SCOTUS case: Trans rights for minors

  • Thread starter Thread starter ZenMode
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  • Politics 
Sure. Removing a gallbladder CAN be life changing. In itself, a successful, issue-free circumcision isn't likely to be life changing.
Additionally, call me when the government is trying to block gallbladder surgery, to protect those that might die on the table.

There's no controlling factor there, so the government will not step in.

Can anyone provide an example where the government wants to block the medical rights of CIS white males?

Personally, I think it should be equal. If women cannot obtain medical procedures, like abortions or gender reassignment surgery, then men shouldn't be able to have surgeries for peyronie's disease or erectile disfunction or low testosterone levels, etc.
I disagree. They both require informed consent of parents and the minor patient and a surgeon who is convinced that the procedure is in the best interest of the patient. No ethical surgeon is going to cut on a child with a lower standard of need because it’s “less drastic.”

I knew two girls who had elective surgery in 9th grade. One had a nose job, the other breast reduction. In both cases they had to meet multiple times with a psychiatrist or psychologist before having the procedure (granted I don’t know if that was a requirement of the surgeon/hospital or the parents).
Another good point.

The right acts like there are no conditions for these surgeries. They pretend it can happen in a day or that a guidance counselor can take a kid to the doctor, no questions asked. All of the lies are what's building the fear in those that want to "Protect" people that they don't even know.
I do not think it is a good thing. Simply pointing it out.
It's interesting how often people make the statement about another country as some type of defense to their point, when it really is completely subjective and doesn't prove anything.

I like to remind them that the UK approved thalidomide almost 2 years before the US. That's why their rate of birth defects are higher.
In the U.S., the FDA refused approval to market thalidomide, saying further studies were needed. This reduced the impact of thalidomide in U.S. patients.
I'm not saying you have to care, but I think people generally have a heighten concern for the safety and well-being of children because they often aren't mature, experienced, informed and can be easily manipulated. There are laws, legal protections and resources unique to minors for a reason.

I don't recall ever having any concern about what happens in anyone's bedroom. I don't recall ever carrying about prostitution. Societal impacts aside, I don't even care about polygamy.
I didn't ask you about having concern. You said you have "concerns" which is a different meaning, and it just blows my mind that you think your concerns matter at all when you know absolutely nothing about a) the medical basis for transgenderism; b) the various treatments under debate; c) what the lived experience of gender dysphoria feels like; d) how parents, doctors and patients communicate about these issues.

You just don't have to have your own fucking opinion about everything. Recognize that there is a lot of shit in this world you know nothing about, and temper your behavior accordingly. You might note that, even though my wife is a child psychiatrist, I have not expressed any opinions about gender dysphoria. You know why? I don't know enough about it to form an informed opinion.
I don't think minors should be getting their genitals mutilated. That's all this is. Now, if an adult decides, man, i'd really like to sew on a penis or I'd really like to cut off a penis, by all means, have at it. I'm fine with insurance companies covering it for adults that are paying them premiums, but under no circumstances should tax dollars be used on this. And never should it be allowed for minors. I get so sick of the "affirming care" BS. What is it affirming besides stupidity? It isn't sex reassignment surgery either, you cannot reassign your sex. Just silly. It's like we are living in an episode of south park or something. The fact it's even an issue is absolutely mind boggling.
The legal challenge in this case is not against surgical procedures involving genital surgery for minors (which is incredibly rare - between 2019 and 2021 there were only 56 instances of this nationwide), rather it is about puberty blockers and hormone therapy.

I won't comment on the rest of your post because this is nonsensical ranting based on nothing.
The legal challenge in this case is not against surgical procedures involving genital surgery for minors (which is incredibly rare - between 2019 and 2021 there were only 56 instances of this nationwide), rather it is about puberty blockers and hormone therapy.

I won't comment on the rest of your post because this is nonsensical ranting based on nothing.

Shouldn't have minors doing the hormone blockers either. Adults, by all means.
Shouldn't have minors doing the hormone blockers either. Adults, by all means.
Puberty blockers are 100% reversible. You stop taking them, they stop having an effect.

