Trump doesn’t have the slightest clue about Middle East politics. This idiotic idea to treat Gaza as if it’s some undeveloped property in Atlantic City is going to get untold thousands of Americans (citizens and soldiers) killed.
With regards to the Middle East, our one advantage has always been that we had an ocean separating us from the hostilities there, and that we only ever participated in the politics there on the periphery, influencing or aiding from afar. Even that ended up costing us thousands of lives on 9/11 and the subsequent Afghani and Iraqi wars that followed us a result.
Now, Trump wants to literally kick the Palestinians out of their homeland and take direct control of the region. That can only be done with military backup, and it now involves us being smack dab in the middle of the hostilities in the most unstable region in the entire world.
We finally got our troops out of Afghanistan, and now The Great Negotiator is going to negotiate us right back into an even more hostile military mission in Gaza, trying to defend it against an entire region that wants to see us and Israel wiped off the map.