Mark Robinson thread | Report - Pressure on Robinson to drop out?

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Methinks folks like you like chaos so sensible folks listen to you.
Seems like the more you fail the more you double down to fail some more? That's the opposite of learning and first cousin of stupid. I'm not saying that you're stupid but your posts don't lie?
I’m not a chaos fan. I expect NO ONE listens to me.

If I made a mistake regarding Ice-T, I made that mistake and admit to it. I’m suspicious of anyone, especially a prominent, well-off person, who gives FIRE a minute of their time.
Roy Moore either assaulted or tried to with multiple underage girls, and after this came out still got like 49% of the vote and nearly won an Alabama Senate seat. I’d say Robinson’s floor is the low 40’s and likely 45% even with this. NC is more progressive than Alabama (low bar to clear there) but magic R.
I'm shocked that there is anyone here who thinks Robinson will/would drop out. Literally nothing in this man's behavior tells me he can be effectively shamed or driven by even the slightest modicum of good sense.

Would love to eat crow here. But absolutely no way this man leaves the race ... he simply doubles and triples down.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure there are no Democrats who want Robinson to drop out. If NC goes blue for the presidency this cycle, he’ll have been a factor.
I'm shocked that there is anyone here who thinks Robinson will/would drop out. Literally nothing in this man's behavior tells me he can be effectively shamed or driven by even the slightest modicum of good sense.

Would love to eat crow here. But absolutely no way this man leaves the race ... he simply doubles and triples down.
Trumpers like him are absolutely shameless. He'll likely be back in Evangelical churches this Sunday preaching the same crap he has before and denouncing the same groups and individuals he has before, and the congregations he speaks to will likely still applaud and nod their heads and ignore everything that's come out about him. Trumpers live in a different reality now.
He’s getting 40% even in a dead girl/live boy scenario.

I had to read that several times...and you're right.

Some randos are going to catch strays here, but I know of several pods and talking heads that seemingly refuse to address this because -- "Republicans by shoes too"....I guess.