A big problem with what is going on is Musk and his minions don’t know jack shit about how our government functions. These cuts have been proposed in a time frame where there is no way they could have learned about the departments they are talking about gutting. They are assuming there is massive fraud in the spending of federal funds. Attacking SS by claiming large numbers of dead people are still receiving benefits (something that is impossible) and calling it a Ponzi scheme should set off alarm bells for everyone. The cuts they are proposing for Medicaid will have disastrous effects on the millions of poor people who rely on it for healthcare. By far most people in nursing homes are there because Medicaid pays for them to be there. Drastically reducing the federal part of Medicaid funding will mean a lot of people will lose nursing home care. This will undoubtedly lead to the closure of many nursing homes. Medicare will only pay for a 90 day stay in a nursing home and that is with a qualifying event (stroke, fall, etc) where the patient receives therapy. After the 90 days is up and the patient still needs further time in the facility they have to pay their own way or, if they qualify, they can move to Medicaid which provides open ended care. If what they are planning comes to fruition, then a lot of poor people are going to suffer. Hell, probably a lot of us will so they can give tax cuts to the wealthy.