Post how much you paid for eggs today

My wife showed me a poll this morning asking which country the US imports most of their oil from. And you would be right if you said that Canada was not the top 2 that people believe we get oil from. Of course they thought that the middle east is number 1, but it's actually number 1, Canada is number 1 and has been for a long time. More ignorance.
Canada should shut off the oil completely. One month and the entire GOP will be looking for ways to replace Trump and Musk will be tossed aside. Canada and Mexico together.
They plan to or have shut down imports of liquor. (y)
Walmart eggs...freakin' Walmart brand eggs...

We should all stop shopping at Walmart.

We know there's been reasons before, unfortunately earlier in life I needed their prices. I don't now. I will no longer shop at walmart as the Walton family are all trumpers.
I've said this previously but, despite what we may desire in order to teach people a lesson, no lessons will be learned here.

I don't root for the economy to go bad, because why would a rational person do such?

That being said, I know there's the hope that people will come to their senses. This will not happen, in absence of a true competitive media ecosystem. No, they will blame it on everyone else. That's how people work, especially ones intentionally kept dumb by their "betters" and incapable of being extracted from their social environment wherein most everyone else believes the same dumb shit.
Where you at MAGA? Explain your orange God.
Adding to the ZZLP price index

Today at Food Lion in Jamestown

Doz large eggs $3.99
32 oz Ore Ida tater tots $5.99 ($4.99 on sale)
Giant box of Honey Nut Cheerios $6.99 ( $4.99 on sale, $3.99 with another on line coupon)

Oh and I paid $2.66/gal at Murphy express in High Point yesterday
At the Costco in Raleigh we got 24 eggs for $12 - at my local Publix they are almost out of eggs

Costco Canada has a 24 pack of organic free-range eggs (not the normal kind) for the equivalent of $10.30 American dollars.

JFC, Donald Trump has ruined your economy. Everything is supposed to cost more here in our socialist hell where our inflation rate has not lowered to normal, but somehow the Trump economy is worse.
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Adding to the ZZLP price index

Today at Food Lion in Jamestown

Doz large eggs $3.99
32 oz Ore Ida tater tots $5.99 ($4.99 on sale)
Giant box of Honey Nut Cheerios $6.99 ( $4.99 on sale, $3.99 with another on line coupon)

Oh and I paid $2.66/gal at Murphy express in High Point yesterday
Thanks Biden
Canada should shut off the oil completely. One month and the entire GOP will be looking for ways to replace Trump and Musk will be tossed aside. Canada and Mexico together.
Trudeau is saving that for when Trump raises to 100% tariffs
That Costco is always insane, it's just hard to get in an out.

The Costco near me is always insane, so I don't know if there is a real difference.

Based on the support of a certain orange turd, Costco is my primary shopping stop now. I've dropped my sams membership, dropped my prime membership, stopped shopping at walmart, target, and any other company that caved and eliminated their Diversity programs.

I read that Michigan State canceled Chinese New Year celebrations because they were worried it might be DEI, really? Grow some damn balls.
Anything is possible, but I’m pretty sure Michigan State posted a Black History Month graphic on Facebook and said that they would be celebrating. Obviously a different event, but still falling under the DEI umbrella.Between last night and today, I’ve lost count of the number of pages. I’ve liked on social media of companies, colleges, police departments, etc. making a point that they would be acknowledging the month. Even the National Park Service said FU to Trump and posted something. I was surprised it was still up this afternoon.

I haven’t quit Target quite yet. Unlike Walmart, which apparently completely dismantled its whole program, Target has pulled back on a couple of initiatives, that were going to end this year, but still has employee resource groups and a lot of internal programs. Plus, according to an acquaintance who knows a black woman who works in the corporate office, there is still a goal of bringing diverse companies to the store, they’re just having to move a little differently now in these crazy times. So I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. I certainly understand that others have different opinions.

Their eggs still cost too much though. lol
Adding to the ZZLP price index

Today at Food Lion in Jamestown

Doz large eggs $3.99
32 oz Ore Ida tater tots $5.99 ($4.99 on sale)
Giant box of Honey Nut Cheerios $6.99 ( $4.99 on sale, $3.99 with another on line coupon)

Oh and I paid $2.66/gal at Murphy express in High Point yesterday
Blame Joe for killing 100,000,000 layers.