Trump Voters already having buyer’s remorse.

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The arrogance of that letter. These folks can rightly fuck off a pier. I hope for an abundance of misery for all of them.
Yup. They have destroyed their relationship with the only allies they have in this country.

That said, as in the case of Latinos, lots of them voted for Harris so that should always be recognized.
The county in KY that I live in has had substantial improvements in infrastructure, jobs coming to the county via it's small manufacturing park being able to expand, numerous small businesses opening... in the last four years, yet it went to Trump 81% - 18%.

There is no immigrant invasion of the country or any counties around it. But the farmers in the county don't mind employing illegals for cheap seasonal labor and everyone is fine with that.

There are no trans athletes trying to play sports in the county or surrounding counties. Would guarantee you that 99.9% of the residents in the county have never even met a trans person.

There have been 2 or 3 bridges replaced and repairs made to others. Miles of new road laid down all over the country (you couldn't go anywhere without running into a road crew). A new state of the art elementary school is currently under construction and the other schools in the county have been given facelifts and expanded.

For the first time in forever, a few small manufacturing business have opened up shop in the county and provided local jobs. Unemployment is at lows the county hasn't seen since the 70's, when there was a large sewing factory and a couple other manufacturing businesses providing jobs before they closed. Wages in the county have increased at a rate higher than the national average.

Numerous new locally owned eateries have opened up and stay packed full with people. And eating at them isn't cheap. What you'd pay for a breakfast plate at one of these places would feed a few people if you used that money to buy the same stuff at a grocery store.

The floundering county fair has been revamped with the help of donations from local businesses and has seen it's biggest crowds ever the past two years. I'm talking about vehicles lined up for a good mile or more in both directions to get into the fair. This despite the prices to get into the fair, ride the rides .. all going up significantly.

Home construction has boomed in the county and shows no signs of slowing down. Of course this has pissed off a lot of folks who don't like these new subdivisions coming to their quiet little areas. They use the 'we like to know who our neighbors are' defense.

And this isn't recent, but the ACA reduced the number of uninsured from 30+ percent to around 10%.

And the people here see all this growth in the county and talk about how great it is (well, except the housing thing). But the county decided all that wasn't enough and voted for "change." Smgdh

And I'm sure that this is indictive of countless counties across the country. Basically, we're getting fucked by all the idiots that the GOP has brainwashed into voting against their own self interest.
Quoting myself here because I forgot to mention one prettyimportant thing - For almost 2 decades, complaints about the rural internet service in the county have been universal. Either you had service that was really slow or you didn't even have service offered to you. If you had service, it was only offered by one ISP (Windstream) and it was DSL over old copper telephone lines that usually maxed out at 10mbps. Well guess what? The Biden admin's broadband initiative has spurred 2 new ISPs to move into the county that offer hi-speed 1gig fiber internet service to many residents. This caused the old ISP (Windstream) to have to step up it's game and actually make major upgrades in order to try and keep it's customers. So almost everyone in the county now has access to real hi-speed internet.

It's probably been 2 years since I've heard a complaint about Internet service from anyone besides the old folks complaining it cost too much (hint - it doesn't). And people use to flood the local news paper's letters to the editor section with complaint after complaint about the poor internet service.
This x1000. Thank you for providing a dose of reality. All politics in America have become identity politics.
Yeah. And when the wheels fall off the wagon over the next four years and the next election rolls around, the GOP can count on very similar numbers in the county for their next nominee.

I imagine the excuse will be something along the lines of "Biden made such a mess that Trump couldn't clean it up in four years, so let's give ole JD Vance a chance to fit it."
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Maybe but could also end very badly for Trump and his sycophants. Destroying the country and economy can have consequences.

