I think our lack of height finally caught up with us last night, as did our habit of slow starts. It's hard to come all the way back against a deep, athletic team like Auburn. Having said that, I thought I chances last night were not great, mainly because just one day before we managed to dig deep and come back from an 18-point halftime deficit, and that takes a lot out of a team. It doesn't surprise me that we didn't seem to have the same energy and competitiveness that we did the night before. Hopefully we still have something left in the tank for Michigan State. At least this grind is good preparation for the NCAA tournament, and I still think that overall we're in good shape.
And for what it's worth, I ventured over to the IC free basketball board after the game and was not surprised at the overwhelming negativity. There was even a "UNC" poster (and obvious dookie troll, imo) who pointed out yet again that we're becoming Indiana or UCLA. And comparisons between our football and basketball programs both being poorly coached and going downhill. No mention, of course, of our great comeback the night before against Dayton. That board is simply filled with chicken littles - even when we win they're miserable and hate Hubert. LOL.