Is Trump the Antichrist?

I noticed.

What I did was called expressing an alternate opinion.
While I've got you here, a tangentially related question: if you only had the time and/or patience to read one history of Christianity, would you go with Diarmaid McCulloch's Christianity: the First Three Thousand Years or Peter Brown's The Rise of Western Christendom?

FWIW, I'm more interested in the big ideational shifts than names and dates.
donald dump is no diff than 99% of the rest of americans....his true god is the greenback god.

i was at lunch yesterday and there was a large table of nurses beside me. all they talked about was how much they were making and the materialistic garbage they were bragging about buying. no mention of going into nursing to help people. no mention of helping their patients.......all about the greenback. thats our true god in america.
Well to give you some hope, my daughter is a nurse. She choose to go into the field to help people. She choose this direction while watching her little sister struggle through mental health issues. The fact that it pays well wasn't a consideration when she started the journey to get the necessary education, but it is a benefit that it allows her to travel and see the world and understand other cultures.

Our family is like this. Money is necessary, but it doesn't determine who we are. We started out relatively poor, but we are fortunate enough to have increased over the years. We are not rich, but are able to avoid many of the financial challenged of this day. I am thankful everyday for that. I believe having to struggle financially and having people in my life that have helped along the road has instilled a humbleness in regards to money. It does not rule our lives.
While I've got you here, a tangentially related question: if you only had the time and/or patience to read one history of Christianity, would you go with Diarmaid McCulloch's Christianity: the First Three Thousand Years or Peter Brown's The Rise of Western Christendom?

FWIW, I'm more interested in the big ideational shifts than names and dates.

I honestly don't know...I haven't paid much attention to in-depth Christian studies since grad school...since then I've been more interested in larger world religion, anthropology and world history topics. So I don't even know the name Diarmaid McCulloch.

FWIW though I've always loved Peter Brown and thought he was a fantastically interesting and insightful scholar.
FWIW, I'm more interested in the big ideational shifts than names and dates.

One of the two most fascinating books on ideational shifts that I've ever read were Elizabeth Eisenstein (the Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe), about how literacy impacts technology, but also consciousness itself. Her book is amazing, and belongs to a trajectory of scholarship that includes people like Walter Ong, Albert Lord, Erik Havelock, and probably my favorite anthropologist Jack Goody. Seeing how writing and literacy have impacted world history is really eye-opening.

The other great book I know on big ideational shifts is Michael Pollan's "How to Change Your Mind" which is how the science of psychadelics is changing our understanding of consciousness itself. A must-read IMO.

Anyway, those are my two...if you have any let me know.
I honestly don't know...I haven't paid much attention to in-depth Christian studies since grad school...since then I've been more interested in larger world religion, anthropology and world history topics. So I don't even know the name Diarmaid McCulloch.

FWIW though I've always loved Peter Brown and thought he was a fantastically interesting and insightful scholar.
McCullough is boring as hell but has tons of good info. Not sure about the other one.
McCullough is boring as hell but has tons of good info. Not sure about the other one.
Brown is probably the bigger name, and he's always celebrated as a gifted, insightful stylist. I read his book The World of Late Antiquity, though, and it didn't rock my world.