SCOTUS case: Trans rights for minors

  • Thread starter Thread starter ZenMode
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I'll give you an opportunity to save yourself further humiliation by asking if you can think of anything different between corporal punishment and transgender health care. Can you think of anything at all that might be different. Aw, hell, I'll give you a hint. Look at your sig line.
I don't need to be saved from anything. You are missing the point. In fairly typical liberal fashion, you just can't agree to disagree without labeling. You want to build a wall to secure the border? You're a xenophobe. You don't want doctors performing GAS on minors? You support segregation and don't believe in interracial marriage. You don't support affirmative action in publicly funded universities? You're a racist.
How do you know? Who has posted that they oppose an age limit on transition surgeries?
Surgeries are current performed on minors between the age of 13-17. Those who are opposed to limiting surgeries to only adults (18+) are:


that's just from the first page
I don't need to be saved from anything. You are missing the point. In fairly typical liberal fashion, you just can't agree to disagree without labeling. You want to build a wall to secure the border? You're a xenophobe. You don't want doctors performing GAS on minors? You support segregation and don't believe in interracial marriage. You don't support affirmative action in publicly funded universities? You're a racist.
The racism and other -ism cards do get played too much in my opinion, but it's somewhat understandable given one party has actively catered to racists, xenophobes, homophobes, etc and made them feel welcome. So while I don't think you are anti-transgender and your concerns are valid, there is a ton of anti-transgender sentiment in the party that is pushing these laws. Heck you've got Ehaus on this thread saying transgender people should be frowned upon.
Surgeries are current performed on minors between the age of 13-17. Those who are opposed to limiting surgeries to only adults (18+) are:


that's just from the first page
Just read the first page. I didn't see any one state they oppose a ban on minor's receiving transition surgeries (although rodoheel was perhaps the closest by implication). The entire thrust of the discussion concerned opposition to Tennessee's law, which is much, much broader than just surgeries.

And some of the opposition was in the nature of more philosophical questions, like the government's interest.

Again, this whole surgery argument is reminiscent of the late term abortion argument. Basically, there are 0.0001% abortions at nine months. Yet, that is what the right argues because it makes for a more dramatic claim. Trans kids aren't getting surgeries -- it is not a real thing. I don't know why people want to argue about things that basically never happen.
How do you know? Who has posted that they oppose an age limit on transition surgeries?
I’d need to see the language of such a ban before commenting. This is (a big) part of the problem with the current breed of social conservatives. They are some combination of not smart enough, serious enough, thoughtful enough, curious enough or informed enough to write legislation that addresses what the claim is the issue in a way that doesn’t cause harm to an (ostensibly) unintended group.
Surgeries are current performed on minors between the age of 13-17. Those who are opposed to limiting surgeries to only adults (18+) are:


that's just from the first page
I never suggested anything but to follow the wishes of those involved and the advice of the multiple doctors. Don't put words in my mouth. If that is part of what the doctors advise and the parents and child want, then yes, I'm fine with it. So to that extent, you are correct that I don't require an age limit just like they don't require our input in that decision.

I'll ask again, why is this your business or anybody's but theirs?
Because race isn't controllable. And I realize that the proclivity to some orientations probably aren't but the behavior aspect of it is.

But again, I am not trying to debate those things, I am debating about the topic here. You simply cannot justify this type of delusion. And adults shouldn't support minors in that endeavor.
And there it is.

Race isn’t controllable. But apparently gender dysphoria is. Says the guy that has never questioned his own gender identity, but feels like enough of an expert on the subject to confidently pronounce that someone who does suffer from it isn’t really feeling what they think they are feeling.
I never suggested anything but to follow the wishes of those involved and the advice of the multiple doctors. Don't put words in my mouth. If that is part of what the doctors advise and the parents and child want, then yes, I'm fine with it. So to that extent, you are correct that I don't require an age limit just like they don't require our input in that decision.

I'll ask again, why is this your business or anybody's but theirs?
If you only support the decision to be made between the child, parent and doctor, then how could you support a government ban?
Why do you keep dodging the question?
Your question is beside the point. How can you say you ONLY support the decision being made between the doctor, child and family and, in the next breath, say you aren't opposed to a government ban?
Your question is beside the point. How can you say you ONLY support the decision being made between the doctor, child and family and, in the next breath, say you aren't opposed to a government ban?
Where, exactly do you get that?

My question is exactly the point. None of this is your business. Why do you think it is?
That is a pretty simplistic approach to the social influence on transgenderism.

Sexuality and gender identity exist on a continuum and are not binary. Like anything on a continuum, social influence plays a significant role in how people choose to identify.

Let's assume that the transgender scale goes from 0-10, with 10 being someone who has always known they were born in the wrong body and never identified with their assigned at birth gender, and 0 being someone like Zen Mode.

