i dont know and i dont' care. we know what happened and no amount of your bullshit can obscure that. whether cassidy hutchinson did or didn't tell the truth about an ancillary issue with barely any relevance matters not at all.
since you are so fond of rules of evidence, there's a principle called the collateral evidence rule. here it is:
extrinsic evidence is not admissible to prove specific instances of a witness’s conduct in order to attack or support the witness’s character for truthfulness.
in other words, courts dont hear evidence that a witness is lying unless that lie directly bears on the case. if the witness testifies, "on wednesday, i ate mcdonalds for dinner. it made me sick so i stayed home from work. thats when i saw the people breaking into the house next door," the defense will not be permitted to prove that the witness actually ate burger king. it doesn't matter. unlike hearsay evidence rule, this rule is common sense and it applies almost everywhere.
so the collateral evidence rule would block that testimony. so hmm, maybe the committee was taking its job seriously. maybe you should learn more and bullshit less. it would not have helped the committee report to have people bickering over whether cassidy hutchinson did or didn't hear something that is of ultimately no bearing. basically, this sort of thing is the province of desperate defendants who realize the case is going against them and throw pasta and ketchup at the wall trying to make the witnesses look bad. it is ridiculous.