I do want conservatives on here

I don't know if this is a popular opinion or not, but I do hope we get some conservatives on here.

Variety is the spice of life and all that
I completely agree. I believe we all have to do our best to communicate and not devolve into name calling. (Yes, I know I've been guilty of this. I'll do better.)
Snoop also did a very good job of ignoring a concerted effort by a select group of ZZLers (not frequent ZZL-P posters) to ridicule and defame him. They were relentless and tried their best to mock and bully him. Most because he banned them from the ZZL-P, but others who apparently were just their posse.

Guy Pointing Up This GIF | GIFDB.com
Just gonna throw this out there … this study was from 2019 but have seen several similar outcomes since then …

Overall, Americans dramatically overestimate the extremity of their opponents' views. Both Democrats and Republicans overestimate the proportion of their political opponents holding immoderate views by about 20 percentage points or more. Independents, on average, misjudge Democrats' and Republicans' views by about 16 percentage points.

For example, the proportion of Democrats who agree that "most police are bad people" (15%) is less than a third of what Republicans suspect (52%). Similarly, the proportion of Republicans who deny that "racism exists" (21%) is less than half what Democrats estimate (49%).

We call this the "perception gap" in American politics -- the yawning chasm between Americans' suspicions and reality.

Consider the following question: What is the term length of a US senator?

We found that, ironically, the perception gap of people who answered this question correctly (six years) is 20% higher than those who don't. In other words, the more people know about the political system, the worse they may be at guessing what their opponents actually believe.

Similarly, people who regularly post political content on social media counterintuitively have a 50% wider perception gap than those who don't.

The perception gap is also wider among people who consume various types of media. For example, people who follow the news "most of the time" are almost three times less accurate than those who do so "only now and then." …”

Just Saying Devils Advocate GIF
I hate these kinds of "analyses." The "perception gap" described there is, I think, entirely a function of the inadequacy of the question "does racism exist?" Of course Pubs will say, "it exists somewhere" -- and then they deny that anything in the real world is actually the result of racism. So those of us who pay attention to politics understand that the "racism does exist somewhere" is little more than CYA BS, and in reality they act as if racism does not exist.

Similarly, I think more than 15% of liberals believe that "most police are bad people" -- or to put it different, act as if that is their belief. Again, if you ask someone the question, they will say "no, most police aren't bad people"; but then when a police officer does something bad, liberals don't say, "wow, I guess this guy was a bad apple in a profession mostly populated with good people." They say, "of course," or "police are scum" or any of the responses I've seen so many times on the boards on threads about police misconduct. I'm not saying that those responses are wrong; I'm merely saying that words and actions don't align.

So people who are politically informed are people who understand that abstract words don't matter, when the actual beliefs commonly expressed run counter to the answers provided by acontextual questions. It's not a perception gap. It's a stupid study.
Just gonna throw this out there … this study was from 2019 but have seen several similar outcomes since then …

Overall, Americans dramatically overestimate the extremity of their opponents' views. Both Democrats and Republicans overestimate the proportion of their political opponents holding immoderate views by about 20 percentage points or more. Independents, on average, misjudge Democrats' and Republicans' views by about 16 percentage points.

For example, the proportion of Democrats who agree that "most police are bad people" (15%) is less than a third of what Republicans suspect (52%). Similarly, the proportion of Republicans who deny that "racism exists" (21%) is less than half what Democrats estimate (49%).

We call this the "perception gap" in American politics -- the yawning chasm between Americans' suspicions and reality.

Consider the following question: What is the term length of a US senator?

We found that, ironically, the perception gap of people who answered this question correctly (six years) is 20% higher than those who don't. In other words, the more people know about the political system, the worse they may be at guessing what their opponents actually believe.

Similarly, people who regularly post political content on social media counterintuitively have a 50% wider perception gap than those who don't.

The perception gap is also wider among people who consume various types of media. For example, people who follow the news "most of the time" are almost three times less accurate than those who do so "only now and then." …”

Just Saying Devils Advocate GIF
I could have believed this until I saw that Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for president in 2024.
I don't know if this is a popular opinion or not, but I do hope we get some conservatives on here.

Variety is the spice of life and all that
Not a conservative, but I'm here. Will centrist, slightly left of center views be tolerated or banned like at IC?
Out of curiosity, what do centrist, slightly left of center views look like?

