Second Failed Assassination Attempt on Trump

I agree that’s the most likely explanation, but I’m keeping an open mind, and almost anything is on the table. The one thing that makes no sense would be any involvement by the Biden or Harris teams. The last thing they want right now is Trump being assassinated. But there are a lot of groups who would welcome that, from the Iranians to the Ukrainians to Team Fuentes, and this guy seems vulnerable to manipulation by any number of them. So again, I think the crazy lone wolf explanation is the most likely, but I won’t be at all surprised if the story ends up being a little more complicated than that.
OK, I'll play along.

How would that work? Do you think these alleged co-conspirators were offering to pay him money? Because he seems plenty motivated/crazy on his own. Do you think these were online communications or do you think they actually communicated in person? And if you were one of these groups that wanted Trump killed, this is who you contract with? You don't at least get someone of Oswald's competence? When Putin wants to assassinate someone on foreign soil, he doesn't find the craziest person in the country to work with. He actually uses a trained assassin. Why would any group use this crazy guy? That seems highly, highly unlikely.
Agree. I’ve got him on ignore, but obviously others don’t and insist on engaging with him… I wasn’t going to go super ignore on anyone, but I may have no choice if I keep seeing his name. “Heelyeah2012 said: You are ignoring content by this member” and then somebody else responds and basically reiterates or goes into detail of what HY has spouted off this time… and there it is… back up in my face again. Ugh.
Agree. I read this Board to get reasoned, articulate, and occasionally funny takes on the issues of the day. If I want to know what the Neanderthal Right thinks of any particular issue, all I have to do is go to church, go to the grocery store, or walk through the neighborhood. I'll get a ear-full of the the latest indignities that have been heaped on oppressed and put-upon white segment of society.
This is purely anecdotal on my part, but it appears to me that Team Trump is having to work A LOT harder to try to gin up another round of Trump supporter assassination momentum so far … they are definitely trying, but I’m not seeing the same ubiquity or intensity of the LFG fan/supporter responses so far. It seems more top down than bottom-up.

Part of that may be Trump fatigue but part of it may be a weird split — a lot of his core base have been VERY activated by the “illegal Haitian cat eater” stuff. THAT is the red meat they hunger for and the weirdo would-be assassin story is getting plenty of attention but not as much apparent intensity.

The grass roots supporters seem most fixated on hurling the “you did this” allegations at Harris and Dems, but are fumbling to tie it back to their more powerful immigration fix.
This is purely anecdotal on my part, but it appears to me that Team Trump is having to work A LOT harder to try to gin up another round of Trump supporter assassination momentum so far … they are definitely trying, but I’m not seeing the same ubiquity or intensity of the LFG fan/supporter responses so far. It seems more top down than bottom-up.

Part of that may be Trump fatigue but part of it may be a weird split — a lot of his core base have been VERY activated by the “illegal Haitian cat eater” stuff. THAT is the red meat they hunger for and the weirdo would-be assassin story is getting plenty of attention but not as much apparent intensity.

The grass roots supporters seem most fixated on hurling the “you did this” allegations at Harris and Dems, but are fumbling to tie it back to their more powerful immigration fix.
The problem with throwing spaghetti at the wall is it becomes very hard to monitor the number of noodles.

It gets even harder to stick when the wall is covered in ketchup already.

That dumbass doesn't realize that any thinking person holds Trump responsible for J6 not because he claimed the election was stolen but because he instructed the very folks who went to the Capitol and committed an insurrection to go there and ensure that he was named the winner.

And it's the very same reason that any thinking person understands that Trump is a threat to democracy.