SCOTUS case: Trans rights for minors

  • Thread starter Thread starter ZenMode
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  • Replies: 263
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  • Politics 
"So other than message board posters desperate to defend indefensible views, could you please point me to any international bodies that recognize Scotland as a country. What's the US position on Scotland? Do we recognize Scotland as a country?"

Oh, and you can take up your complaint with the CIA, also:

the percentage area breakdown of the four UK countries is: England 53%, Scotland 32%, Wales 9%, and Northern Ireland 6%

You provided the link to "countries.' Now, scroll to the S section and show me Scotland. Oh, wait, it's not there? It's listed under the United Kingdom, the country of which it is part? How odd. Just stop.

There are people on this message board who consider me a bullshitter. For the most part, they are not respected posters, and in fact they are well known bullshitters. But anyway, if I am a bullshitter, at least I'm good at it. You are terrible.
You provided the link to "countries.' Now, scroll to the S section and show me Scotland. Oh, wait, it's not there? It's listed under the United Kingdom, the country of which it is part? How odd. Just stop.

There are people on this message board who consider me a bullshitter. For the most part, they are not respected posters, and in fact they are well known bullshitters. But anyway, if I am a bullshitter, at least I'm good at it. You are terrible.
I decided to stop after I posted four links, two of which were from UK and Scotland's government sites calling Scotland a country. Of course, if you weren't a pretentious d-bag, this wouldn't have started in the first place.
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You provided the link to "countries.' Now, scroll to the S section and show me Scotland. Oh, wait, it's not there? It's listed under the United Kingdom, the country of which it is part? How odd. Just stop.

There are people on this message board who consider me a bullshitter. For the most part, they are not respected posters, and in fact they are well known bullshitters. But anyway, if I am a bullshitter, at least I'm good at it. You are terrible.
One thing that occurs to me about ZenMode, in this and other threads, is his misinformation reflects the kind of male personality examined in a recent and fine essay--which is a partial post mortem on the "why" of the election of Trump. Rather than spell it out myself, I will include an excerpt of the ending (take time to read it all):
...Evangelical Christian churches across rural and exurban America idealize patriarchal family models. Whether it is championing patriarchal family arrangements, establishing male control over women’s bodies (particularly vis a vis sexuality and reproduction), or rabid homophobia and now transphobia, the conservative Christian right’s stance on gender issues is decidedly 19th century, and has found renewed vigor amid economic changes that challenge the preeminence of white men.

Perceived crises in white masculinity have always found political expression. Today it’s Trump. Two-hundred years ago it was macho politicians such as Andrew Jackson. No wonder Trump kept Jackson’s portrait in the Oval Office. And no wonder the world’s other current and former right wing authoritarians of the last decade have likewise cultivated hyper-masculine personas. Whether its Vladimir Putin’s bare-chested horseback riding, or the rhetoric and/or antics of Rodrigo Duterte (Philippines), Shri Narendra Modi (India), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (Turkey), Viktor Orban (Hungary), Jair Messias Bolsonaro (Brazil), and others, current and recent former strongman dictators and would-be dictators appeal to economically displaced men who long to assert their dominance. We may debate whether or not they are actually fascists. But either way, they are modern day saviors, offering salvation not in the next life, but in this one. They preach to citizens who fear the feminization of the economy, the rise of LGBT equality, the blurring of racial boundaries, and the reorganizing of “traditional” family structures.

I decided to stop after I posted four links, two of which were from UK and Scotland's government sites calling Scotland a country. Of course, if you weren't a pretentious d-bag, this wouldn't have started in the first place.
No, what started this in the first place was your errant post in which you made false statements. If you hadn't been FOS then we would have had this problem. If you had sufficient humility to just admit that you were wrong, or that you misunderstood what these Western European countries had done, we wouldn't have this problem.

But instead of just admitting you said something untrue, you decided to double and triple and quadruple down on the stupid. It doesn't matter if Scotland calls itself a country. That doesn't make it one, any more than it would be a "galactic empire" by describing itself that way on a web site. Austin Rivers called himself a point guard. Didn't make him one.

Stop blaming other people for your mistakes. You're posting on a message board featuring high-level political discussions. That's a higher standard than your facebook group or wherever you get this stuff. There are plenty of other places for you to post if you can't hack it here. If you do post here, you should expect your mistakes to be pointed out, and you should expect that other people will expect you to modify your views when presented with the correct information. If you refuse to do that, then you bring all the supposed "d-baggery" on yourself.
Wait, you think transgenderism is contagious?

Not in the traditional sense that it can be passed from person to person, but in the sense that we've allowed it and so others see it and decide they want in on the newest trend. Years ago, you seldom saw it, now you see it more frequently. Society should do a better job of frowning on such nonsense.
Not in the traditional sense that it can be passed from person to person, but in the sense that we've allowed it and so others see it and decide they want in on the newest trend. Years ago, you seldom saw it, now you see it more frequently. Society should do a better job of frowning on such nonsense.
Transgenderism is contagious in precisely the same way as left-handedness.
Not in the traditional sense that it can be passed from person to person, but in the sense that we've allowed it and so others see it and decide they want in on the newest trend. Years ago, you seldom saw it, now you see it more frequently. Society should do a better job of frowning on such nonsense.
Are you high?

