Smith Center Replacement/Renovation

Wherever the arena is located, at least find a way to put more of the student section closer to the court. So many other schools have this and it does make a big difference. Surely an all time Mt Rushmore CBB program like UNC can also figure out a way to make that happen.
The only problem with using the Bowles lot is it's going to piss off a lot of football tailgaters. It's really the only lot on campus where there is a decent tailgating option. I suppose once you implode the Smith Center you could put the tailgate lot there? Not that it's a major consideration, but you could cause some issues if you don't have a reasonable alternative for those folks.
Every option has challenges. How to handle tailgaters for 14 Saturdays over 2 years is relatively minor - especially given that many of those same tailgaters will be contributing to the new arena.

Could relocate them to Karen Shelton stadium. Or Boshamer stadium (with parking at Rams Head). Could finally try the Quad tent system for two years if we can get the arborists to sign off. Like with all construction projects, there will be inconveniences. But relocating tailgaters is a manageable issue.
The only problem with using the Bowles lot is it's going to piss off a lot of football tailgaters. It's really the only lot on campus where there is a decent tailgating option. I suppose once you implode the Smith Center you could put the tailgate lot there? Not that it's a major consideration, but you could cause some issues if you don't have a reasonable alternative for those folks.
This is a good point. We already kind of struggle with our tailgating atmosphere on football game days; taking away one of the biggest tailgating areas on campus certainly wouldn’t help that.

Starting to sidetrack from the OP, but I’d be interested in hearing other people’s opinions about our tailgating scene. When I talk to fans of other teams that have been to games at UNC or read things from opposing fans on the internet, the consensus seems to be that it’s underwhelming. Chapel Hill on a crisp October Saturday game day is hard to beat for me personally, but i’ve also been to my share of other college stadiums over the years, and it’s hard to dispute that we aren’t lacking in comparison to a lot of other schools. I think opening up more of the campus to tailgating for the general public would go a long way.
Every option has challenges. How to handle tailgaters for 14 Saturdays over 2 years is relatively minor - especially given that many of those same tailgaters will be contributing to the new arena.

Could relocate them to Karen Shelton stadium. Or Boshamer stadium (with parking at Rams Head). Could finally try the Quad tent system for two years if we can get the arborists to sign off. Like with all construction projects, there will be inconveniences. But relocating tailgaters is a manageable issue.
Yeah I don't think it's one of the top considerations, but moving them to other lots isn't an option as those lots are full. And there are quite a few football fans that contribute a fair amount to the Rams Club in Bowles and they are very protective of their tailgate scene, so pissing them off with no solution whatsoever isn't advisable.
The best option to me seems to be Carolina North off Estes. Plenty of space to build with unlimited parking and no disruption of play. The walking distance is 1.7 miles from Franklin St. I mapped the walking distance from Granville Towers to the Dean Dome. That’s 1.5 miles. For 18-22 year olds, that should be no problem
The best option to me seems to be Carolina North off Estes. Plenty of space to build with unlimited parking and no disruption of play. The walking distance is 1.7 miles from Franklin St. I mapped the walking distance from Granville Towers to the Dean Dome. That’s 1.5 miles. For 18-22 year olds, that should be no problem
No one is walking from campus to that arena location. No one.
Yeah walking up MLK from Franklin to Estes is nothing like walking through campus from Granville to the Dean Dome. Also there are a ton of students who live on south campus, so add another mile on to the walk for them. Not feasible.
Would a renovation allow them to press reset on the lifetime seating? I'm sure there were many who did that in their kids names rather than their own back in the early 80s and those kids will be able to pass it down a generation if they gave over $10k.
I wish you had used an exclamation mark after that second "no one"...
I mean, I did walk from the Pump House on Franklin all the way to Piney Mountain Rd in elementary school, back when MLK was Airport Rd. But I wouldn't do it again, and certainly not when there are free busses running the same route.
Hey Calheel, I just noticed that we're neck and neck on post totals...
An arena that is not within walking distance for students would be idiotic. And as I read the options, at least 2 of them would not be walkable.
The students have been the very LAST thing considered since they opened the Dome in January 1986. I was there as a Freshman for that dook game and WIN.

I doubt this ever changes. Hell the students might have less courtside seats than they do now, which is not many.

So personally, I am all for building a new place, even if off campus, if it kicks those $%*#$!* out of the lower bowl for good that happily bought out our program. "Donors" my ass. They bought and paid for those seats for damn near 40 years and got a hell of a discount. Kick their greedy asses out.

Now that I am old enough and wealthy enough I will gladly make a REAL donation towards it, not a bribe for lifetime seats. I want my donation to go for student seats courtside not for myself and kids. That is a real donation not theft.
Interesting reading through this thread as a non-UNC fan. Have been to the DD twice and wasn’t blown away but wasn’t a bad experience either. I guess I expected more with UNC being a top 2-3 all-time program but looking at the banners/jerseys in the rafters was kinda (yuck!) cool.

