Roll Call: Who is voting early? Who is waiting til Nov. 5 (and why?)

HY can chime in, but I think it is pretty easy to draw a moral degeneracy line between Trump and Robinson. I mean, they are both too far on the Nazi side for my comfort, but Robinson (at least based on what is known about him) is much further down that Nazi line.
Really? Here's how I see it --

1. Allegedly spent countless hours in porn stores.
2. Allegedly active on the Nude Africa porn site.
3. Allegedly described himself as a "black Nazi."

1. Married to his third wife.
2. Found liable for defaming a woman he raped in a department store dressing room.
3. Found guilty on multiple felonies for paying off a porn star he banged without wearing a condom while his current wife was at home caring for their infant son.
4. Caught on tape bragging about being able to grab women by the pussy.
5. Has been actively and repeatedly threatening to deploy the military to destroy the "enemy within," by which he means liberals who oppose him.
6. Counts Putin, Xi, and Orban as his geopolitical role models.

That Trump list could be a mile long, but at the end of the day, I don't think there's any plausible way to conclude Robinson, with all his many disqualifying faults, is somehow worse than the worst human being ever to run for political office in the history of this country.
HY can chime in, but I think it is pretty easy to draw a moral degeneracy line between Trump and Robinson. I mean, they are both too far on the Nazi side for my comfort, but Robinson (at least based on what is known about him) is much further down that Nazi line.

So my guess is that HY is OK with a little bit of Nazi, just not too much Nazi.
I don't know about that. Trump has declared he wants to be a dictator, has fetishized other dictators, has claimed he wants to use the military to go after his detractors and has claimed support for allowing the police to have immunity from being "very rough" with people they believe are criminals with no due process. He's also made up despicable lies about immigrants, wants to deport millions of them and has gestapo Stephen Miller leading the charge. Maybe Robinson is more Nazi than that, but that's pretty difficult to do. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said HY simply doesn't believe Trump will be able to do what he says, with no thoughts about how disqualifying even wanting to do them should be.
You can’t possibly be serious are you? Don’t you realize that Robinson is going to lose the governor’s race by double digits while Trump still has a good shot to carry NC?

Robinson is a complete buffoon and a wannabe Nazi. I’m going to assume you already know about all the Nude Africa stuff, not to mention his ridiculous stance on abortion, among other things. He has zero credentials to be governor.
I'm quite familiar with Robinson's character and his stand on abortion and other issues. I understand he is a scam artist and a crook.

and I agree he has zero credentials to hold any public office, much less governor.

1)I see no difference in his or Trump's character.

Robinson eats pizza while watching porn and Trump sexually assaults women

2 )I see no difference in his or Trump's history of being a crook

Robinson and his family have a history of defrauding NC state government and Trump has a history of defrauding NY state government

3 ) I see no difference in his and Trump's credentials to hold public office.

Mark Robinson has served lieutenant governor of North Carolina for 4 years with no prior qualifications and Trump has served as POTUS for 4 years with no prior qualifications

4 ) I see no difference in his and Trump's political ideology

Robinson said he was a black Nazi and Trump has espoused fascist tropes reminiscent of those espoused by German Nazis in the 1930s

That is why I asked you what makes Robinson more dangerous than Trump.
HY can chime in, but I think it is pretty easy to draw a moral degeneracy line between Trump and Robinson. I mean, they are both too far on the Nazi side for my comfort, but Robinson (at least based on what is known about him) is much further down that Nazi line.

So my guess is that HY is OK with a little bit of Nazi, just not too much Nazi.
I’m not going to hijack the early voting thread arguing with you guys about Trump for the 1,000th time about the same topics we’ve been through. Stand by what I said above:

“I wouldn’t vote for a Dem for a federal office unless I thought the Republican was a real danger. Trump does not meet that threshold for me which I know all of you disagree with, no point in rehashing.”
I’m not going to hijack the early voting thread arguing with you guys about Trump for the 1,000th time about the same topics we’ve been through. Stand by what I said above:

“I wouldn’t vote for a Dem for a federal office unless I thought the Republican was a real danger. Trump does not meet that threshold for me which I know all of you disagree with, no point in rehashing.”
What would it take? Are we talking Pol Pot, Idi Amin-level depravity?
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Was going to go before my flight this morning. Line was super long at the early voting site I usually go to, so I’m going as soon as I get back to town on Monday.
I usually have good luck at the Wake Tech north campus or Abbotts Creek community center.
“I wouldn’t vote for a Dem for a federal office unless I thought the Republican was a real danger. Trump does not meet that threshold for me which I know all of you disagree with, no point in rehashing.”
What in the hell is ist gonna take for you to consider someone a real danger?
As mentioned earlier, I was 7th in line to vote this morning . I arrived 1/2 hr before the polls opened.
My neighbors just returned from voting and said they had to wait 90 minutes to vote.
I'll vote sometime next week. Opening day's always a sell out. Games 2-7 not so much.
Smart. But I really would encourage North Carolinians to try to avoid Saturdays unless time is not an issue. This Saturday in particular, with outstanding weather forecasted, is likely to have very long lines.
What in the hell is ist gonna take for you to consider someone a real danger?
Somewhere between 47-49% of the national electorate is going to vote for Donald Trump.

Mark Robinson is going to get blown out as a Republican in a “leans red” state.

If that explanation doesn’t do it for you then I apologize, but clearly there are plenty of swing voters out there who will split their tickets and vote for Trump and Stein. I’m one of them. Just like I did for Trump and Cooper previously.

I would think I would be viewed as bringing a valuable perspective to this board as I’m one of the few here (or maybe literally the only regular poster here?) who will vote for the likely NC winners for both POTUS and governor. But alas, many of you don’t seem to want discourse at all.

Regardless, this thread is the wrong place to rehash those arguments and I already said I won’t be baited into driving this thread off course. This thread is to discuss people’s early voting experience, not your TDS! (not a link I can post right now) has waiting times for each Wake County polling site.