If someone is say a 6 or a 7 on that scale and they live in rural Alabama, they are much, much less likely to transition than if they live in Marin County. When people see their friends and family members transitioning, and their social media algorithms extolling the benefits of transitioning, that unquestionably will influence the decision to transition. Of course, it doesn't turn a 1 into a 10, and it likely doesn't change the underlying psychology of a person, but it certainly influences the decision to transition.

And this is true with any identity, be it racism, homosexuality, religious views, political views. The identity we take on is very much influenced by our environment. That is not to say there is not a biological component to identity. Of course there is. And it is often the predominate influence. But environmental factors also play a very significant role -- especially for people that are in the middle of the continuum.
You’re talking about what kind of environment is more conducive for people to transition. I’m talking about the biological need for someone to transition. That doesn’t occur because more people around them are doing it.
Where, exactly do you get that?

My question is exactly the point. None of this is your business. Why do you think it is?
You're joking, right?

I listed you as someone who is opposed to government ban on GAS for minors.

You said: "I never suggested anything but to follow the wishes of those involved and the advice of the multiple doctors. Don't put words in my mouth. "

So, what is the difference between ONLY supporting following the wishes of the family, child and doctors and not supporting a ban?
When right-wingers, Trumplicans, and Christo-Nationalists quit passing laws banning ANY gender-affirming medical care, I might give credence to their claims that they are trying to protect children.

Currently, they’re passing laws banning care for prepubescent children. That care encompasses mental health care and social transitioning (dressing as their gender, adopting a new hairstyle, pronoun usage, name, etc.).

As the child ages, puberty blockers are possible. Puberty blockers came into being in the early ‘90’s to treat children with precocious puberty - the onset of puberty at 8 or 9 years. Children undergoing treatment for precocious puberty are under medical care and the drugs are FDA-approved.

For transgender boys who don’t have puberty blockers, they’ll grow breasts as they hit puberty; so, many will face breast surgery in their future.

Leave this to the individuals involved, their doctors, and their parents.
You’re talking about what kind of environment is more conducive for people to transition. I’m talking about the biological need for someone to transition. That doesn’t occur because more people around them are doing it.
Again, you are viewing this as a binary: people are either transgender or they are not. People are not computers with a 1 or a zero. It is much more nuanced than that. Societal factors absolutely influence the "biological need" to transition because the "biological need" is not a yes/no, either/or thing for many transgender or transgender-curious people.
I don't need to be saved from anything. You are missing the point. In fairly typical liberal fashion, you just can't agree to disagree without labeling. You want to build a wall to secure the border? You're a xenophobe. You don't want doctors performing GAS on minors? You support segregation and don't believe in interracial marriage. You don't support affirmative action in publicly funded universities? You're a racist.
1. The answer is evidence. You know, the thing you claim to value in your sig line. This isn't a question of agreement or disagreement. It's a question of reality. The difference between corporal punishment and transgender health is that the research clearly demonstrates that the former is harmful and the latter is beneficial. Now, 50 years ago, the effects of corporal punishment were not as well know. Somebody belting their kid back then -- maybe they didn't know better.

But you brought up the analogy. And again, your analogy fails because of evidence. Flat earth and round earth are not equally valid theories. That's a fact. Corporal punishment and transgender health are not equally valid options. There exists knowledge in this world, and that doesn't change just because you don't value it.

2. "You support segregation"? Wow, talk about missing the point. Let me try to make it simple. The reason we use that analogy is that we're starting from the assumption that you do not support segregation. That you think it's wrong. So when we point out that the logic being used here for trans kids is the same as segregation, we're asking you to recognize that you're wrong about trans in the same way Americans were wrong about segregation.

If your response is the risible claim that "this has nothing to do with that," it's disappointing. It doesn't actually make you a segregationist and nobody has accused you of that. It just means you're being stupid.

3. Building a wall is xenophobic to an extraordinary degree and again, this isn't a matter of opinion. It is an opinion that xenophobia is bad. But the whole point of walls is to keep foreigners away because you are uncomfortable with them coming into the country. That is exactly what xenophobia is. Why did the Chinese build the Great Wall? Xenophobia. Maybe, in that case, justified xenophobia since there were armies marauding in the region during that time period. But a fear of outsiders nonetheless.

Again, no amount of your silly word tricks changes reality. Scotland is not a country by any reasonable definition of that term, whether or not they use the phrase because of the historical legacy from a 1707 treaty when words meant different things and the theory of government and international relations was completely different. Walls are xenophobic whether you like the label or not. Segregation is bad. Corporal punishment is bad. Transgender health interventions are not bad. These are truths and/or facts. You can't change them by denying them.