Trump "Press Conference" Game Thread

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I believe that the conservatives from this board and the old board have presented us with honest versions of themselves. How they interact with people here is how they interact with people out in the world. They believe the things that they say here.

That doesn’t mean they are worth debating, so I find the troll label to be relatively meaningless.
Clearly it is getting no love with the keyboard pushed into the wall like that. I feel sorry for the instrument. I wonder when it was last properly tuned and what the humidity level is in that room?
I don't think that's gonna happen . .
I know O'Donnell has more clout, but after they axed Mehdi Hassan and Tiffany Cross for speaking out about things...
Not to mention pulling Morning Joe off the air the day after the assassination attempt out of fear of what Scarborough might say, I just don't trust their executives.
I know O'Donnell has more clout, but after they axed Mehdi Hassan and Tiffany Cross for speaking out about things...
Not to mention pulling Morning Joe off the air the day after the assassination attempt out of fear of what Scarborough might say, I just don't trust their executives.
Scarborough did call them out on air the next day, saying that if they ever do that again they can find someone else to host the show.
The US tax code is entirely too complex if we need that many people working for the IRS just to enforce it. It’s honestly absurd what our system is. A much simpler tax code would achieve many objectives but one of them would be no need to hire that many IRS agents.
Who makes the US tax code so complex? I doubt it’s the IRS.
You could cut the entire IRS and it wouldn’t change a single thing about the tax code. It would allow those people who are willing to commit fraud on their tax returns to be virtually impossible to catch. Hmmm, I wonder what people that would benefit?
The irony is that for the people he is trying to reach, his MAGA base, their historic perspective is that if a person is 1/8, 1/16 or even 1/32 black, they ARE black and treated accordingly by society.
People of mixed race are whatever republicans need to complain about at that moment in time.
Let me start by saying I like the "Ignore" function on this board. Let me further say I like that the original post remains blocked when quoted by others. My question is: In addition to blocking posts by an ignored poster and blocking the portion of post that contains what an ignored poster wrote, can the posts that respond to the ignored poster also be blocked. I have nothing against those who respond to and try to educate those whom I have on ignore, it's just that I have no interest in reading those efforts and find myself just scrolling past them, unread. If posts by both ignored posters and those who quote ignored poster were hidden on this thread: (a) it would be quicker to read and (b) I wouldn't miss a single thing I find interesting.

ETA: I never watch Fox News. I grew up watching Jesse Helms "editorials" on WRAL-TV and can state that I learned absolutely nothing of value from those editorials beyond the fact that Jesse Helms was a vicious, delusional racist, which I already knew from from sources other than his editorials. I can figure out who is a vicious delusional racist/facist/BSC without subjecting myself to their lunacy firsthand. As Liebnitz said of an anonymous letter written by Issac Newton, "I can recognize a lion by its pawprint." I can recognize a BSC facist/racist by what they say and don't need proof in tripicate.
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more about the helicopter "crash"

'Donald was terrified': Ex-Trump exec laughs recalling his 'bumpy' helicopter ride panic

Speaking with MSNBC fill-in host Ali Vitali, Barbara Res, who has been a go-to source on the Trump Organization's inner workings after rising up the ranks over 18 years said she was on the flight and helped arrange it.

Res, who left her job with the future president because she was "unwilling any longer to take Trump’s explosive moods and turbulent treatment," said there was no threat that the helicopter was going to crash due to turbulence over the Hudson River.

As she told the MSNBC host, she saw the co-pilot of the private helicopter "pumping a device with all his might" before the pilot notified the passengers they would have to divert to a different landing spot.

As she explained what followed, she started laughing at Trump's panic. "I mean it wasn't like 'Oh my god, we're going to crash,' just we can't keep going," she recalled. "So we found the closest airport and he landed us and everyone was fine."

"Donald was terrified and, after the whole thing was over, he was joking with Nate Holden, who happens to be a Black man, and he said 'Nate, you turned white,'" Res recounted. "Let me tell you something: Donald was really scared. I wasn't really that upset. I was more interested in watching everyone else's reaction."
Let me start by saying I like the "Ignore" function on this board. Let me further say I like that the original post remains blocked when quoted by others. My question is: In addition to blocking posts by an ignored poster and blocking the portion of post that contains what an ignored poster wrote, can the posts that respond to the ignored poster also be blocked. I have nothing against those who respond to and try to educate those whom I have on ignore, it's just that I have no interest in reading those efforts and find myself just scrolling past them, unread. If posts by both ignored posters and those who quote ignored poster were hidden on this thread: (a) it would be quicker to read and (b) I wouldn't miss a single thing I find interesting.

ETA: I never watch Fox News. I grew up watching Jesse Helms "editorials" on WRAL-TV and can state that I learned absolutely nothing of value from those editorials beyond the fact that Jesse Helms was a vicious, delusional racist, which I already knew from from sources other than his editorials. I can figure out who is a vicious delusional racist/facist/BSC without subjecting myself to their lunacy firsthand. As Liebnitz said of an anonymous letter written by Issac Newton, "I can recognize a lion by its pawprint." I can recognize a BSC facist/racist by what they say and don't need proof in tripicate.
I am working behind the scenes to have an ignore function as you say. It'll be called super ignore or troll ignore and I think it's possible. The issue with it being provided initially was the hesitation due to threads looking "wonky" because a tree of replies about something might originate from someone you aren't ignoring but having quoted a person you do ignore.. happening. And the convo might appear nonsensical or there'd be a gap in the post number or something where you'd have to be like oh that's because I ignored so and so.

I personally agree it should work like that but I understand why they were hesitant to build it in that way. So, I'll see if I can pull it off and let you know. I don't think that much valuable info will be lost if you're ignoring posts from people who aren't ignored but are talking about an ignored person. Makes sense to me.

Will keep you/the forum posted.
I am working behind the scenes to have an ignore function as you say. It'll be called super ignore or troll ignore and I think it's possible. The issue with it being provided initially was the hesitation due to threads looking "wonky" because a tree of replies about something might originate from someone you aren't ignoring but having quoted a person you do ignore.. happening. And the convo might appear nonsensical or there'd be a gap in the post number or something where you'd have to be like oh that's because I ignored so and so.

I personally agree it should work like that but I understand why they were hesitant to build it in that way. So, I'll see if I can pull it off and let you know. I don't think that much valuable info will be lost if you're ignoring posts from people who aren't ignored but are talking about an ignored person. Makes sense to me.

Will keep you/the forum posted.
Rule #1: Pay no attention to anything I say.
Rule #2: See Rule #1.