GOP & Policies toward/treatment of Transgender & other LGBTQ Americans

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Thanks for sharing and I’m glad you agree with me it’s a disorder. Progress!

Just to clarify though, would you agree it’s a mental disorder or would you not be willing to to use “mental” as the adjective?

Similarly, would you be ok with it classified as “mental illness” or is that different than disorder?

Perhaps you and I are closer together than we might’ve thought and we mostly agree on the condition itself, but just disagree on the treatment side.
Just out of curiosity, why do you care how or why they want to be treated for this? What does that do to you or anybody else?

I don't see why I should feel hurt or deceived by any of this.
Just out of curiosity, why do you care how or why they want to be treated for this? What does that do to you or anybody else?

I don't see why I should feel hurt or deceived by any of this.
The GOP's claim to be the "party of small government" is absurd and is now being exposed as a lie. Telling other people what they can do and trying to force them to conform to the standards that cultural conservatives believe everyone should live under is a key driving principle of modern GOP politics.
The GOP's claim to be the "party of small government" is absurd and is now being exposed as a lie. Telling other people what they can do and trying to force them to conform to the standards that cultural conservatives believe everyone should live under is a key driving principle of modern GOP politics.
Don't know where you've been. It's actually more of a conservative Protestant thing. Until 70 or so, over 90% of American professed to be Christian and it was commonplace. It's why we have stupid drinking laws and such. There once a bunch of blue laws that prevented all sorts of things from being sold on Sunday.

It became more a political thing when white bigots and Evangelicals found that much of the country didn't think they were special and they united to strike back. There's a long history of Christians and white males symbiotically feeding on each others influence. Where we ended up is not a sudden development. It's the crystallization of ideas set in motion by conservatives starting in the 30s that wealth, faith and privilege outweigh any sharing of privileges with a tawdry lesser class.
In 1980, with the publication of DSM-III, “transsexualism” was first mentioned in a DSM. Prior to DSM-III, “transsexualism” wasn’t mentioned.

In 1994, with the publication of DSM-IV, scientists thought “transsexualism” potentially stigmatized people and they switched to “gender identity disorder.”

In 2013, with the publication of DSM-5, “Gender Identity Disorder” was changed to “Gender Dysphoria” because the mental health issue wasn’t gender identity.

As the scientists have learned more, they’ve sought and debated over names and terms that better define things/situations. More importantly, they’ve sought and learned better ways to help trans people.

Being a “tough” parent will not help a trans child.
Being a “tough” parent will not help any child. Even if the kid isn’t trans it’s made abundantly clear that their parents’ love is conditional. They know there are friends they aren’t allowed to have. They know the performative bigotry they must engage in to earn their parents love.
My son has gone to school with biological female since preschool. This child has asked her friends to call her "he" since preschool. I think the kids might've been confused initially, but they don't really care so they called her "he". The teachers did not. The child is now 12 and a couple of years ago started going by a male name rather than his given name which was traditionally female. He has played sports with the boys as far back as I can remember. Teachers now call him he and by his new name. Nobody thinks twice about it and I would guess this child has had a wonderful childhood.

There will be a time in a the near future that more questions will be asked, and I'm sure at some point the child will need to deal with any associated issues, but I think allowing the child to live as they wished was far better than the alternative. It became clear in the first couple of years that this was something the child felt deeply about and knowing the parents I think it has prbably been discussed extensively.
I'll be the first to admit that I don't really understand the science involved in the whole sex, gender, and transgender discussion. I'll also admit that I haven't spent very much time at all in trying to understand it- because I don't really care at all. I don't think about it, ever. All I think about is just trying to do my best to treat everyone else with kindness, compassion, empathy, and respect. I don't care about their race, their ethnicity, their gender, their sex, their creed, or anything like that. If someone wants me to call them a particular name or address them by a particular pronoun, I'm happy to do it, without hesitation. I may screw up and forget, or I may make a mistake, or I may not understand the how or the why of it all, but I'll always have the good intention of trying my hardest to honor and respect someone's wishes of how they want to be addressed.

Why? Because it. quite. literally. does. no. harm. to me. and. it. might. make. all. the. difference. for. someone. else. so. what. in. the. ever. loving. fuck. does. it. hurt. to. just. be. kind?

