Is Trump the Antichrist?

I drove by a church yesterday and they were getting out

I swear I saw no one there between the ages of 15-60 in the big group outside
No the anti christ is supposed to be charming.
Well, he has gotten people to like him somehow. I actually met a black man today that's almost 70 that voted for him. I was floored. And it really all came to Christianity to him, which I can't fathom because Trump is the farthest thing from following Jesus. It's like people have been brainwashed. He also believed the crap about FEMA not being able to help the victims of the flooding in the mountains and that Biden is a crook.
Trump is not the cause, he's a symptom of large swaths of American Christianity having long ago rejected the biblical Jesus for money, power, and bigotries.
Before TV, mega church pastors were just tent revival grifters. They could always identify the marks, they just needed the distribution channels to completely takeover.
When you will buy the bible as a historically literal document, you'll buy just about anything, including the political godhead status of a philandering, racist, raping, incurious, incompetent, conman.
Yep. If I'm in a confrontational mood, when someone says "what's the harm in believing in religion?" my reply is usually close to this. The harm is that once you've been convinced to believe things -- big things like your entire worldview -- on no evidence it paves the way for you believing all kinds of other wrong stuff on no evidence. It really sets you up for being gullible about almost anything.
I think there is a nominal but non-zero chance that Trump is simply unable to lift his arm/hand to put his hand on the Bible due to a physical issue so he "forgot". That nominal chance of a physical issue dwarfs the infinitesimal possibility that he is the fictional AntiChrist.
Yep. If I'm in a confrontational mood, when someone says "what's the harm in believing in religion?" my reply is usually close to this. The harm is that once you've been convinced to believe things -- big things like your entire worldview -- on no evidence it paves the way for you believing all kinds of other wrong stuff on no evidence. It really sets you up for being gullible about almost anything.
I.e. believing bullshit of any kind renders you more susceptible to believing bullshit of all kinds.
I think there is a nominal but non-zero chance that Trump is simply unable to lift his arm/hand to put his hand on the Bible due to a physical issue so he "forgot". That nominal chance of a physical issue dwarfs the infinitesimal possibility that he is the fictional AntiChrist.
Actually thought that was a pretty good theory so I looked for photos. I found this one so I think no.

Actually thought that was a pretty good theory so I looked for photos. I found this one so I think no.

I didn't do any research so thanks for scouting out photos. However, I think that there's recently been some chatter about Trump having physical issues on one side. I could've expand the theory to be intermittent tremors but I was just throwing out a non-supernatural physical explanation with a nominal possibility.
I'm not going to apologize if this has already been posted because it is worth a second read. Brilliant!

Check out this story from USA TODAY: Trump, GOP attack bishop. Guess they missed something in Bible study.

I can't believe a so-called 'bishop' would stand up in church and ask President Trump to engage in some weird liberal behavior called 'mercy.'


Truck in front of me on the Old Charlotte Highway.

KING Cyrus - Isaiah 43:1

Look it up.
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I don’t think God would allow someone so unfathomably stupid to be His supposed arch nemesis. Seems like the Big Guy Upstairs would want more of a challenge.
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