I will have popcorn ready assuming my emaciated self doesn’t raid the popcorn first.
There is nothing he can do to lose his adoring cult followers. Nothing. He could burn a bible on live TV. He could wipe his arse with the pages. He could eat a baby like a Big Kahuna Burger and enjoy a tasty Diet Coke to wash it down and his cult would not flinch. They are beyond saving. He could light their house on fire with Maw Maw still inside and they'd wonder why the Democrats did this to them. They are beyond saving.
There is nothing he can do to lose his adoring cult followers. Nothing. He could burn a bible on live TV. He could wipe his arse with the pages. He could eat a baby like a Big Kahuna Burger and enjoy a tasty Diet Coke to wash it down and his cult would not flinch. They are beyond saving. He could light their house on fire with Maw Maw still inside and they'd wonder why the Democrats did this to them. They are beyond saving.
All true. And I'd like to see it all happen... as long as ChapelHillSooner will share their popcorn while we watch on the TV


In a video obtained by CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski during Huckabee’s 2015 run for president, Huckabee suggested that if a Palestinian state were to be created, it should be in neighboring countries like Egypt, Syria or Jordan, rather than within Israel’s borders.

“Basically, there really is no such thing as — I need to be careful about saying this, because people will really get upset — there’s really no such thing as a Palestinian,” Huckabee said at a 2008 campaign stop in Massachusetts while speaking to two Orthodox Jewish men. “There’s not.”

In response to a question from one of the men about the possibility of a Palestinian state existing outside of Israel, Huckabee said he believed this was the preferable option.

“You have Arabs and Persians,” Huckabee continued at the 2008 appearance. “And there’s such complexity in that. But there’s really no such thing. That’s been a political tool to try and force land away from Israel.”

I think what people often miss about MAGA is that it dominance cosplay. Again, it's worth considering the common themes in all of Trump's presidential runs. It's always about other people paying us for the privilege of serving us. Mexico paying for the wall; foreigners paying through the nose to do business in America; NATO paying us; etc. etc.

MAGAs think this will work because it works on them. Trump shits on them; they love it; they ask for more. The relationship between Trumpers and Trump is not all that different than intimate partner violence.

So of course Trumpers then turn around and try to repay that in their personal lives. They expect to be able to do and say unspeakable things to us, and we will roll over and give them what they crave just like they rolled over for Trump. That's the story.

I first realized this in 16 when I saw how the mouth-breathers were using Trump's victory aggressively. Remember the guy banned from Delta flights because he started shouting "Trump, bitches" at other passengers? There were kids across the country who were using Trump to bully Hispanic kids in school (I know; I was there). Now look at the reactions from every single one of our GOP posters. It's basically regurgitated, "Scoreboard!"

That's what MAGA is all about. Dominance and submission. Scapegoating of the other. Liberatory hatred. It has never been about jobs, about returning manufacturing, about inflation, about cost of living -- it's not about any of that. And one way to know that is that Trump never did anything about those things and he lost no support for failing to do so. None.

In a video obtained by CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski during Huckabee’s 2015 run for president, Huckabee suggested that if a Palestinian state were to be created, it should be in neighboring countries like Egypt, Syria or Jordan, rather than within Israel’s borders.

“Basically, there really is no such thing as — I need to be careful about saying this, because people will really get upset — there’s really no such thing as a Palestinian,” Huckabee said at a 2008 campaign stop in Massachusetts while speaking to two Orthodox Jewish men. “There’s not.”

In response to a question from one of the men about the possibility of a Palestinian state existing outside of Israel, Huckabee said he believed this was the preferable option.

“You have Arabs and Persians,” Huckabee continued at the 2008 appearance. “And there’s such complexity in that. But there’s really no such thing. That’s been a political tool to try and force land away from Israel.”
Those Arabs sure seem practiced at sucking up to monarchs. They bootlick impressively. Hmm, maybe that's because those skills are required in the region from where they hail?

We have to wake up to the fact that immigrants bring their cultural expectations with them (which has been happening since the beginning of immigration). It's not blaming anyone to observe that people who grow up with authoritarian governments all around them are likely going to be more tolerant of authoritarianism. In fact, they will probably pre-emptively reach for it. Likewise, people who come from cultures where fluffing the monarch is an important skill are likely to view the world that way.

It would be nice if they could recognize those tendencies and recalibrate in their adopted homeland, but that's a tall order -- especially for older people. It's more likely that we are going to have to adjust our expectations. This is what has been done in the past.

