I'll be the first to admit that I don't really understand the science involved in the whole sex, gender, and transgender discussion. I'll also admit that I haven't spent very much time at all in trying to understand it- because I don't really care at all. I don't think about it, ever. All I think about is just trying to do my best to treat everyone else with kindness, compassion, empathy, and respect. I don't care about their race, their ethnicity, their gender, their sex, their creed, or anything like that. If someone wants me to call them a particular name or address them by a particular pronoun, I'm happy to do it, without hesitation. I may screw up and forget, or I may make a mistake, or I may not understand the how or the why of it all, but I'll always have the good intention of trying my hardest to honor and respect someone's wishes of how they want to be addressed.
Why? Because it. quite. literally. does. no. harm. to me. and. it. might. make. all. the. difference. for. someone. else. so. what. in. the. ever. loving. fuck. does. it. hurt. to. just. be. kind?
I don't care what bathroom someone uses. I don't pay attention to anyone else when I'm in the bathroom. Don't care. Want to get in and get out as quickly as possible. I don't inherently care what sport someone wants to play with what gender, but I also understand that there are legitimate safety considerations that should be taken into account, so in general I believe that legislating sport participation by gender is best left to individual sport governing bodies and not to the government or to politicians.
I truly cannot imagine living my life in a way such that I care how other people want to think of themselves or identify themselves or ask to be addressed. Just cannot wrap my mind around having the bandwidth to care about something so unfathomably inconsequential to me.