Do you think high school students are out there asking themselves what they can do to get the shit kicked out of them more frequently? How they can get thrown out of their homes?

Society needs to do a better job frowning on this nonsense. Your nonsense, specifically.
Not in the traditional sense that it can be passed from person to person, but in the sense that we've allowed it and so others see it and decide they want in on the newest trend. Years ago, you seldom saw it, now you see it more frequently. Society should do a better job of frowning on such nonsense.
Just reposting for the ignorant:

It’s incredible to me, in the Year of Our Lord 2024, that we still have posters on this board propagating the old debunked theory that homosexuality, and now transgenderism, can be “spread” through peer pressure or some sort of “social contagion.” As if, the social derision and outright abuse that those people receive from our close-minded society is ever something that one would openly embrace as a trend.

Fuck, we’ve got some apes among us.
Not in the traditional sense that it can be passed from person to person, but in the sense that we've allowed it and so others see it and decide they want in on the newest trend. Years ago, you seldom saw it, now you see it more frequently. Society should do a better job of frowning on such nonsense.
Transgenderism is nonsense?

Go back a few decades and we rarely saw mixed race couples. Why? It was condemned by most Americans and illegal in many states.

We also rarely saw openly gay men and women……gay men were called “confirmed bachelors” and your Aunt Jane was a spinster who happened to always travel with her life-long best friend and college roommate because they were both single. Being gay was considered immoral and it was illegal in most of America.

Now transgenderism is considered “nonsense.”
Transgenderism is nonsense?

Go back a few decades and we rarely saw mixed race couples. Why? It was condemned by most Americans and illegal in many states.

We also rarely saw openly gay men and women……gay men were called “confirmed bachelors” and your Aunt Jane was a spinster who happened to always travel with her life-long best friend and college roommate because they were both single. Being gay was considered immoral and it was illegal in most of America.

Now transgenderism is considered “nonsense.”

Right, we all knew it was out there some of the time, but it'd be nice if society didn't condone it, and that sort of behavior was kept on the down low. But not really talking about those sorts of things. It's the idea that a male can become a female and should be able to function as such and the demand that society pretend with them. It's really silly.

As far as the mixed race thing, it just really isn't comparable to the other examples you mentioned. I am multi racial (white and black)
No, what started this in the first place was your errant post in which you made false statements. If you hadn't been FOS then we would have had this problem. If you had sufficient humility to just admit that you were wrong, or that you misunderstood what these Western European countries had done, we wouldn't have this problem.

But instead of just admitting you said something untrue, you decided to double and triple and quadruple down on the stupid. It doesn't matter if Scotland calls itself a country. That doesn't make it one, any more than it would be a "galactic empire" by describing itself that way on a web site. Austin Rivers called himself a point guard. Didn't make him one.

Stop blaming other people for your mistakes. You're posting on a message board featuring high-level political discussions. That's a higher standard than your facebook group or wherever you get this stuff. There are plenty of other places for you to post if you can't hack it here. If you do post here, you should expect your mistakes to be pointed out, and you should expect that other people will expect you to modify your views when presented with the correct information. If you refuse to do that, then you bring all the supposed "d-baggery" on yourself.
As I said, you should definitely take up your concern with the government of Scotland and UK. Apparently they've got it all wrong.
Right, we all knew it was out there some of the time, but it'd be nice if society didn't condone it, and that sort of behavior was kept on the down low. But not really talking about those sorts of things. It's the idea that a male can become a female and should be able to function as such and the demand that society pretend with them. It's really silly.

As far as the mixed race thing, it just really isn't comparable to the other examples you mentioned. I am multi racial (white and black)
Explain why the mixed race example isn’t comparable.
It's interesting the posters are trying to conflate a legitimate concern for the well-being of children with a desire to take away rights and some inherent hatred of trans gender people. I have no Ill feelings toward transgender people nor any desire to take away anyone's rights.
Why is this not a funny as it should be?

The "Pocahontas exception" refers to a clause within the "one drop" racial laws, particularly in Virginia, that allowed individuals claiming descent from Pocahontas (a Native American woman) to be considered white even if they had a small amount of Native American ancestry, essentially creating an exception to the strict "one drop" rule that would otherwise classify anyone with even a trace of African ancestry as Black; this was because many prominent Virginia families proudly claimed lineage to Pocahontas, allowing them to maintain their white identity despite mixed heritage.
As I said, you should definitely take up your concern with the government of Scotland and UK. Apparently they've got it all wrong.
No, the better explanation is that you are confusing labels with substance. Ideas have substance no matter what word you use for them. A genocide is a genocide even if the government calls it "accelerated relocation to the afterlife." Stop being a moron and people will stop treating you like one. My last post on this; you can have whatever last word you want to further embarrass yourself with.
I have no Ill feelings toward transgender people black people
Said every segregationist ever. I have no idea what lies in your heart, but what you are projecting is in fact an ill feeling and the fact that you refuse to acknowledge it doesn't make it true. Do you let labels rule your life in other areas?
Actually, I am legally bound as a public school teacher to report suspected abuse. And that is exactly what that would be.
There are teachers who believe parents spanking their children is child abuse. What happens when they report it?