I’m done responding to your arrogant ass posts.
Ah, arrogance. Here we go again. Two people talking:
A. "Here's the playbook we need to run. It holds the key to the future"
B. "Um, we ran that playbook. It was a spectacular failure"
A. "That's because the messaging was bad."
B. "What's your idea about messaging?"
A. "Well, I can't say right now, but I know Democrats suck at messaging but with people like me in charge, it will be great"
B. "What is your experience?"
A. "None, but you see, I'm in touch with working people."
B. "Do you describe yourself as a socialist?"
A. "Yes, and I realize that Americans hate that term and concept but with the right messaging they will love it."
B. "What's the messaging again?"
A. "It will the best messaging we've ever seen. We will message better than Dems ever have and thus make my dream a reality"
B. "The American working class sees you as the enemy. Young college educated radical with no real world experience."
A. "That's OK. Our messaging will be great."
B. "I don't think it's going to work."
A. "You're arrogant."
My position here is the same as it is with the Calla crowd. If your position is to disparage the work of thousands of really smart people over decades in favor of your own views which are charitably described as completely untested, then you're the one who is arrogant. Not me. Stop assuming you have the answers and anyone who disagrees is a sellout. Including, incidentally, Barack Obama.