Is Trump the Antichrist?

Last I checked, scholars think John of Patmos was a diasporic Jewish Christian whose first language was Aramaic, which helps explain why his Greek is shit.
Wouldn't surprise me. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how he doesn't think that book is part of classical antiquity or Greco-Roman.

It's concerning I tell you. Christians everywhere should ponder deeply this assault on biblical inerrancy.

Trump digital currency and not touching the bible........................................................Damian!!!!
The anti-christ is just a myth like the virgin birth and all of the other stories in the bible.
i know plenty of trump supporting church goers who think the nc mnt flood and la fires were sent by god to punish those godless people in asheville and la

believing in an organized religion is a toxic mental illness
I recall those type from my church days.

The ones that said AIDS was punishment for being gay, etc.

It just never felt right that this "Loving God" wanted to punish so many with death, suffering, and eternal damnation.
Trump is hurting Christianity in America, but that’s a function of the blending of religion and politics in this country.
The blending of religion and politics is a mainstay of human existence for at least the last 3000 years, it seems. What's novel is that we now see them as separate categories.
The blending of religion and politics is a mainstay of human existence for at least the last 3000 years, it seems. What's novel is that we now see them as separate categories.
Well, that was part of what our Founders designed.

And it's been successful for 248 years. Not sure if it'll work for the next two...
Well, that was part of what our Founders designed.

And it's been successful for 248 years. Not sure if it'll work for the next two...
Roots of the separation of church and state in the west lie largely with the Thirty Years War in the early 1600s. It devastated much of Europe, especially Germany.