Second Failed Assassination Attempt on Trump

"No what you have are bullets and the hope that when your guns are empty that I'm no longer standing.


"Why won't you die? Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."

The wheels truly are coming off of the entire MAGA movement right now. It is pure, utter, chaotic bat shit insanity right now.
+1. I'm inclined to believe that the internal polls taken by Trump's campaign are bad, worse than those being publicly released, especially from right-wing pollsters. So his campaign is freaking out and the whole MAGA movement is just melting down. And what you get when it melts down is the unhinged lunacy we're seeing right now.
I think Team Trump also thinks they weren’t getting the juice they expected from the assassination attempt, so they are heating the rhetoric and upping the stakes to drive the intense response they crave.
Presidents and politicians who are respected and normal - Reagan, Truman, Ford - gain sympathy and support when they are assassination targets. Trump is easily the most controversial president of our lifetime, even more than Nixon. He may be loved by his base, but he's hated by an even larger number of people, as the popular vote in 2016 and 2020 proved. And like it or not, that's definitely going to be a factor in how people respond to these assassination attempts. I'm not saying that most people want him dead, but I do think a majority of Americans simply aren't going to respond to attempts on his life the way they did to Reagan or Truman or Ford, or members of Congress like Giffords or Scalise.
Checking to see how many ZZLP posters have offered Trump free tickets to a play at Ford Theater.

And if Iran is somehow behind all this, maybe Iran will consider hiring this guy, who has a bit of a shaky record but will never give up:View attachment 3101
Actually, this latest guy Routh sort of reminds one of old Wile E. Coyote.
But no, no ZZLP posters are buying a ticket for trump to anything except maybe to Harris’ Inauguration party

At this point it's like Vance and Trump are not even talking to one another and are running entirely separate campaigns that have no connection to one another. I'm wondering how much the two of them talk to one another during a typical week, or how often their campaign staffs talk with one another to plan strategy. Melania has already become his Phantom First Lady, now Vance is rapidly turning into his Phantom Running Mate.
The wheels truly are coming off of the entire MAGA movement right now. It is pure, utter, chaotic bat shit insanity right now.
I was listening to Hannity today and he was sharing an acccount of this second assassination attempt. Somewhere in there he talked about his relationship with Trump and how it began with him reporting on him, or his job was the reason he was around him or whatever, but made a specific statement saying he only hung out with Trump for work not pleasure.

Really surprised me, he felt it necessary to draw a line in his relationship with Trump stating it was professional.
Scott Jennings is so GD frustrating to listen to and watch. He’s a smug bastard.
So funny. I just turned to CNN and saw him saying JD Vance and Trump should be apologized to because the bomb threats to schools in Ohio were apparently coming from overseas so that absolved them of any wrongdoing. Whoever was seated next to him absolutely bodied him right after and Jennings just looked forward with this dumb smirk on his face.

It's depressing CNN allows him to just lie on air.
Checking to see how many ZZLP posters have offered Trump free tickets to a play at Ford Theater.

And if Iran is somehow behind all this, maybe Iran will consider hiring this guy, who has a bit of a shaky record but will never give up:
He's the perfect terrorist. Blows himself up yet lives another day.... we should ban ACME for supplying weapons of war!!!!!