Thread In Which We Discuss Trump Admin Policy & Give Trump Props

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We can't fill the positions with ANYONE, you dolt. No qualified person has missed out on an ATC job because of a less qualified DEI hire. Zero. It has quite literally NEVER happened. They would have hired both applicants and ask them to bring their friends.
Why are you such a miserable human?

The point is that qualifications in one of the most important jobs in America, where mistakes kill hundreds were lowered for the sake of DEI so that people with mental disabilities, hearing disabilities, vision disabilities, and others could be “included”. Trump should have fixed that the first time but didn’t. Thankfully he has now. MASSIVE WIN FOR AMERICA.
You have to recognize the character of the people you're dealing with. I'd want the fine print and a good lawyer.
Been widely reported across a diverse group of media. 8 months of severance and benefits. Damn trump is being overly generous.
We can't fill the positions with ANYONE, you dolt. No qualified person has missed out on an ATC job because of a less qualified DEI hire. Zero. It has quite literally NEVER happened. They would have hired both applicants and ask them to bring their friends.
Blaming everything on people other than white men existing is easy though, and it tickles their amygdala just right.
Why are you such a miserable human?

The point is that qualifications in one of the most important jobs in America, where mistakes kill hundreds were lowered for the sake of DEI so that people with mental disabilities, hearing disabilities, vision disabilities, and others could be “included”. Trump should have fixed that the first time but didn’t. Thankfully he has now. MASSIVE WIN FOR AMERICA.
Lol...I'm miserable? You're the one with a hardon about DEI that has had ZERO impact on those working in ATC. They have THOUSANDS of open positions that they cannot fill. How, pray tell, can one come to the conclusion that they have passed over more qualified applicants? They aren't passing over anyone. Raising the qualifications without tripling the pay will make the situation far worse, not better.
Lincoln Project is a JOKE, and massive failure (Trump got elected). You can fit all of them in a small gym in Georgetown. Most of them are MSNBC contributors. True conservatives migrated to MAGA.

Why are you such a miserable human?

The point is that qualifications in one of the most important jobs in America, where mistakes kill hundreds were lowered for the sake of DEI so that people with mental disabilities, hearing disabilities, vision disabilities, and others could be “included”. Trump should have fixed that the first time but didn’t. Thankfully he has now. MASSIVE WIN FOR AMERICA.
So, it should be easy to prove your point here. Let's see the data showing an increase in crashes and other related incidents since they started the DEI program. If they were truly hiring unqualified people we should be able to see the increase in issues related to the job performance.

And, just because there is a list, doesn't mean they are limiting hiring to people who qualify to be on that list. It simply means they are open to interviewing.

You should probably also be able to provide data on how many paralyzed people were hired. Something tells me that even though vision disabilities is on the list, it doesn't equate to hiring people that cannot see. I have a vision disability ( guess you can call it that ) but it is easily corrected with glasses.

We really need specific examples for it to make any difference. Just saying they are open to interviewing doesn't mean anything.
But that wasn’t their goal and they were partially quota driven. Applicants’ backgrounds were assigned point values. Higher points were awarded for some arbitrary things like playing a collegiate sport than actual military experience as an ATC. It wasn’t just about casting a wider net. In some cases the most qualified were white males but they wanted to get away from them.

“The plan, which was last updated in March 2022, added: “Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring. They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”
Cite for your first paragraph? There is nothing in the article you linked that mentioned anything about quotas. Secondly, skills-based characteristics make a lot more sense than experience-based characteristics. I firmly believe that playing a collegiate sport probably has more relevance to dealing with the pressure and stress of the job, than some forms of military experience. Sure, if you were in firefights in Fallujah, that probably preps you pretty well for the stress of being an ATC. but if you were in the motor pool or a cook? Not as much. And yeah, I certainly want to see a cite for your assertion that someone who was an ATC in the military gets less points than someone who played college sports. That would hit the nail on the head as far as experiential biographical recruiting works.

Also, these quote you cite doesn't say that folks with these disabilities were recruited to be Air Traffic Controllers - the DEI policy cited in your quote was for the entirety of the FAA - which includes far more non-ATC positions doing things like administrative tasks and such.