I don't care what bathroom someone uses. I don't pay attention to anyone else when I'm in the bathroom. Don't care. Want to get in and get out as quickly as possible. I don't inherently care what sport someone wants to play with what gender, but I also understand that there are legitimate safety considerations that should be taken into account, so in general I believe that legislating sport participation by gender is best left to individual sport governing bodies and not to the government or to politicians.

I truly cannot imagine living my life in a way such that I care how other people want to think of themselves or identify themselves or ask to be addressed. Just cannot wrap my mind around having the bandwidth to care about something so unfathomably inconsequential to me.
I'll be the first to admit that I don't really understand the science involved in the whole sex, gender, and transgender discussion. I'll also admit that I haven't spent very much time at all in trying to understand it- because I don't really care at all. I don't think about it, ever. All I think about is just trying to do my best to treat everyone else with kindness, compassion, empathy, and respect. I don't care about their race, their ethnicity, their gender, their sex, their creed, or anything like that. If someone wants me to call them a particular name or address them by a particular pronoun, I'm happy to do it, without hesitation. I may screw up and forget, or I may make a mistake, or I may not understand the how or the why of it all, but I'll always have the good intention of trying my hardest to honor and respect someone's wishes of how they want to be addressed.

Why? Because it. quite. literally. does. no. harm. to me. and. it. might. make. all. the. difference. for. someone. else. so. what. in. the. ever. loving. fuck. does. it. hurt. to. just. be. kind?

I don't care what bathroom someone uses. I don't pay attention to anyone else when I'm in the bathroom. Don't care. Want to get in and get out as quickly as possible. I don't inherently care what sport someone wants to play with what gender, but I also understand that there are legitimate safety considerations that should be taken into account, so in general I believe that legislating sport participation by gender is best left to individual sport governing bodies and not to the government or to politicians.

I truly cannot imagine living my life in a way such that I care how other people want to think of themselves or identify themselves or ask to be addressed. Just cannot wrap my mind around having the bandwidth to care about something so unfathomably inconsequential to me.
I don't understand why it matters, either. But to some people it matters a great deal because they are ignorant, and they fear anything they don't understand and can't control.
I'll be the first to admit that I don't really understand the science involved in the whole sex, gender, and transgender discussion. I'll also admit that I haven't spent very much time at all in trying to understand it- because I don't really care at all. I don't think about it, ever. All I think about is just trying to do my best to treat everyone else with kindness, compassion, empathy, and respect. I don't care about their race, their ethnicity, their gender, their sex, their creed, or anything like that. If someone wants me to call them a particular name or address them by a particular pronoun, I'm happy to do it, without hesitation. I may screw up and forget, or I may make a mistake, or I may not understand the how or the why of it all, but I'll always have the good intention of trying my hardest to honor and respect someone's wishes of how they want to be addressed.

Why? Because it. quite. literally. does. no. harm. to me. and. it. might. make. all. the. difference. for. someone. else. so. what. in. the. ever. loving. fuck. does. it. hurt. to. just. be. kind?

I don't care what bathroom someone uses. I don't pay attention to anyone else when I'm in the bathroom. Don't care. Want to get in and get out as quickly as possible. I don't inherently care what sport someone wants to play with what gender, but I also understand that there are legitimate safety considerations that should be taken into account, so in general I believe that legislating sport participation by gender is best left to individual sport governing bodies and not to the government or to politicians.

I truly cannot imagine living my life in a way such that I care how other people want to think of themselves or identify themselves or ask to be addressed. Just cannot wrap my mind around having the bandwidth to care about something so unfathomably inconsequential to me.
So many “Christians” have forgotten the simple maxim of the Golden Rule.
So many “Christians” have forgotten the simple maxim of the Golden Rule.
It's so wild, man. Just hard for me to wrap my head around it mattering that much to some people. Guess I must be virtue signaling or whatever phrase they like to say, but if that's what they want to call "simply accepting others and being polite to them" then I reckon I'll wear the virtue signaling badge of honor.
My son has gone to school with biological female since preschool. This child has asked her friends to call her "he" since preschool. I think the kids might've been confused initially, but they don't really care so they called her "he". The teachers did not. The child is now 12 and a couple of years ago started going by a male name rather than his given name which was traditionally female. He has played sports with the boys as far back as I can remember. Teachers now call him he and by his new name. Nobody thinks twice about it and I would guess this child has had a wonderful childhood.

