I think public ed and higher ed are going to be major targets for attack from the Trump administration and Republicans in the states, especially red states. Republicans have been steadily ramping up their attacks on public ed for the past decade, and with this sweeping victory we're likely going to see major efforts to drastically "reform" public ed. We'll likely see efforts to rewrite school curricula (especially in Social Studies) to move it in a far more conservative direction, efforts to force AP classes (again, especially Social Studies) to alter their curricula to suit right-wingers, giving parents (namely Moms for Liberty types) more direct control over public schools than ever (I've read that among the proposals the Trump administration is considering is allowing parents to choose public school principals), outlawing any public discussion of LGBTQ issues in schools and banning any LGBTQ club or organization on public school grounds, etc. And efforts to insert conservative Christianity into schools in any way possible. If people won't send their kids to churches anymore to be indoctrinated, they'll just force it on kids at school. Of course some of this has already been done in states like Florida, and they'll just try to take it nationwide.
In higher ed I would expect there will be efforts to end tenure nationally at public universities, efforts to eliminate more and more liberal and fine arts programs, eliminate departments that are seen as too liberal or radical (Gender Studies, Women's Studies, Cultural Studies, etc.), eliminate all DEI departments and programs at public universities, etc. And I'm sure that right-wingers like Chris Rufo will be at the forefront of these efforts. As bad as things have gotten for public ed I think it may all seem minor compared to what's coming. These are dark, dark days for public education in America.