Growing up Gen-X

I said this a few weeks back in another thread, but to me there are two pretty distinct subsets of Gen-Xers — those who recall childhood in the 1970s and those who don’t. My husband and I are the former (among older Gen Xers) and our younger siblings born in the mid70s seem to us to have a lot more in common with Millennials…
Couldn't agree more as a fairly early Gen X'er. Totally different than those born in late 70's and 80.

Wow, and I just saw this listed for $14,750 on Ebay. I need to go through my son's closet and pull out all those boxes of cards and notebooks with sleeve holder pages. He may be sitting on a gold mine and college tuition for both kids.
No we aren't, we are running the business world now at the exec. level, and should be running government if the old geezers would ever step down and move on.

Harris is just a few months early of our group.
Born in 67. So 70's am radio, Saturday morning cartoons, wrestling on WRAL on Saturday studio, Evel Knievel wind up motorcycle toy, K-Tel records, Kiss albums. Then the 80's...high school, 80's music (specifically U2, Simple Minds, the Police, and Big Country), fumbling through the cassette tape case while driving, OP t-shirts, first iteration of mullets. 86 off to Carolina where I heard the Replacements, REM, 10,000 Maniacs, Hoodoo Gurus, among a thousand other new sounds on 2nd West Granville. Noon football games, litte frat court after game parties, Glass Moon playing at big frat court (Sigma Nu porch?), really bad fake ids, He's Not, eary Dillon Fence in the basement of some frat, lots and lots of beautiful sundresses in spring. Gen X has been very good to me.
1967 here too! How about SSP Racers? Remember The American Dream Dusty Rhodes, Chief Wahoo McDaniel, The Koloffs? Saturday morning cartoons with a giant bowl of cereal, ending with Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom.

Fall was the best, with football and band (I was a geek). I remember those awesome Clemson games... listening to Jim Phillips call them on the radio while I raked leaves, going to the home games before the upper decks were built, and of course the '81 championship.

Then it was on to Clemson as a student in 1985. Like you said, fake IDs, and hanging at our favorite watering hole where everyone knew my name. (In my case, it was Tiger Town Tavern.) And the music that I still like... U2, Prince, Police, Rush, Kravitz, Love and Rockets, Peter Gabriel...Holy crap, those were the good ole days. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
So many awesome toys from the 80s. Star Wars, GI Joe, Transformers and He-Man were my favorites. And there were the arcades in the malls and the Atari at home. I remember spending hours at the arcade at Southsquare Mall when I went with my mom while she was shopping.
1967 here too! How about SSP Racers? Remember The American Dream Dusty Rhodes, Chief Wahoo McDaniel, The Koloffs? Saturday morning cartoons with a giant bowl of cereal, ending with Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom.

Fall was the best, with football and band (I was a geek). I remember those awesome Clemson games... listening to Jim Phillips call them on the radio while I raked leaves, going to the home games before the upper decks were built, and of course the '81 championship.

Then it was on to Clemson as a student in 1985. Like you said, fake IDs, and hanging at our favorite watering hole where everyone knew my name. (In my case, it was Tiger Town Tavern.) And the music that I still like... U2, Prince, Police, Rush, Kravitz, Love and Rockets, Peter Gabriel...Holy crap, those were the good ole days. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Same year for me and all sounds familiar.. Only it was raking fall leaves with an old am/fm pocket radio and antenna, listening to Woody Durham call UNC games. "Here come the bashful boys in blue, donning Carolina Blue headgear with the classic UNC logo, white jerseys, and blue britches."
Same year for me and all sounds familiar.. Only it was raking fall leaves with an old am/fm pocket radio and antenna, listening to Woody Durham call UNC games. "Here come the bashful boys in blue, donning Carolina Blue headgear with the classic UNC logo, white jerseys, and blue britches."
More than once I listened on the radio to Woody while I worked the leaves Oh yea Krafty