Today not withstanding, seeing the left criticize trump for the way he chooses to deal with putin after having 12 years to show how smart and tough they were only to yield two invasions on their watch is kind of like gardner webb giving football advice to alabama. Only the left doesn't know how dumb they look when they do it or how impotent they looked while russia said fuck you to obama and biden. They actually think they have some credibility on the issue. Its kind of cute and sad at the same time.
Russia and Putin are/were nearly on their last legs. While it is fair to say Romney was right in 2012, Russia has been undermining Ukraine for a long time. Putin invaded Georgia, then Ukraine in 2014 and took Crimea. Influence in Syria (which Putin lost) and Crimea were about recapturing warm water ports. When Ukraine stopped electing Putin puppets because of US influence (Republican and Democrats) Putin intervened piece by piece.
Keep in mind that this campaign began in the late 80s and continued - to recapture some of the 20th Century Soviet Empire. Sanctions had a moderate effect, ironically until Putin in his bubble overstepped his intelligence and went for the Kyiv jugular. Putin declared cyber and intelligence war on the West in 2014. Both Obama and Trump certainly could have done more. Trump also kowtowed to Putin and negotiated with terrorists (Taliban) at Camp David. Trump chipped away at Russian sanctions.
Putin didn't realize that
1. His Army of Orcs was in such crappy shape. His military infrastructure and leadership were bereft from decades of corruption.
2. The toughness and resilience and spirit of Zelenskyy and the Ukranian people. The type of resolve that only comes from 100s of years of serving a foreign nation (USSR/Russia)
3. The emergence of European unity around NATO.
Biden's tipping of the IC info shortly before the invasions was brilliant. Austin and Blinken titrated the war support for Ukraine pretty darn well. I wish Biden had provided more airpower to Ukraine during the 2022 counter-offensive, including before the Orcs began laying landmines.
The Russian Army currently is in awful shape. They have NK and Chechen soldiers on the frontlines. Russia has been invaded. Putin's power was waning.
Trump 2.0 is the best thing that has happened to Putin since Trump 1.0. It is clear that Trump et al. are witting assets to Russia.
As a (former) Reagan Republican the disgust, embarrassment, and anger I feel today would be overwhelming if it wasn't so expected. Trump has been p*ssed off at the US gov't since Reagan's White House semi-banned Trump from the WH and diverted some of Trump's $$ to Iran Contra. He's been a Russian as a stupid, narcissistic nihilist asset since Trump and Ivana's trip to Moscow in 1987, shortly after the fallout with Reagan's staff.
This isn't 3-D chess. Trump is a child. I have family members who has served in our military, including a tour in Afghanistan. It is a dark, sad, yet clownish day in American History.
A Day That Shall Live in Idiocy.