Mark Robinson thread | Sues CNN for Naked Africa reporting

In retrospect, this coming out yesterday was brilliant. It didn't give enough time to have voters turn on him completely (for him to evaluate and drop out). But enough time for people to make statements of support or asks for him to leave. So yeah... It was really smart
“This party” might come January:
  • Hold a supermajority in the North Carolina Legislature
  • Hold its majority in the North Carolina Supreme Court
  • Hold 11 of North Carolina’s Congressional Seats
  • Dominate the Council of State
  • Helped elect Trump to the White House
  • Have majorities in the US House and US Senate
The GOP is far from dead.

Well I guess we'll see. But the Republican Party we grew up with is going to have to do some changing because boomers die every day, and most young people just aren't putting up with the overt racism this party clutches so tight.
Regarding the poll...Rachel Hunt is not winning the Lt Gov race with Harris only tied. Sorry but that Lt Gov race is only going to be people who know "R" vs "D" - no one pays attention to the people.
Well I guess we'll see. But the Republican Party we grew up with is going to have to do some changing because boomers die every day, and most young people just aren't putting up with the overt racism this party clutches so tight.
I’m getting very worried about the trends we’re seeing in Gen Z, especially the young men currently in their late teens and twenties. The Joe Rogans of the world are doing a number on them, and I’m not as confident as I was a couple of years ago that young people will continue to move us forward on issues like racial and gender equity.
I’m getting very worried about the trends we’re seeing in Gen Z, especially the young men currently in their late teens and twenties. The Joe Rogans of the world are doing a number on them, and I’m not as confident as I was a couple of years ago that young people will continue to move us forward on issues like racial and gender equity.
I share your concern. Those bros may be in the minority, but it is concerning.
Don’t know but suspect it would take a whole bunch of money. If he craps out now, he probably forfeits whatever $$$ he would have made going forward doing Newsmax/OAN and conservative radio stuff.
I'm not sure that this leaves him much of a career on the right-wing media or event circuit.

Right-wingers might put up with racism, misogyny, xenophobia, trying to overthrow the government, or paying a porn star for sex right after the birth of your child, but they ain't going to forgive a dude playing with action figures and enjoying transgender porn.
I’m getting very worried about the trends we’re seeing in Gen Z, especially the young men currently in their late teens and twenties. The Joe Rogans of the world are doing a number on them, and I’m not as confident as I was a couple of years ago that young people will continue to move us forward on issues like racial and gender equity.
It’s really bad. The toxic bro culture has been ramped up with legalized gambling too. The Bar stool/Macafee/Rogan combo has led to a ton of misogyny/homophobia and pro-Trump sentiment
If I’m advising Robinson, I’d tell him he should pivot and focus mainly on fighting against the stigmatization of being into extremely kinky sex acts. He might win over some hearts and minds.
I’m getting very worried about the trends we’re seeing in Gen Z, especially the young men currently in their late teens and twenties. The Joe Rogans of the world are doing a number on them, and I’m not as confident as I was a couple of years ago that young people will continue to move us forward on issues like racial and gender equity.
The "red-pilling" of young men is a huge problem moving forward. Those graphs that show the sharply diverging political identities between male and female high schoolers are really concerning. Young men and women will barely be talking to each other in a decade because their attitudes, philosophies, and world views are so different. Peer pressure and social media algorithms are creating a douchebag pipeline the likes of which we've never seen before, and I don't really know how to stop it.
I'm not sure that this leaves him much of a career on the right-wing media or event circuit.

Right-wingers might put up with racism, misogyny, xenophobia, trying to overthrow the government, or paying a porn star for sex right after the birth of your child, but they ain't going to forgive a dude playing with action figures and enjoying transgender porn.
Good point
In retrospect, this coming out yesterday was brilliant. It didn't give enough time to have voters turn on him completely (for him to evaluate and drop out). But enough time for people to make statements of support or asks for him to leave. So yeah... It was really smart
Was wondering why they didn't sit on it for another day.