The pay for veteran teachers in NC is inexcusably low, even when compared to states like South Carolina. Basically your state pay is capped at twenty years at about $53,000, and after that you will spend the rest of your teaching career without ever seeing a significant raise. The legislature is obviously hoping that veteran teachers will just quit long before they can collect their full thirty-year pension, and by driving out veteran teachers they will make it more difficult for public schools to function and that also plays into their plans to wreck public ed to justify diverting more and more money into vouchers and charters and so on. Each county can provide a stipend to increase the state base salary, but smaller rural counties usually have small stipends, while larger counties do have larger stipends, but it still doesn't raise the salaries of veteran teachers enough to make up for inflation and the higher cost of living in urban areas. And as long as the GOP controls the state legislature - which is to say, pretty much forever - they will never approve raising veteran teacher pay ever again, at least not without tacking on some ridiculous hoops that veteran teachers have to jump through to get the raise.