I don’t know if we want many - if any - of the so called “conservatives” over on ZZLP IC right now on this new site. I celebrated when Piddy said he wasn’t “going to follow you guys anywhere!” The cats are away and the rats are set free to play their evil games over there now, and it is truly a $#!€ show. And these guys are NOT traditional Republicans in any sense of the word. I’m sorry, but if you’re MAGA, full on Trump supporter you ARE NOT a typical conservative, nor a traditional Republican. You’re just not. And those guys are knee deep in Qanon, Breitbart, Newsmax, alt-right conspiracy theorists of the absolute worst kind.
Having any sort of reasonable “debate” with them is useless and an excercise in total futility. And in so doing things devolve quickly into name calling and frustrated rhetoric which should be off limits and grounds for getting threads locked, etc. Why would we want that ilk over here?
Now, if we have some trad republicans who think along the lines of Adam Kinzinger, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Colin Powell, Condaleeza Rice, heck… even a Liz Cheney! Folks who see right through the trump BS and who know for a fact that Qanon and a lot of the Fox News “reporting” is dodgy at best and at a minimum guilty of multi million fines and penalties for their slandering, libelous and blatant lying to the American people… then maybe, perhaps we can have a discussion.
However, anything other than that, I reserve the right call out the BS. And if I happen to use language like “what a maroon” (sic) or if I refer to someone as “racist” when they are obviously spouting “the Jews will not replace us”-type crap, or say VP Harris is a “DEI pick” (or worse), then by Damn I’m gonna refer to that poaster as a MF racist. If Rock sees fit to slap my wrist or show me the door, so be it. I would probably be better off for it.
Go Heels and screw Donald Trump and every single one of his supporters.