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When did he say that? Neither russia or china are in a good place economically. Putting pressure on their economies is the best deterrent. Trump would be under a lot of pressure to act if china invaded so i'm confident he wants to avoid that if at all possible.
This is why people think you are stupid. Because you believe a man who lies without conscience, who lies about almost everything all the time. You probably believe they are eating the dogs, eating the cats. You cannot trust a goddamn thing that man says, ever, as everyone who ever works with him realizes.

Do you know how most presidents have longtime friends? Often people who are their advisors, who they have known for a long time? Trump does not. Do you ever think about why?
Boomers are now in retirement. They aren't as worried about growing their financial assets as preserving their income through their deaths (and securing social security and medicare). They aren't as worried about protecting their place in society as they are what kind of world they'll leave to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Now, I'm not talking about everyone, but about the moveable margins. There's something about knowing your time is coming to a close that makes some folks more magnanimous. I think we can see that happening with Boomers and Gen X acting like Boomers did 20 years ago.

I think that cuts both ways..
A great many Boomers doing estate planning are concerned about what will happen when the current generous estate tax exemption expires in 2025 and voted accordingly. One client mentioned that as his main reason for voting for Trump. They'd rather leave it to their heirs than to the Treasury.
When did he say that? Neither russia or china are in a good place economically. Putting pressure on their economies is the best deterrent. Trump would be under a lot of pressure to act if china invaded so i'm confident he wants to avoid that if at all possible.
Right. Trump plays the straight man when the pressure is on. Remind us, which experienced generals will he rely on for advice should things get heated?
3 million fewer votes chose orangeturd compared to 2020
15 fucking million fewer votes chose Kamala as compared to Biden
Thats what I just heard So like 15 million Dems stayed home more or less
This is so true. It's a slow leakage for black men. It is a massive hole in the boat for Latino men.

And Latinos are the largest minority in the country and they are growing faster than anyone. Democrat need to come up with a message that resonates and it's not we're not going to deport your cousin. Latinos that are already here and voting aren't going to be deported and I'm sure quite a few of them wouldn't mind seeing the Central Americans that are coming over the border potentially competing with them for jobs being shown the door.
The problem is that you are running out of things to promise / "buy" their votes. That isn't working because your social agendas are not in line with their beliefs.
3 million fewer votes chose orangeturd compared to 2020
15 fucking million fewer votes chose Kamala as compared to Biden
Thats what I just heard So like 15 million Dems stayed home more or less
Trump will likely at least match his total, there’s still millions of votes to be counted
Implied in your post is that you think Republicans got there. How did they manage it, in your opnion?
Trump got there by speaking on economic issues that matter to many in the working class in a way that appeals to them.

He talks about the importance of American manufacturing and that we need to bring it back. He talks about tariffs which many in manufacturing know can be used to protect manufacturing and he points out how offshoring has hurt manufacturing in the US. He talks about how inflation has hurt them over the last few years. He talks about lowering taxes that will put more money in the pockets of working class folks.

Now, you and I know that Trump did nothing really productive about economic issues for the working class when he was in office the first time and almost certainly won't do much to help this time. But Trump does connect with the working class about economic issues whether or not he is able to follow through with any actual assistance.
Trump got there by speaking on economic issues that matter to many in the working class in a way that appeals to them.

He talks about the importance of American manufacturing and that we need to bring it back. He talks about tariffs which many in manufacturing know can be used to protect manufacturing and he points out how offshoring has hurt manufacturing in the US. He talks about how inflation has hurt them over the last few years. He talks about lowering taxes that will put more money in the pockets of working class folks.

Now, you and I know that Trump did nothing really productive about economic issues for the working class when he was in office the first time and almost certainly won't do much to help this time. But Trump does connect with the working class about economic issues whether or not he is able to follow through with any actual assistance.
I really don’t understand how so many on this board don’t get this. Even if it wasn’t as central to his 2024 campaign as it was in 2016, that perception of him is set in stone.
Part of the problem is that people ALWAYS feel economically pinched. The vast majority of people essentially live up to the edge of what they can afford to, whether they should or not, and that means they inevitably feel like money is tight. That essentially means that outside of universal economic greatness, the non-incumbent party is always going to have an advantage in that respect.

I definitely agree with the last paragraph but it's easier said than done. The working class voters tend to move the goalposts when we try to meet them where they are on messaging. Harris was consistently saying she wanted to improve things for working class families, lower taxes for working class families, etc. None of it mattered because people thought the economy was bad and blamed the current administration. I'm not convinced there is any economic message at all that would have worked at all this cycle. 2/3 of people said the economy was doing not good or bad. No amount of promises about what she would do in the future would have worked; the only way to win on the economy would have been to change voters' mind and make them think the economy was actually already good. And I didn't think that's possible.

Also, I can promise you this: a large chunk of those 2/3 are magically going to start saying that they feel like the economy is great and that they're doing better in January 2025. There's a real chicken vs egg issue here with whether it's the message or the messenger. A huge chunk of voters are just going to say that they feel like the economy is bad when Dems are in power, no matter what. (And probably there's some of that going the other way too, but probably not as much.)
When the economy is growing and the gains are reasonably spread among all people, folks don't feel as economically left behind and they don't focus on it nearly as much in their voting preferences.

The truth is that we've had almost 25 years of empty growth that hasn't been spread around equally among our country. Trump has connected with working class voters on economic issues in a way that Dems (or other Pubs before him) have not.