There are kids who are committing suicide due to gender dysphoria. Gender-affirming care is potentially life-saving.
Puberty blockers are 100% reversible. You stop taking them, they stop having an effect.

There are kids who are committing suicide due to gender dysphoria. Gender-affirming care is potentially life-saving.

Seems to me the best course of action would be counseling and a reality check, and adults being the adults as opposed to playing into the delusion. Again, wild it's even a discussion.

ETA: If they are suicidal, put them in a mental institution so they can be monitored and kept safe.
I read the oral argument transcript. Guess how many fucks Kav, Roberts, Alito etc. give.
Oh, I'm sure they give exactly zero fucks. But I am up for trying to shame board trolls, assuming there is any sense of shame to activate.
Seems to me the best course of action would be counseling and a reality check, and adults being the adults as opposed to playing into the delusion. Again, wild it's even a discussion.
You're a fucking idiot. Ignore.

ETA - You literally aren't making any arguments, just spouting assertions. Everything you post is a claim without a warrant. There is no point in engaging that.
Unfortunately, my guess is that this is going to be just the first of a wave of anti-transgender actions by Republicans at the federal level. It's going to move from being a state issue to a national one thanks to the Trump administration, Congressional Republicans having a majority in both houses, and Republicans believing that this is a winning issue for them with most of the public. There seems to be some consensus (and Republicans certainly seem to believe) that the GOP's anti-transgender ads attacking Kamala as "being for them [transgenders], and not for us" were effective.
I don't know, I mean, I can't legally drive my car without wearing a seat belt, so....
The seatbelt isn't just for you, it's for the other drivers also.

It's proven that a seatbelt will help one to stay in a position where they can better control the car in the event of an accident.

If it were not for the hurting of others, I would be against seat belt laws.

This applies to most laws for me. If the law protects one person from another, I'm for it. If the law is meant to protect one from themselves, hmmm...
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Of course. All details should be considered, but there is a reality that kids making these kind of decisions may simply not be a good idea, right?
Well then age is the wrong metric.

I know teenagers that are more mature than 40 year old men.

How would you feel if you needed medical care and they told you the care you need is readily available and would be more effective the sooner you took it. Then told you the government was going to protect you so you cant choose to have the care until you are 60. (I'm figuring you are somewhere in your 40's).
Unfortunately, my guess is that this is going to be just the first of a wave of anti-transgender actions by Republicans at the federal level. It's going to move from being a state issue to a national one thanks to the Trump administration, Congressional Republicans having a majority in both houses, and Republicans believing that this is a winning issue for them with most of the public. There seems to be some consensus (and Republicans certainly seem to believe) that the GOP's anti-transgender ads attacking Kamala as "being for them [transgenders], and not for us" were effective.
I’m shaking my head at those of you engaging in good faith on this thread……you’re responding to Zen Mode.
He should change his name to StraddleMode as he straddles most positions.
The legal challenge in this case is not against surgical procedures involving genital surgery for minors (which is incredibly rare - between 2019 and 2021 there were only 56 instances of this nationwide), rather it is about puberty blockers and hormone therapy.

I won't comment on the rest of your post because this is nonsensical ranting based on nothing.
Like most on the right, he just regurgitated what he's been told.
So you're a doctor? You've ran studies? ? You don't seem to understand that a puberty blocker works better before puberty.

I am not a medical doctor, no. Why would we want to block puberty when it's a natural occurrence? Humans went thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of years without blocking puberty, why do it now? Seems to try and artificially manipulate the natural hormonal response would be dangerous. This is something I have never gotten a good answer for.
I am not a medical doctor, no. Why would we want to block puberty when it's a natural occurrence? Humans went thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of years without blocking puberty, why do it now? Seems to try and artificially manipulate the natural hormonal response would be dangerous. This is something I have never gotten a good answer for.

Plenty of modern drugs, that were not available thousands of years ago, artificially manipulate natural occurring actions and substances in bodies.

You do realize the list is a mile long of things that we didn't have a thousand years ago that have improved our life expectancy, our health, and our lives, correct?

It's fine if you don't understand or seek to understand, but why would you believe that you have any right to make a decision for others? Especially if you don't understand?