There will be a time in a the near future that more questions will be asked, and I'm sure at some point the child will need to deal with any associated issues, but I think allowing the child to live as they wished was far better than the alternative. It became clear in the first couple of years that this was something the child felt deeply about and knowing the parents I think it has probably been discussed extensively.
And we would reach that time sooner, if the republicans didn't see this as a small enough group to marginalize and constantly take shots at, all in the name of keeping their fearful cult base stirred up, so they don't see how the party is fucking them and everyone else.
I'll be the first to admit that I don't really understand the science involved in the whole sex, gender, and transgender discussion. I'll also admit that I haven't spent very much time at all in trying to understand it- because I don't really care at all. I don't think about it, ever. All I think about is just trying to do my best to treat everyone else with kindness, compassion, empathy, and respect. I don't care about their race, their ethnicity, their gender, their sex, their creed, or anything like that. If someone wants me to call them a particular name or address them by a particular pronoun, I'm happy to do it, without hesitation. I may screw up and forget, or I may make a mistake, or I may not understand the how or the why of it all, but I'll always have the good intention of trying my hardest to honor and respect someone's wishes of how they want to be addressed.

Why? Because it. quite. literally. does. no. harm. to me. and. it. might. make. all. the. difference. for. someone. else. so. what. in. the. ever. loving. fuck. does. it. hurt. to. just. be. kind?

I don't care what bathroom someone uses. I don't pay attention to anyone else when I'm in the bathroom. Don't care. Want to get in and get out as quickly as possible. I don't inherently care what sport someone wants to play with what gender, but I also understand that there are legitimate safety considerations that should be taken into account, so in general I believe that legislating sport participation by gender is best left to individual sport governing bodies and not to the government or to politicians.

I truly cannot imagine living my life in a way such that I care how other people want to think of themselves or identify themselves or ask to be addressed. Just cannot wrap my mind around having the bandwidth to care about something so unfathomably inconsequential to me.
but you do care about a person having diff political beliefs. maybe apply your basic fundamentals to everyone even those americans who do care about who is using which bathroom etc and i havent witnessed your "kindness, compassion, empathy, and respect." you are selective and dont treat "everyone" the same. thats our conditioned society as a whole right there. you think you are better, but you arent. thats exactly why i treat everyone with disrespect until respect is earned.

we have a weak as fuck society controlled by out of control emotions if people dont get their a nutshell full of justifications and crutches to numb the pains of life
but you do care about a person having diff political beliefs. maybe apply your basic fundamentals to everyone even those americans who do care about who is using which bathroom etc and i havent witnessed your "kindness, compassion, empathy, and respect." you are selective and dont treat "everyone" the same. thats our conditioned society as a whole right there. you think you are better, but you arent. thats exactly why i treat everyone with disrespect until respect is earned.

we have a weak as fuck society controlled by out of control emotions if people dont get their a nutshell full of justifications and crutches to numb the pains of life
You need to seek immediate psychiatric help. You are not well. I’m not even joking, go get help. Every single one of your posts is a begging, screaming plea for help. I’m sure they are plenty of us here who would be happy to help you if you want. As I said a few days ago, literally every single one of your posts reads like you are a few key strokes away from dousing yourself in gasoline and lighting it on fire. Seriously, log off and get some help.

You haven’t witnessed my “kindness, compassion, empathy, or respect” because you’ve done nothing to earn it. You are a person lacking any conviction or principles, or at least that’s how you cosplay on the Internet, and I have less than zero respect for you. There are plenty of posters on this board, hailing from both sides of the political ideological spectrum, who have earned my kindness, compassion, empathy, and respect- with the glaring exception of the ones who think it’s fun to punch down on marginalized individuals and groups, or the ones who spend every post pretending to think that their cosplaying nihilism is cute or clever.

Do yourself a favor and get help.

Trump makes a punchline of transgender Americans as he announces his EO to prevent transgender women from competing in women’s sports.

Great! Now that we’ve ended our long national nightmare involving of the .000001% of the population, I’m sure those grocery prices will nosedive annnnnny day now.