Yea, it’s the voter’s fault. That’s just the kind of arrogance, tone deafness, and being completely out of touch with reality that got you your ass handed to you.. but by all means, keep finding excuses rather than face reality.
Yea, it’s the voter’s fault. That’s just the kind of arrogance, tone deafness, and being completely out of touch with reality that got you your ass handed to you.. but by all means, keep finding excuses rather than face reality.
Most of us blame the cravenness of the press.
Yea, it’s the voter’s fault. That’s just the kind of arrogance, tone deafness, and being completely out of touch with reality that got you your ass handed to you.. but by all means, keep finding excuses rather than face reality.
Ya know, I don’t remember the media and people like you talking about how of touch republicans were with reality when they lost the popular vote in 2008 or 2012 or 2016 or 2020

I imagine the excuse will be something along the lines of "Biden made such a mess that Trump couldn't clean it up in four years, so let's give ole JD Vance a chance to fit it."
To which I will say "fuck that." It's amazing how fast and how much policy an administration can deliver without any checks and balances. If R takes the House as well, and it looks like it will, anything that can't get cleaned up in four years ain't ever gonna get cleaned up. #noexcuses2028
Yea, it’s the voter’s fault. That’s just the kind of arrogance, tone deafness, and being completely out of touch with reality that got you your ass handed to you.. but by all means, keep finding excuses rather than face reality.
I don’t think it’s arrogant, tone deaf, or being out of touch to say that voters were not properly informed about important issues or about the respective candidates’ position on those issues. I have said all along that the Democratic Party has itself to blame for not doing a better job of messaging, meeting working class voters where they are, talking to working class voters like normal people, etc. I have also said that the Republican Party, and more specifically its associated media apparatus, is to blame for flooding the zone with a torrent of outright bullshit and lies and misinformation designed to confuse, inflame, and obfuscate to voters. But clearly it worked, and clearly it won them the election, and clearly the whole point of elections is to win them by whatever means necessary.

By the way, I would probably be a little more judicious in the whole “ass kicking” thing. Trump did not even win a plurality of the votes, has one of the smallest popular vote margins ever in the history of United States presidential elections, and had down ballot Democrats perform much, much better across the country than they otherwise should have in a cycle where the Republican presidential ticket won. My biggest hope is that folks like you and the rest of the GOP will continue strutting around as if you won some sort of landslide mandate, and I hope that Trump and the Republicans will govern accordingly. That is exactly what the Democratic Party should be hoping happens right now because 2026 and 2028 cycles are coming soon, and voters really don’t like the actual policy implementations that the Trump administration plans- repeal of the ACA, slashing of Social Security and disability benefits, reduction of veterans benefits, politicization of the military, etc.
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I think what people often miss about MAGA is that it dominance cosplay. Again, it's worth considering the common themes in all of Trump's presidential runs. It's always about other people paying us for the privilege of serving us. Mexico paying for the wall; foreigners paying through the nose to do business in America; NATO paying us; etc. etc.

MAGAs think this will work because it works on them. Trump shits on them; they love it; they ask for more. The relationship between Trumpers and Trump is not all that different than intimate partner violence.

So of course Trumpers then turn around and try to repay that in their personal lives. They expect to be able to do and say unspeakable things to us, and we will roll over and give them what they crave just like they rolled over for Trump. That's the story.

I first realized this in 16 when I saw how the mouth-breathers were using Trump's victory aggressively. Remember the guy banned from Delta flights because he started shouting "Trump, bitches" at other passengers? There were kids across the country who were using Trump to bully Hispanic kids in school (I know; I was there). Now look at the reactions from every single one of our GOP posters. It's basically regurgitated, "Scoreboard!"

That's what MAGA is all about. Dominance and submission. Scapegoating of the other. Liberatory hatred. It has never been about jobs, about returning manufacturing, about inflation, about cost of living -- it's not about any of that. And one way to know that is that Trump never did anything about those things and he lost no support for failing to do so. None.
On your last few sentences, I am not sure the average MAGA knows that stuff. These people are glued to Fox News. They get propaganda fed to them every night. When it is a Republican in office it is about how great the economy is, how low the crime rate is, etc. When it is a Democrat in office it is about how horrible the economy is, how high the crime rate is, etc. The actual metrics don't matter because they are constantly being fed lies.

That is why I push back when people say all MAGAs are racist, etc. They are just reacting to the world as their media tells them it is.

That is not to say that there isn't a lot of truth with what you say about many in the MAGA movement but it isn't universal by any stretch.