I don’t agree with everything the UVa athletic department does, but JPJ is a great experience other than the very average food options. Almost 20 years old, and still looks/feels new. Good balance of student seating near the floor without alienating the big $$ donors. It’s also used for other things than hoops with a few decent concerts every year, but usually the months when the students are in town. Also, decent parking options near by…just don’t get stuck in the garage right by the arena. You’ll get out faster parking a few blocks away than 50 yards from the front door.
Interesting reading through this thread as a non-UNC fan. Have been to the DD twice and wasn’t blown away but wasn’t a bad experience either. I guess I expected more with UNC being a top 2-3 all-time program but looking at the banners/jerseys in the rafters was kinda (yuck!) cool.

I don’t agree with everything the UVa athletic department does, but JPJ is a great experience other than the very average food options. Almost 20 years old, and still looks/feels new. Good balance of student seating near the floor without alienating the big $$ donors. It’s also used for other things than hoops with a few decent concerts every year, but usually the months when the students are in town. Also, decent parking options near by…just don’t get stuck in the garage right by the arena. You’ll get out faster parking a few blocks away than 50 yards from the front door.
Oh man JJ is purrrty But yea-the damn banners and the crowd size still "do it " for me at DES . FWIW I think it is fair to say part of the Plain Jane ness of the DES was becuase DES wanted it that way He wanted it big and good sight lines and no commercial monkey business
Interesting reading through this thread as a non-UNC fan. Have been to the DD twice and wasn’t blown away but wasn’t a bad experience either. I guess I expected more with UNC being a top 2-3 all-time program but looking at the banners/jerseys in the rafters was kinda (yuck!) cool.

I don’t agree with everything the UVa athletic department does, but JPJ is a great experience other than the very average food options. Almost 20 years old, and still looks/feels new. Good balance of student seating near the floor without alienating the big $$ donors. It’s also used for other things than hoops with a few decent concerts every year, but usually the months when the students are in town. Also, decent parking options near by…just don’t get stuck in the garage right by the arena. You’ll get out faster parking a few blocks away than 50 yards from the front door.
Yes, you guys have a nice place. Like most programs, you learned from our mistakes. Unfortunately, you guys have an incredibly boring brand of basketball. Not to take anything away from Bennett's accomplishment or talents as a coach, but I hope we NEVER play that style.

Granted, Dean the master, was the one that came up with the 4 corners offense that led to the shot clock. He actually ran for an entire first half once against dook. But I'd say watching UVA basketball is not much more exciting, zzzzzzzzz.
Yes, you guys have a nice place. Like most programs, you learned from our mistakes. Unfortunately, you guys have an incredibly boring brand of basketball. Not to take anything away from Bennett's accomplishment or talents as a coach, but I hope we NEVER play that style.

Granted, Dean the master, was the one that came up with the 4 corners offense that led to the shot clock. He actually ran for an entire first half once against dook. But I'd say watching UVA basketball is not much more exciting, zzzzzzzzz.
The ugly NCAA tournament loss is the first time I’ve seen more than a handful of fans turn on Bennett. Admittedly it’s not the prettiest style, but winning makes fans overlook that. Losing ugly is harder to forgive. We’ll see if anything changes this year.
The students have been the very LAST thing considered since they opened the Dome in January 1986. I was there as a Freshman for that dook game and WIN.

I doubt this ever changes. Hell the students might have less courtside seats than they do now, which is not many.

So personally, I am all for building a new place, even if off campus, if it kicks those $%*#$!* out of the lower bowl for good that happily bought out our program. "Donors" my ass. They bought and paid for those seats for damn near 40 years and got a hell of a discount. Kick their greedy asses out.

Now that I am old enough and wealthy enough I will gladly make a REAL donation towards it, not a bribe for lifetime seats. I want my donation to go for student seats courtside not for myself and kids. That is a real donation not theft.
Per Wikipedia the students didn’t kick in and thus lost their seating🤷‍♂️ :
A proposition was made to the student body for a fee increase to be applied to help cover building costs and that increase would maintain the seating arrangements as they were in Carmichael, but it was voted down.

Also the official name of the building is the Dean E. Smith Student Activities Center which is a bit comical.
Students definitely voted down a small fee ($5 or $10 per semester or year) that would fund a long-term loan that would pay for a part of the Smith Center and Natatorium.

If the fee had passed the student referendum, student seats would have either ringed the court or been on one sideline and both end lines……8-15 rows deep. Simple bleachers like the ones behind the player benches in Carmichael.

Not only was the student fee defeated, UNC was incapable of hitting the fundraising marks the consultants said had to be met to raise the $32-35 million.

One of the marks was a single donor at $6-10 million; 6 donors at $1-1.5 million each; X at $250K each; etc.

The largest donor was Walter R. Davis, the oil millionaire from Elizabeth City (Davis Library). He gave $1-1.5 million…..and, it supposedly took some arm-twisting. He was always good for large donations for academics; less so for sports.

A new approach was needed to raise the money. I don’t know who hit on the long-term-rights idea; but, Skipper Bowles and Dean Smith went on a Rams Club roadshow and raised the money.

It wasn’t a one-time payment to get ticket rights. One had to maintain an annual level of giving to the Rams Club to maintain those rights. So, the donors who helped build the Smith Center have been funding UNC Athletics (and endowment and more) for 40+ years. They’re also the people who built Karen Shelton Stadium and Anson Dorrance Field, the Boshamer upgrades, and more.

If you want to blame anyone for the student seating in the Smith Center, blame the students from about 1982-84 (I can’t remember the year of the student fee referendum).