Trump at Nat’l Assoc. of Black Journalists (NABJ)

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My God this is going even more spectacularly horribly for him than I could have even imagined! This is incredible.
I am watching this with jaw fully on the floor. Even by Trump standards this is an unimaginable disaster!
OMG what were they thinking? He was asked whether Harris is a DEI candidate and he basically says maybe not because she is not even Black.

Harris Faulkner serving up softballs, redirects him to how awful inflation is … what is your plan?

Trump slams the equipment that he can’t hear someone maybe 10 feet away (“because this woman couldn’t get the right equipment”).

Faulkner asks him again about his plan and he says energy … now he diverts to complain about Biden gettin replaced. Rambling they want to get rid of “as you say gasoline in cars”

They’ll fact check it and say it’s only 58% but they aren’t counting all the real numbers.

Asked about offering police immunity — why should officer who shot a woman get immunity? It depends on what happens. We need people to protect ourselves. We need our police officers to have their respect and dignity back.

Reporter asked him how/who would get immunity — “if I felt or a group of people felt” … he is struggling to get to a point — sometimes they made a mistake.
Why doesn’t your skepticism of prosecutors carry over to cops … he blathers about his big win in the documents but Biden was ruled incompetent and on and on … I won the case I don’t notice ABC doing any coverage of that … George Slopadopolas …

If we could move on … Trump says you’re the one who held me up.
Being pressed about whether he knew JD Vance hates cat ladies etc before picking him. “I’m just speaking for myself, I think I’m speaking for him too…”


Pressed on notion that someone who has kids should get more votes — Trump says that he had not heard that and pivots to claims that “they” are letting illegal immigrants vote and illegal immigrants will be taking the jobs of people in here.

Faulkner - why did you pick JD Vance.

Trump — he is for working class people, he wrote the book, the movie was a smash hit. Rambling about JD’s childhood “with the mother, the father, a very tough situation”

He is somebody that was born in a rough situation … he’s made himself an amazing life. He had my endorsement that helped. He’s a United States Senator.
Wow. Points to another reporter “I can understand YOU perfectly woaaahaha”

Meanwhile, Harris Faulkner is claiming Trump was prophetic about his assassination attempt. Is JD Vance ready day 1

Trump, sure but the Vice President makes no difference. You’re voting for the President. You’re voting for me.

Another question about JD Vance having opinions about childless women like myself or divorced people like yourself. Crowd oooos, Trump said at least she said it nicely … he says the real problem is after birth abortions supported by Democrats and everyone wanted Roe v Wade should be overturned. Goes through his abortion ramble (not what he was asked).
Most Republicans believe in exceptions and don’t believe in abortion in the 9th month and don’t believe in executing the baby after birth like the governor of Virginia wanted.
Whomever in the Trump campaign allowed him to do this event should be on the Democrats' Christmas card list for about the next 10 years. This is such an enormous gift for the Harris campaign. They have gotten so much campaign ad material from his answers that it would be impossible to utilize it all.