If Dems want to be competitive in future elections, they have got to figure out a way to speak the language of economic populism toward convincing working class voters that they are a party worth considering.
Trump got there by speaking on economic issues that matter to many in the working class in a way that appeals to them.

He talks about the importance of American manufacturing and that we need to bring it back. He talks about tariffs which many in manufacturing know can be used to protect manufacturing and he points out how offshoring has hurt manufacturing in the US. He talks about how inflation has hurt them over the last few years. He talks about lowering taxes that will put more money in the pockets of working class folks.

Now, you and I know that Trump did nothing really productive about economic issues for the working class when he was in office the first time and almost certainly won't do much to help this time. But Trump does connect with the working class about economic issues whether or not he is able to follow through with any actual assistance.
Re: manufacturing, there are more US manufacturing jobs currently than there were at any point during the Trump administration. Ironically, Trump’s second term will benefit from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act signed into law by Joe Biden.
Trump got there by speaking on economic issues that matter to many in the working class in a way that appeals to them.

He talks about the importance of American manufacturing and that we need to bring it back. He talks about tariffs which many in manufacturing know can be used to protect manufacturing and he points out how offshoring has hurt manufacturing in the US. He talks about how inflation has hurt them over the last few years. He talks about lowering taxes that will put more money in the pockets of working class folks.

Now, you and I know that Trump did nothing really productive about economic issues for the working class when he was in office the first time and almost certainly won't do much to help this time. But Trump does connect with the working class about economic issues whether or not he is able to follow through with any actual assistance.
Anyone in manufacturing knows that tariffs will be an epic disaster. We will get supply chain blockages all over again, entirely self-inflicted. People know this.

The places where Trump does best are not places where we used to have manufacturing. They are places that are becoming less white. That has been true since the beginning.

If you can find data consistent with the "it's economic anxiety" narrative, I'd love to see it. Virtually everything I've seen is that it's the same bullshit.
You are undoubtedly correct concerning the situation many people face today and their opinion of the economy. The electorate certainly has changed, I guess, in the past 40 years. Being a young adult in Reagan’s first term, inflation was as bad as in Biden’s administration, interest rates were double the rates in the past four years, and buying a house was out-of-reach for most. Reagan still was reelected in ‘84.

Reagan must have been a much better blame shifter than Biden/Harris.
Reagan took over inflation that was already in place when he took office and lowered it.

Inflation increased under Biden before coming back down.

The two situations are not really similar in the least.
If Dems want to be competitive in future elections, they have got to figure out a way to speak the language of economic populism toward convincing working class voters that they are a party worth considering.
A writer on Slate had an interesting and probably correct idea.

We need to tell narratives with villains. That's what Trump and his folks do. Everything has to be the fault of someone else.
He talks about the importance of American manufacturing and that we need to bring it back.
I'm not sure this language means exactly what you think it does. I think it's code for "we need to make everything like the good old days." You know, everything.

As people have pointed out, we have more manufacturing jobs than in a long time. Wages are up. Wages are up more than inflation. Unemployment is extremely low. This "we're struggling economically" bullshit is just that, bullshit. They aren't struggling enough to forgo the $1000 per month they pay on gas in their needless large and inefficient trucks.
3 million fewer votes chose orangeturd compared to 2020
15 fucking million fewer votes chose Kamala as compared to Biden
Thats what I just heard So like 15 million Dems stayed home more or less

Kamala got the nomination ultimately because she's a black woman, not because she was the best candidate the dems had to offer. There were a lot of unenthused dems, plus a lot of latent misogyny.

I did an informal exit poll with my classes (18-22 yos) and it seemed even there that hispanics and Indians (dot not feather) abandoned her in droves. From what I could tell black men weren't exactly thrilled with her either.
Reagan took over inflation that was already in place when he took office and lowered it.

Inflation increased under Biden before coming back down.

The two situations are not really similar in the least.
In the process ,Reagan almost tripled the national debt. Paul Volcker, who devised the policy that brought inflation down was actually hired by and started the process under Jimmy Carter. The numbers took a couple of years to reflect it, though. Fwiw, the inflation started under Nixon and continued under Ford. I remember the WIN buttons from Ford. Whip Inflation Now.
3 million fewer votes chose orangeturd compared to 2020
15 fucking million fewer votes chose Kamala as compared to Biden
Thats what I just heard So like 15 million Dems stayed home more or less
The 15 million less voters has been tough for me to wrap my head around. I thought she ran an energetic campaign and the party embraced her.

Further, I saw hundreds of posts from Republicans who were voting against Trump because they see what type of person he is, not to mention women pissed about Roe. I was naively expecting a blowout and didn't even consider this result a possibility.

My kids go to a Christian school, so we are one of the few families not voting for Trump. I told them that I truly hope he's a good president and my fears are unwarranted. There's nothing in his history that would indicate that I am, though. 😪
Trump got there by speaking on economic issues that matter to many in the working class in a way that appeals to them.

He talks about the importance of American manufacturing and that we need to bring it back. He talks about tariffs which many in manufacturing know can be used to protect manufacturing and he points out how offshoring has hurt manufacturing in the US. He talks about how inflation has hurt them over the last few years. He talks about lowering taxes that will put more money in the pockets of working class folks.

Now, you and I know that Trump did nothing really productive about economic issues for the working class when he was in office the first time and almost certainly won't do much to help this time. But Trump does connect with the working class about economic issues whether or not he is able to follow through with any actual assistance.

This is it.

My dad is 74. voted Obama twice, since Trump came on the scene, that has been his dude. Dad worked in the automotive industry for 40 years and saw his plant pack up and move to mexico in 2008.