Civil War

Ok. So on a thread about the possibility of post election violence suggesting it might come from anyone other than magas is out of bounds? Yea, this forum is trending as I thought . You do better.
I tried to engage you in legit convo.

I asked for any evidence you have that there’s been any discussion of civil war in left-wing circles.

I asked for any evidence you have concerning any discussion of political violence on the left if Trump wins.

You provided none. After being pressed a couple times, you brought up Floyd, which has zero to do with the election results.

Don’t put this on me, 79. You trolled, and you freaking know it.
I tried to engage you in legit convo.

I asked for any evidence you have that there’s been any discussion of civil war in left-wing circles.

I asked for any evidence you have concerning any discussion of political violence on the left if Trump wins.

You provided none. After being pressed a couple times, you brought up Floyd, which has zero to do with the election results.

Don’t put this on me, 79. You trolled, and you freaking know it.
No. I still have not suggested the left will start a civil war as I don't believe that. Nor do I think the right crazies will. I know a ton of magas. I don't know any who would be violent on his behalf. I think truthfully a lot of them want him to go away. Keep trolling.
Because of the violence related to the murder if George Floyd.

Why does the OP float idea of a civil war? What seems more plausible, a civil war or pockets of violence by people angry if trump were elected?
The post-Floyd rallies and protests are not relevant to this question. They don't predict anything about political outcomes. They were also four years ago and occurred during the pandemic when people had a lot of time on their hands and a lot of anger built up from the pandemic.

That said, the entire thread has been misguided. There might or might not be a civil war on the horizon, but it ain't gonna with a snap of the finger by a triggering event. When an assassination started WWI, it followed twenty or thirty years of continental militarization and increasingly hardened inter-national rivalries. Our own civil war was decades in the making.
I haven’t seen or read a thing on this thread that I’d call trolling - not by the OP, ‘79, or anyone.

I’ve seen some with opinions that some MAGAts or Trumplicans might respond violently to a Trump loss and ‘79’s view that some on the Left might riot if Trump wins.

I’m not seeing trolling.
The post-Floyd rallies and protests are not relevant to this question. They don't predict anything about political outcomes. They were also four years ago and occurred during the pandemic when people had a lot of time on their hands and a lot of anger built up from the pandemic.

That said, the entire thread has been misguided. There might or might not be a civil war on the horizon, but it ain't gonna with a snap of the finger by a triggering event. When an assassination started WWI, it followed twenty or thirty years of continental militarization and increasingly hardened inter-national rivalries. Our own civil war was decades in the making.
I am not so sure that the Internet hasn’t shortened that time period significantly by both its instantaneous delivery of information and its ability to radicalize a population. And there has been one major precursor event - 1/6.
No. I still have not suggested the left will start a civil war as I don't believe that. Nor do I think the right crazies will. I know a ton of magas. I don't know any who would be violent on his behalf. I think truthfully a lot of them want him to go away. Keep trolling.
I think most of us don’t know someone who is planning on being violent. Those will be in relatively smaller numbers at least in the beginning. But there are enough of them that it will be a major problem.

All Trump needs to do is convince some
MAGAs that a rebellion is both right and winnable, I would estimate that a small percent would act upon it. And we know that Trump can convince MAGA of just about anything.

The more I think about it, the more I think some form of widespread insurrection will likely occur. Most likely it gets beaten down quickly, as long as state militias or local law enforcement don’t join in.