Unless you can show that unqualified people were hired as Air Traffic Controllers (or that qualified applicants for Air Traffic Controllers were turned away), there is nothing to support your argument.
Why are we focusing on ATC? The pilots caused the collision.

Is this just another example of "Something went wrong. It must be [insert group that scares me] people?"

Because let's not act like maga isn't using "DEI!!!!! DEI!!!!!!" as a coward's euphemism for the slurs they really want to say.
Winners. And you get to win even though you didn’t vote for him. Maybe he will make it up on Mt Rushmore.
So, is my gay daughter a winner now that they are going after same sex marriage?

Why do these morons give a fuck who's marrying who? Is their marriage and personal life so bad that they don't want anyone else to have an opportunity to be happily married?

And the relation to this thread is that trumps EO that the government would only recognize the sex listed on a birth certificate.

When was the last time there was a commercial airline crash that could be blamed on air traffic controller error? i'd say those guys have a pretty good record. Stellar, in fact. Not sure where you're getting woefully short from, but based on the results, i.e., no midair collisions or other mishaps attributable to the controllers, there's no question that they've been qualified...
Need to look at near miss trends
Why are we focusing on ATC? The pilots caused the collision.

Is this just another example of "Something went wrong. It must be [insert group that scares me] people?"

Because let's not act like maga doesn't use "DEI!!!!! DEI!!!!!!" as a coward's euphemism for the slurs they really want to say.
Every aviation accident is the result of a chain of events. Break the chain anywhere and the accident doesn’t happen. The pilots were at the end of the chain. The chain could start as early as the helicopter mechanic’s breakfast the day before, or even years of legislators lobbying for flights into the congested airspace.
Need to look at near miss trends

Every aviation accident is the result of a chain of events. Break the chain anywhere and the accident doesn’t happen. The pilots were at the end of the chain. The chain could start as early as the helicopter mechanic’s breakfast the day before, or even years of legislators lobbying for flights into the congested airspace.

Sometimes an aviation accident or collision is the result of one error.

Sometimes an aviation accident or collision is the result of one error.
Agreed. CBS should have said "most" not "every." The accident investigations typically have a primary cause and many secondary causes. But some crashes have just a single issue.
Agreed. CBS should have said "most" not "every." The accident investigations typically have a primary cause and many secondary causes. But some crashes have just a single issue.
Where did the one that landed in the Hudson end up on the spectrum?

It seems like birds flying into the engines in pretty singular, right? Maybe?
True conservatives migrated to MAGA.
If that is the case, why does MAGA stand for **quite literally the exact opposite of everything for which classical conservatism stands**?

-Classical conservatism believes in limited government. MAGA believes that the government is intended to punish MAGA's political enemies; MAGA wants the government to regulate what books you can read, how you identify yourself, what healthcare choices you make, what parental choices you make, etc.

-Classical conservatism believes in protection of personal freedoms and individual liberties. MAGA believes that the government should be in your bedroom, in your medical exam room, and in your birth canal.

-Classical conservatism believes in harshly punishing violent criminals. MAGA celebrates and cheers the release and pardon of violent criminals.

-Classical conservatism believes in honoring military service and law enforcement. MAGA believes in attacking police officers and causing Four Star Generals to require security and bodyguards.

-Classical conservatism believes that countries like Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran, which are ruled by authoritarian tyrants, are America's adversaries. MAGA believes that the President of the United States should write "beautiful love letters" to tyrants like Putin, Xi, and Kim.

-Classical conservatism believes in bolstering our geopolitical alliances with like-minded democratic nations. MAGA believes that we should withdraw from NATO, antagonize our allies, surrender Ukraine to Russia, and threaten to invade our allies' possessions.

-Classical conservatism believes in free trade and free markets. MAGA believes in slapping 25% tariffs on our closest trading partners.

-Classical conservatism believes in meritocracy. MAGA believes in installing unqualified and inexperienced bootlickers into cabinet positions based on nothing more than their loyalty to the chief executive.

-Classical conservatism believes in interpreting and upholding the U.S. Constitution from an originalist perspective. MAGA believes that you should simply ignore parts of the Constitution with which you disagree or which are inconvenient.

I could keep going but I've made my point. MAGA is anything but conservative. Hope this helps!