think Trump’s base might turn on him if he LOSES the election.

—None of this addresses the question of why you fear violence if Trump WINS.

—Hence my question regarding the sincerity of your original post.

Because of the violence related to the murder if George Floyd.

Why does the OP float idea of a civil war? What seems more plausible, a civil war or pockets of violence by people angry if trump were elected?