  • Liberte', egalite', fraternite'
  • humanism
  • feminism
  • progressivism
  • belief in limited government where possible understanding some problems are best solved by Government
  • there aren't really right or left polices but rather policies that work best at a specific time and place -I guess I'd sum that up as incrementalism as a deliberate strategy as opposed to political messaging
  • diverse views vs radical (left & right) and outright moderate views (I'd say partisan but not extreme).
  • pro environment
  • secularism
  • progressive taxes
  • women's full rights concerning their bodies
  • pro Medicare for all
  • pro military
  • we should radically overhaul our criminal justice system
  • not a fan of debt
  • Liberte', egalite', fraternite'
  • humanism
  • feminism
  • progressivism
  • belief in limited government where possible understanding some problems are best solved by Government
  • there aren't really right or left polices but rather policies that work best at a specific time and place -I guess I'd sum that up as incrementalism as a deliberate strategy as opposed to political messaging
  • diverse views vs radical (left & right) and outright moderate views (I'd say partisan but not extreme).
  • pro environment
  • secularism
  • progressive taxes
  • women's full rights concerning their bodies
  • pro Medicare for all
  • pro military
  • we should radically overhaul our criminal justice system
  • not a fan of debt
That sounds a lot like my views. I don't remember your posts expressing that value system; we disagree too often. Maybe I'm misremembering your posts. That is entirely possible.
Have we found any conservatives yet worth keeping? There is no law of the universe mandating that conservatives are trolls, and yet. Maybe non-troll conservatives are in short supply and get paid to frequent other sites?
  • Liberte', egalite', fraternite'
  • humanism
  • feminism
  • progressivism
  • belief in limited government where possible understanding some problems are best solved by Government
  • there aren't really right or left polices but rather policies that work best at a specific time and place -I guess I'd sum that up as incrementalism as a deliberate strategy as opposed to political messaging
  • diverse views vs radical (left & right) and outright moderate views (I'd say partisan but not extreme).
  • pro environment
  • secularism
  • progressive taxes
  • women's full rights concerning their bodies
  • pro Medicare for all
  • pro military
  • we should radically overhaul our criminal justice system
  • not a fan of debt
Sounds like we should mostly be in agreement on things then.
Old school conservatives are fine. Fiscally responsible; government should stay out of our personal lives - as long as no one is breaking any laws, abusing women, animals or children; Lower taxes for the common person; True conservationists (like Teddy Roosevelt - I wish conservatives would actually “conserve” things like Mother Earth instead of raping the land); Respect the law, including the FBI, the DOJ, putting no one above the law; Conservatives who used to respect our military veterans and not call them suckers and losers. People who respected Veterans like John McCain, etc.

MAGA and Trumpers are NOT, repeat NOT true conservatives like your daddies old GOP. The party of Lincoln and Eisenhower conservatives are more than welcome…. MAGA types can go suck it.
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Not a conservative, but I'm here. Will centrist, slightly left of center views be tolerated or banned like at IC?

Just curious, which centrist, slightly left of center view got you banned at IC?

Edit: NM, I see this is a question of general curiosity that has been asked by many.
Just curious, which centrist, slightly left of center view got you banned at IC?

Edit: NM, I see this is a question of general curiosity that has been asked by many.
you know, but I'll entertain you and Rai.
I was banned there 3 times:

1 - I supported Kapernick except for his cops are pigs socks. Sunny lead the charge and I was banned for 24 hours for trolling.
2 - I got into an argument with Chris around distinctions between tolerance, respect and acceptance. I positioned that I am not required to respect anyone's opinion, only their right to have it. Banned for 1 week to "settle down."
3 - I support the 3 state solution. I argued that the one state solution will lead to the genocide of Jews in Israel and many on the board support that. I was banned indefinitely and within 24 hours the same mod said the Jews were seeking the genocide of Gazans.
you know, but I'll entertain you and Rai.
I was banned there 3 times:

1 - I supported Kapernick except for his cops are pigs socks. Sunny lead the charge and I was banned for 24 hours for trolling.
2 - I got into an argument with Chris around distinctions between tolerance, respect and acceptance. I positioned that I am not required to respect anyone's opinion, only their right to have it. Banned for 1 week to "settle down."
3 - I support the 3 state solution. I argued that the one state solution will lead to the genocide of Jews in Israel and many on the board support that. I was banned indefinitely and within 24 hours the same mod said the Jews were seeking the genocide of Gazans.
3 state solution? Typo?